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On 12/22/2020 at 8:07 PM, Henni147 said:

For me, yes. It's a funny story:


Helsinki 2017: I was extremely nervous, especially after Yuzu's fifth place in the short. It was the first time that mom has watched him live, too. She confidently said that Yuzu would still win the whole thing. It was hard for me to believe her, but well... she was right, so I started to take her predictions more seriously from now on.


PyeongChang 2018: Mom said that Nathan will mess up and Yuzu will win, so I was relatively chilled from the beginning.


She didn't watch Saitama and Torino live. Maybe she should have... but taking care of my grandparents had top priority at that time. I can't blame her for that.


JNats 2020: She said that Yuzu will be great, so I'm chilled again.


Sorry, but I feel the urgent need to send some special thanks to my mom. It was her - once again - correct prediction about the outcome of this event that made me able to stay calm and fully enjoy Yuzu's performances this week.


She really should consider a job as a fortune teller. It's her third correct hit in a row now :surprised_pikachu:


Yuzu was absolutely magical today. I'm still in awe and can't stop rewatching this beauty of a program.



EDIT: By the way...


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8 minutes ago, Henni147 said:

I'm still in awe and can't stop rewatching this beauty of a program.

Me too, I dont know how many times I have watched it today! However many, it still isn't enough.  It's truly breath-taking, the music is just magical, I love it so much, and Yuzuru's costume - I do think he must have achieved something near the beauty he strives for, surely.

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4 hours ago, makebelieveup said:

But I think skipping the gps will be difficult to gain points for world standing. Also, I think it is still good to get ice time infront of real audience and esp going head to head with Nathan before Beijing. It's going to be more difficult and challenging but after all he is a competitor. But one thing we all know for sure is he rises above hardships. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!




2020 actually hasnt been a bad year for him. He won both 4CC and Nationals, broke a sp record, topped world standing, skated squeaky cleaned first time since gpf15, has stayed healthy and focused, scored over 300, graduated university. Every year there are blessings to be counted.

I understand the 2020 "Grand Prix" doesn't count for World Standing. So, for the 2020-2021 season, only minor international competitions and Worlds will count, isn't it?


Has Robbie Williams reacted to Yuzuru Hanyu's interpretation of his song? I searched but found nothing.


Of course I love Heaven and Earth as a program, but also his new costume (except maybe the airbrush paint a bit visible on the lower part), which I saw as flowers and birds figuring Earth as an island in Heaven/Sky. May the dark blue of the belt and gloves figure wisdom?

It was my first experience as a fanyu discovering a new program live (many thanks to @Henni147 's mother who may have decided me) and I find myself so lucky!


I have an impression of taking a bath of happiness! I am so grateful to him!

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3 hours ago, YuzuNekozuu said:

Sorry if I misunderstood... are they asking Yuzu about 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics or Tokyo's Summer Olympics? 

I'm a bit confused because the video showed Beijing 2022..


I think beijing since tokyo is summer olympics 

59 minutes ago, SitTwizzle said:

I understand the 2020 "Grand Prix" doesn't count for World Standing. So, for the 2020-2021 season, only minor international competitions and Worlds will count, isn't it?


Has Robbie Williams reacted to Yuzuru Hanyu's interpretation of his song? I searched but found nothing.


Of course I love Heaven and Earth as a program, but also his new costume (except maybe the airbrush paint a bit visible on the lower part), which I saw as flowers and birds figuring Earth as an island in Heaven/Sky. May the dark blue of the belt and gloves figure wisdom?

It was my first experience as a fanyu discovering a new program live (many thanks to @Henni147 's mother who may have decided me) and I find myself so lucky!


I have an impression of taking a bath of happiness! I am so grateful to him!

yes the gps isnt counted toward world standing this season..I believe the OP asked if Yuzu should skip next season and i think it will count next season if everything returns to normal.




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27 minutes ago, TallyT said:


Oh, the Beijing Olympics committee will be happy to hear this- they're not subtle about their wish to have him there :nod2:


As noted above, this is not the correct translation. When asked about the Olympics, he noted that, of course, Olympics would be a motivation for any athlete, but in this uncertain time - when even the fate of the summer Olympics is not secure - he wants to make an active effort at shutting off any thoughts about the Olympics.  It was clear from his tone - although he did not say so explicitly - that he felt it was (highly) inappropriate to be thinking about the Olympics when our priority focus should be on addressing the pandemic and being concerned about those who are suffering.   


The quick, short translations on Twitter tend to miss the nuance of his words, which are often subtly polite but quite forceful and clear in the direction of his meaning.  As many of you know by now (after being a fanyu), in Japanese it's possible to convey strong sentiments without making an explicit statement about it.   Hence, I find that in order to translate a short sentence from Yuzu, I have to use a long paragraph to set the context and then create the relevant "atmosphere" wherein the meaning of the short statement emerges more fully and clearly...  Perhaps this is getting of topic, but this is the essence of Yuzu, whose statements are becoming more intriguing and profound as he gains in maturity. 


PS  My apologies if I sound like I am lecturing - that is not my intent!    It's just that some of the quick translations on social media makes him sound like an odd person with quirky expressions, because a direct translation from Japanese to English is so geeky, like Yoda-talk on Star Wars.   I am not a professional translator but I want to convey a bit of the sophisticated and complex thought process that seems to lie behind his statements - which means I have to write a whole paragraph for his one short sentence....  

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I don't know how many times I've rewatched H&E, but it still leaves me in awe. It takes me to heaven and brings me back to earth when he does final pose in time with the last note. It really feels like the lovechild of Seimei and H&L -- two programs which I thought embodied Yuzu -- but somehow, it still feels completely unique and separated from its predecessors. To me, it seems that he was able to take the fierceness of Seimei and the softness and pensive qualities of H&L and combine them into something new, something that truly represents him as a whole.


And what's even more amazing is that while this performance was flawless, I feel like Yuzu can still keep growing with this program. It's already a masterpiece, but I cannot wait to see what more he can do with it.

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1 hour ago, Anni said:




Shoma about Yuzu:
"By competing after a long time, it made me realise how great he is and gave me motivation to push myself further."

I feel like not only are we the beneficiaries of having Yuzu continued to compete, but also every other skaters like Nathan and Shoma always skated better in a competition with Yuzu there. I don't care what the isu makes scoring looks like today, Yuzu is the one and only the world looks to beat. I am so grateful to still see Yuzu continuing this hard road to victory. Let's savor every single competition he sets to compete in the following two years. :cri:

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12 minutes ago, Umebachi said:


As noted above, this is not the correct translation. When asked about the Olympics, he noted that, of course, Olympics would be a motivation for any athlete, but in this uncertain time - when even the fate of the summer Olympics is not secure - he wants to make an active effort at shutting off any thoughts about the Olympics.  It was clear from his tone - although he did not say so explicitly - that he felt it was (highly) inappropriate to be thinking about the Olympics when our priority focus should be on addressing the pandemic and being concerned about those who are suffering.   


The quick, short translations on Twitter tend to miss the nuance of his words, which are often subtly polite but quite forceful and clear in the direction of his meaning.  As many of you know by now (after being a fanyu), in Japanese it's possible to convey strong sentiments without making an explicit statement about it.   Hence, I find that in order to translate a short sentence from Yuzu, I have to use a long paragraph to set the context and then create the relevant "atmosphere" wherein the meaning of the short statement emerges more fully and clearly...  Perhaps this is getting of topic, but this is the essence of Yuzu, whose statements are becoming more intriguing and profound as he gains in maturity. 


PS  My apologies if I sound like I am lecturing - that is not my intent!    It's just that some of the quick translations on social media makes him sound like an odd person with quirky expressions, because a direct translation from Japanese to English is so geeky, like Yoda-talk on Star Wars.   I am not a professional translator but I want to convey a bit of the sophisticated and complex thought process that seems to lie behind his statements - which means I have to write a whole paragraph for his one short sentence....  

Thank you for setting the context and providing your translations. I always find your translations very complete and easy to understand and informative. :thanks: 

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2 minutes ago, citrusjunos said:

I don't know how many times I've rewatched H&E, but it still leaves me in awe. It takes me to heaven and brings me back to earth when he does final pose in time with the last note. It really feels like the lovechild of Seimei and H&L -- two programs which I thought embodied Yuzu -- but somehow, it still feels completely unique and separated from its predecessors. To me, it seems that he was able to take the fierceness of Seimei and the softness and pensive qualities of H&L and combine them into something new, something that truly represents him as a whole.


And what's even more amazing is that while this performance was flawless, I feel like Yuzu can still keep growing with this program. It's already a masterpiece, but I cannot wait to see what more he can do with it.

Exactly! My friend told me she doesnt feel the music with H&E (as in both he sorta skated through it and that the music is boring). I think this music is such a difficult piece to skate to because it isnt as notey as seimei or melodic as HL. It is rather blend as a piece eventho I do appreciate the complexity in the composition, it will be difficult to translate into skating and project with the audience for Yuzu. It also lacks the climatic moment esp around the choreo seq. To me, for now the program is at 80%. I think Yuzu has always been the type of skater who develops through each competition. I would like to see some changes to the music at the end as well as more highlighted movements in the step sequence and choreo sequence. Right now, the program is a bit less epic and memorable as it has potential to be. 

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This Japanese tweeter expresses my own sentiments very well.  Hanyu-senshu is channeling the Gaia energies - male & female, earth and skies, rocks and trees, birds and flowers.   My religion is spirtuality of the natural kind... 


"I am not religious but Japanese, and cannot help but surrender to YH’s spiritual force. Shingen, the reincarnation of Bishamon himself yet herself. Heaven and Earth; wind, water, and soul of every sentient being. YH is not just performing but ‘being’. I thank him for this moment."





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17 minutes ago, Umebachi said:



PS  My apologies if I sound like I am lecturing - that is not my intent!    It's just that some of the quick translations on social media makes him sound like an odd person with quirky expressions, because a direct translation from Japanese to English is so geeky, like Yoda-talk on Star Wars.   I am not a professional translator but I want to convey a bit of the sophisticated and complex thought process that seems to lie behind his statements - which means I have to write a whole paragraph for his one short sentence....  

You certainly don't sound like you are lecturing.  I love your translations and insight to the Japanese culture and learn so much from them. Thank you. 

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The familiy crest of Lord Uesugi Shingen includes two sparrows.  It was noted among the Japanese tweeters that the back of the H&E costume has two sparrows hidden among the flowers.   


I did not know this before, but being warlords from the northern region the Uesugi family did have some relations connected with Lord Date of Sendai - Yuzu's hometown.  Many years ago, Yuzu mentioned that his favorite Sengoku daimyo (lords) are Date Masamune and Uesugi Kenshin.  The "boy" (no longer "boy"?) delves deep... 

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