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16 hours ago, ZuCritter said:


Didn't see any Nessies on the ice at ACI (watching via video stream), but I'm packing these babies for Helsinki:



Those Nessies are so cute! :8232307:


11 hours ago, Yoa said:

I bought the grey one for Helsinki :rofl2:There were three different colors but I chose the grey one. I will throw it after FS. I also bought a smaller goat for SP:



I have that one too. And then I found some bigger goats, so now I have a whole herd of them. 



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2 hours ago, kaerb said:

I wholeheartedly endorse increased variety in plushies being thrown in yuzu's general direction - we saw a bunch of goats at ACI and ghislain confirmed he understood the joke, so hopefully he's going to explain it to Yuzu (I also explained it in my letter to him lolol).


This one might be a little advanced though :xD:

If Yuzu lurks here at all (some say he does), then he'll get it

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45分钟前, 4Nessie说:


'Where is my Pooh? Why am I getting goats and dinosaurs?' :judgmental:

i am thinking the same.......it should be really funning when he looking at those "Weird" toys and thinking why fans giving him 


last time in ACI when yuzu picking the gifts from the ice, i am see there are 2-3 small goats, but seems too small, he doesnt aware

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Basically I come here and I discover where I am going for vacation next year! So Strasbourg it is. Yay! Pretty close. I had to give up both European GP's this year but next year I will give it my all. 

Also, I wholeheartedly support the idea of making as many GOAT and NESSIE banners as possible to make Yuzuru understand the inside jokes better. I think he will have a good laugh <3 

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18 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:

Basically I come here and I discover where I am going for vacation next year! So Strasbourg it is. Yay! Pretty close. I had to give up both European GP's this year but next year I will give it my all. 

Also, I wholeheartedly support the idea of making as many GOAT and NESSIE banners as possible to make Yuzuru understand the inside jokes better. I think he will have a good laugh <3 

Well, I guess I can also look forward to it. Haven't visited europe for a vacation for a while. It'll be a nice change. =D

(but my french is non-existent)

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7 minutes ago, Xen said:

Well, I guess I can also look forward to it. Haven't visited europe for a vacation for a while. It'll be a nice change. =D

(but my french is non-existent)


*sighs* how long will I have to wait before Italy gets a GPF too? 

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17 minutes ago, 4Nessie said:


Well, not as long as the Czech Republic, i suppose. :LOL:


It sounds like an excuse, but really, I would love for Yuzuru to come here because he would love it so much. The nature, the sights, the people. Usually Japanese and Koreans are very amazed by Italy's warmth, because it has an atmosphere that's very different, if not completely opposite, from East Asia. 

(and as historical rivals of the French, I am jealous)

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11 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


It sounds like an excuse, but really, I would love for Yuzuru to come here because he would love it so much. The nature, the sights, the people. Usually Japanese and Koreans are very amazed by Italy's warmth, because it has an atmosphere that's very different, if not completely opposite, from East Asia. 

(and as historical rivals of the French, I am jealous)


Speaking of Italy. Have you guys heard of Andrea and Matteo Bocelli's new song: "Fall On Me"? (Ost from Disney's new film The Nutcracker) It would be nice if Yuzu skated to it someday as one of his EX. I think he'd be able to relate to it.  

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11 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


It sounds like an excuse, but really, I would love for Yuzuru to come here because he would love it so much. The nature, the sights, the people. Usually Japanese and Koreans are very amazed by Italy's warmth, because it has an atmosphere that's very different, if not completely opposite, from East Asia. 

(and as historical rivals of the French, I am jealous)

Personally, I wouldn't be able to choose between Italy and France, if I could visit only one of them. Luckily for me, I had enough opportunity to travel to both countries few times. I think Yuzu should see both. (But I suppose he would be interested more in the state of ice rink, than nature. Nature's turn is after he is done with skating.)


And to brag some more... Prague is not so bad - it has pretty much whole Central Europe combined in several meters.  So if Yuzu has a hard time choosing, I would suggest to come here.:LOL:

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We could probably write a travel guide for Yuzu. Us satellites are quite international, we can probably also tell him how to avoid crowds if he wants extreme privacy. I wonder...a travel itneniary based on his skating music?  Starting with Verona Italy due to R&J 1.0, then meandering to Paris to experience real parisienne walkways, and a trip through Poland to see Chopin's homeland?


(and um...I kind of prefer Italian food over french food.)


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