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39 minutes ago, Fay said:




I can't believe Javi managed to unite the nations of Spain and Japan, inspire future generations, and promote a positive image of figure skating with friendship and good sportsmanship, all on his own, by himself, with nobody else except occasionally that Hanzuru guy who lost to him that time. A truly tremendous feat. :D

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12 hours ago, Fay said:

I don’t think so. But Ari is first and foremost a businessman, so he has profit in mind too. 

quoting you because you kindly posted the translation,but didn't he simply said Yuzuru is worshipped by show manager?of course it's because he sells tickets but It is so offensive to say?

I'm genuinely curious because I've seen the same reaction on twitter thank you.

9 hours ago, sallycinnamon said:

Full message of Yuzu for the Spain-Japan Foundation Award ceremony:



awww so soft spoken:cri:

5 hours ago, IULIANA said:


This is th link to the podcast Kiss and kry reloaded where Ambesi and Dolfini speak about SCI, Yuzuru and most imporant the topics touched in the interview given by Yuzuru, so a western media mentioning it. Maybe dear admins will decide where to place it, i.e. the interwiew thread...


3 hours ago, shanshani said:

I’m not really sure why people listen to these podcasts/shows either. I guess I never saw the appeal.


I still think we should make our own though. :P Who’s down?

I was going to answer but other have already,I just ignore them.

And as much as I still find very interesting to what Max ha to say sometimes he's very arrogant and know it all and puts me off.Angelo is way better and more knowledgeable too IMO.

Maybe Max know it all attitude influences me in the wrong  way (and maybe it's just the tone of his voice he has when he gets passionate about something)but he really seems to have a blind love for Eteri's girls(Kosto is the best for him right now)and sort of ignore the rest of the fields.

It is also true that he believes Eteri's team has a competitive mindset in winning medals ,no matter if the skaters or the program are not stuff of legends regarded like god's gift by future generations of skating fans.i think he admires the system and this is not something bad per se it's a sport after all.(this doesn't mean of course that they lack the artistic side of course because they don't...I maybe be biased by my love for ballet but I believe they couldn't even if they wanted too).

He also doesn't really like what Brian is doing with Medo ,he was pretty outspoken about it LOL

He has  a lot of respect for the whole russian field and the way rusfed organizes everythng skating and he despises Alysa's skating  a lot which to me was a little too much.

Angelo seems more cold minded in his speaking  and more open to other people opinions.

56 minutes ago, Fay said:



ok it seems I'm better to have a box of kleenex around when reading the planet....D**M Javi and Yuzu some warning maybe nex time?

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12 minutes ago, shanshani said:

Had a random thought. Does anyone else think he's going to re-debut the 4Lz at NHK? You know, to get revenge on it?


It would make sense, especially now that he's skated his current layout nearly clean.


My vote would be no, because he doesn't need it to win in that field and he's already mentioned how aware he is of what happened the last two seasons and his desire to minimize injury risk at his second grand prix, especially with the GPF so soon after NHK. It would be an unnecessary risk and putting extra pressure on himself for minimal reward. That being said, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he lulled everyone into thinking that there won't be any 4lz this season only to pull it out of his bag of tricks at the GPF. But a lot also depends on how his training is going and what he's prioritizing, so hard to say for sure.

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1 hour ago, shanshani said:

Had a random thought. Does anyone else think he's going to re-debut the 4Lz at NHK? You know, to get revenge on it?


It would make sense, especially now that he's skated his current layout nearly clean.


I'd lean more towards debuting 4A than 4Lz, his attitude on 4Lz was iffy, but this could be his revenge for not being able to land 4A at Saitama last year, which was I suspect, his ultimate goal.

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52 minutes ago, Vulnavia said:


My vote would be no, because he doesn't need it to win in that field and he's already mentioned how aware he is of what happened the last two seasons and his desire to minimize injury risk at his second grand prix, especially with the GPF so soon after NHK. It would be an unnecessary risk and putting extra pressure on himself for minimal reward. That being said, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he lulled everyone into thinking that there won't be any 4lz this season only to pull it out of his bag of tricks at the GPF. But a lot also depends on how his training is going and what he's prioritizing, so hard to say for sure.

He might not need the 4Lz to win at NHK, but he does need to practice jumping it in competition if he wants to add it at some point. He also jumped it at ACI practice, remember? So minimizing risk doesn't mean he's going to avoid it until absolutely necessary. Nathan's team is almost certainly going to proceed under the assumption that Yuzu will add it before the end of the season, so I'm not sure there's much point in lulling everyone into thinking there won't be a 4Lz. He might decide to jump 4Lz instead of 4Lo rather than going up to 5 quads though.


3 minutes ago, Salior said:


I'd lean more towards debuting 4A than 4Lz, his attitude on 4Lz was iffy, but this could be his revenge for not being able to land 4A at Saitama last year, which was I suspect, his ultimate goal.

I'm not convinced 4A is in a condition to be debuted yet. The most recent information says he's rotating it but not landing it (at all? at some kind of minimally acceptable rate? it's unclear), and while that might have changed and/or been an attempt to lower expectations, we definitely know he's landed a 4Lz recently.

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5 minutes ago, shanshani said:


He might not need the 4Lz to win at NHK, but he does need to practice jumping it in competition if he wants to add it at some point. He also jumped it at ACI practice, remember? So minimizing risk doesn't mean he's going to avoid it until absolutely necessary. Nathan's team is almost certainly going to proceed under the assumption that Yuzu will add it before the end of the season, so I'm not sure there's much point in lulling everyone into thinking there won't be a 4Lz. He might decide to jump 4Lz instead of 4Lo rather than going up to 5 quads though.


I'm not convinced 4A is in a condition to be debuted yet. The most recent information says he's rotating it but not landing it (at all? at some kind of minimally acceptable rate? it's unclear), and while that might have changed and/or been an attempt to lower expectations, we definitely know he's landed a 4Lz recently.


Then I'm not sure why he's announcing that he wants to land it in this season... surely a few months won't change the game by that much? And that each competition passed is one less chance to land it perfectly? It took him like 2-3 competitions to land the 4Lo cleanly in comp iirc, then when would he start, in GPF? 4CC? Worlds? I just confuse myself more and more lol 

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35 minutes ago, Salior said:


Then I'm not sure why he's announcing that he wants to land it in this season... surely a few months won't change the game by that much? And that each competition passed is one less chance to land it perfectly? It took him like 2-3 competitions to land the 4Lo cleanly in comp iirc, then when would he start, in GPF? 4CC? Worlds? I just confuse myself more and more lol 

Jnats (remember that competition and how Yuzu is technically supposed to attend it :P?) or 4CC would be my guess. Presumably he'd want to skate cleanly at GPF to beat Nathan/prevent Nate's scores from getting more inflated. Although if he did manage to land it, it would be a pretty big flex, haha. “Who's the quad king now?” :laughing:


A few months can be a lot. But who knows, maybe you're right, I suppose it did kind of look like Yuzu wanted to attempt 4A in ACI practice as well. It can't be in that bad of shape if he had any intention of doing that. Plus, by the time NHK rolls around it'll have been over two months since ACI. But this convo is giving me whiplash. One person is saying, no upgrade. Another is saying 4A :13877886:

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50 minutes ago, Salior said:


Then I'm not sure why he's announcing that he wants to land it in this season... surely a few months won't change the game by that much? And that each competition passed is one less chance to land it perfectly? It took him like 2-3 competitions to land the 4Lo cleanly in comp iirc, then when would he start, in GPF? 4CC? Worlds? I just confuse myself more and more lol 

He landed the first clean 4Lo the first time he attempted it in competition ever: ACI 2016, SP. But then flubbed the next few attempts. 

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10 hours ago, Fay said:



I never thought that maybe someday they would receive an award for being good teammates... and they would conclude this video with super Javi :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:


9 hours ago, fyere0 said:


I can't believe Javi managed to unite the nations of Spain and Japan, inspire future generations, and promote a positive image of figure skating with friendship and good sportsmanship, all on his own, by himself, with nobody else except occasionally that Hanzuru guy who lost to him that time. A truly tremendous feat. :D

But there might be a Japanese version of this video consists of Yuzu, Yuzu, Yuzu, and occasionally cute Javi chan. 


ETA: By the way, I had trouble watching Olympic Channel videos on PC, but after I disabled Adblocker, I could watch them. 

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22 minutes ago, yuzupon said:

He landed the first clean 4Lo the first time he attempted it in competition ever: ACI 2016, SP. But then flubbed the next few attempts. 


I meant clean by “Yuzu’s” own standards haha, there was no way he was satisfied with that 4Lo, and same goes with 4A.


I guess a more appropriate way to phrase it, is that he usually needs a few competitions to get the new jump to a standard he is satisfied with, and it’d be his regret of a lifetime if he cannot get a clean 4A on origin 

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