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Mayhaps satellites who are fluent in Japanese can explain the pun he made here? Lae has her theory tho, I don't have mine at all, but he is super cute at the end so it must be an excellent pun :grin:


Edit: Video with better quality here





This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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49 minutes ago, Melodie said:


Mayhaps satellites who are fluent in Japanese can explain the pun he made here? Lae has her theory tho, I don't have mine at all, but he is super cute at the end so it must be an excellent pun :grin:


Edit: Video with better quality here





Lae's theory for those who don't want to visit twitter.

Original (?) Punzuru (lol)


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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Is it my imagination but I recently saw a video of Yuzu at age seventeen.  I know it's more or less impossible, but it seems to me he's gotten better-looking in the few years between then and now.  His face has filled out and his physique has lost its adolescent gangliness.  What do you think?

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6 hours ago, amylance1215 said:

Please excuse my bombardment of posts 0:)


 Edit1: more translation 


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].

Aww this is making me cry. :crybaby:He is both such a beacon of hope but also a mature, introspective, empathetic soul. It's like he's lived 1000 years in his short 26. 

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4 minutes ago, micaelis said:

Is it my imagination but I recently saw a video of Yuzu at age seventeen.  I know it's more or less impossible, but it seems to me he's gotten better-looking in the few years between then and now.  His face has filled out and his physique has lost its adolescent gangliness.  What do you think?

I totally agree! Back then he was cute, adorable, cheeky, dorky. But now? He's still all that and more! Sexy, deadly murder look (granted he did back then to but the effect is more deadly now), manly, etc... 

If back then he made us squeal, then now he makes us swooned (and :10742290:)!!!!


5 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

Aww this is making me cry. :crybaby:He is both such a beacon of hope but also a mature, introspective, empathetic soul. It's like he's lived 1000 years in his short 26. 

He has long surpassed being the GOAT of FS. He is, like we all know, so much more than the sports. He's a symbol of kindness, integrity, perseverance, sincerity and all that is good in humanity. This is what sets him apart from so many other greats in sports, and that is why no one can ever replace him no matter how hard they try to. This man alone restores my faith in humanity. Especially when many display reckless and disrespectful behaviors in face of a very real epidemic that is killing millions.

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1 hour ago, amylance1215 said:
Lae's theory for those who don't want to visit twitter.

Original (?) Punzuru (lol)




He has formed the pun on several levels - Lae caught of it but missed one!  EDIT:  OK, I didn't look at the previous twitter - she did catch all of them!  Good for her!


He says he made mistakes on a program in which he had had confidence ( JISHIN 自信 ), and now he wants to regain his sense of "being himself" (jibun JISHIN 自分自身) by recovering his center/core (JIbun no SHIN 自分の芯).  Then he breaks out into a giggle.  This was quite good! 


In case you are having problems deciphering the Kanji, every single "shin" that he used above is represented by a character with totally different meaning.



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1 hour ago, micaelis said:

Is it my imagination but I recently saw a video of Yuzu at age seventeen.  I know it's more or less impossible, but it seems to me he's gotten better-looking in the few years between then and now.  His face has filled out and his physique has lost its adolescent gangliness.  What do you think?


57 minutes ago, amylance1215 said:

I totally agree! Back then he was cute, adorable, cheeky, dorky. But now? He's still all that and more! Sexy, deadly murder look (granted he did back then to but the effect is more deadly now), manly, etc... 

If back then he made us squeal, then now he makes us swooned (and :10742290:)!!!!


He has long surpassed being the GOAT of FS. He is, like we all know, so much more than the sports. He's a symbol of kindness, integrity, perseverance, sincerity and all that is good in humanity. This is what sets him apart from so many other greats in sports, and that is why no one can ever replace him no matter how hard they try to. This man alone restores my faith in humanity. Especially when many display reckless and disrespectful behaviors in face of a very real epidemic that is killing millions.


To be honest, what is unusual is rather that he was such a cute teenager. Most teenagers are not very good-looking, then some become handsome when growing into men. By the way, Shoma Uno too was cute as a teenager (and I do think he's still a teen in looks). Not to the same point of course.

In fact, this goes very far, because while finding nearly all babies equally cute and inspiring "must protecc' at all costs" feelings, I saw a photo of Baby Yuzu and really, I had never seen such a cute baby. And then such a cute child, then such a cute teen, and now such a beautiful (and still cute at moments) young man.

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1 hour ago, amylance1215 said:

He has long surpassed being the GOAT of FS. He is, like we all know, so much more than the sports. He's a symbol of kindness, integrity, perseverance, sincerity and all that is good in humanity. This is what sets him apart from so many other greats in sports, and that is why no one can ever replace him no matter how hard they try to. This man alone restores my faith in humanity. Especially when many display reckless and disrespectful behaviors in face of a very real epidemic that is killing millions.

He is truly someone who skates with the entire world on his shoulders. Not just Japan and not just the skating world, but the whole world. He carries expectations from athletes from other sports, ordinary people affected by natural disasters and pandemics. The expectation is not only to skate well, but to act like a guiding light and skate with beauty. I wonder if his decision to skate here and at SOI is similar to the one he made when he skated after 3/11 even though he felt like he shouldn't. Because he realized his skating was more than just his own, it was a light, a guiding north star to so many people.


On the flip side, imagine the pressure that brings... it's truly something so few people can understand. Maybe he is the only one. And yet, he's shouldered it all with unimaginable maturity and grace. Of course, hack writers and pay-per-click journalists will never bother to understand.


TL;DR: Yuzuru transcends my beliefs every day.

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