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1 hour ago, Murieleirum said:

How many months did it take for Nathan to go over those numbers? 


Yes, for the most part the PCS progression was steady for skaters then for Nathan everything went haywire but Shoma climbed pretty quickly too.


If you want fun facts about PCS, Yuzuru never equaled, never mind surpassed PCS that Dai used to get at Nationals. Yes, I mean even after Dai retired, never went as high. It is always hilarious to me considering his, well, everything, but there you go. It's going to be really interesting come this season because I wonder what they'll end up doing this time around. 

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15 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


Yes, for the most part the PCS progression was steady for skaters then for Nathan everything went haywire but Shoma climbed pretty quickly too.


If you want fun facts about PCS, Yuzuru never equaled, never mind surpassed PCS that Dai used to get at Nationals. Yes, I mean even after Dai retired, never went as high. It is always hilarious to me considering his, well, everything, but there you go. It's going to be really interesting come this season because I wonder what they'll end up doing this time around. 

By interesting, you mean there's a good chance we'll all be tearing out what little hair Yuzu has kindly left us with, then yeah, I guess so... 


Judges. Feds. Pueh.

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27 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


Yes, for the most part the PCS progression was steady for skaters then for Nathan everything went haywire but Shoma climbed pretty quickly too.


If you want fun facts about PCS, Yuzuru never equaled, never mind surpassed PCS that Dai used to get at Nationals. Yes, I mean even after Dai retired, never went as high. It is always hilarious to me considering his, well, everything, but there you go. It's going to be really interesting come this season because I wonder what they'll end up doing this time around. 


Well, the only possibility that Dai could deserve higher PCS than Yuzuru this time around... is if Dai were Yuzuru. 


I mean, justify giving higher PCS to a skater that's been away from competitions for 4 years than a two consecutive times Olympic champion... well... try. 

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26 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

By interesting, you mean there's a good chance we'll all be tearing out what little hair Yuzu has kindly left us with, then yeah, I guess so... 

Judges. Feds. Pueh.


Well, Zu has massive cachet now, with his two OGMs so that is definitely a security of a sorts. Still, I've always sort of thought, if he goes clean, the judges will give it to him but it's not just throw candy at him, as it's been with some others. I mean realistically, if anyone had skated that SP for the Olys as he did, would it really have been 111 or would we have seen a new WR?


This season with the rules change is going to be something as all sorts of things can be justified with 'we're getting used to it'. I mean the weird-o scoring at Asian Trophy today where we have gaps like IN ranging from 5.5 to 9 isn't because they suddenly forgot to score but because they're already jockeying for position. If that is a +4/9.0 there, then somewhere else, that'll be a certain skater's +4/9.0 again later in the season while objectively, we know that those last two, +4 and a +5/9.0+ should be for the top of the line only. Etc etc etc.

So in terms of Dai at Nationals I don't think he can outscore Zu but he sure can be close in terms of PCS and internationally, for all the others, who the heck knows. Lombardia here we come and that'll be the first headache as scores there and scores at ACI... 

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2 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

BTW today is the 4th, and last year, we got info about Media day on the 4th. So I'm not holding my breath as we lucked out there but ....

*commences intense foot tapping*


You're not holding your breath but you are hoarding alcohol, are you :mischief:

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5 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

BTW today is the 4th, and last year, we got info about Media day on the 4th. So I'm not holding my breath as we lucked out there but ....

*commences intense foot tapping*

It's the 5th in Japan ;) Also it being Sunday might make it unlikely to hear any news. On the other hand, Javi Raya posted something about going to Muskoka, which made me wonder if it's just him or maybe there's that group trip to Muskoka again. And maybe Yuzu will join them this time... But either way, if Brian and/or Tracy aren't in Toronto, Media day won't happen until they go back. (I also don't know if that ice show they do is an yearly thing... though last year both the ice show and group trip were at the end of August, right as Yuzu went back to Toronto).


Regarding PCS, I think if Nathan and Shoma can get the scores they get, then Daisuke might easily get as much as or even more than Yuzu. I've spent quite some time lately going over old competition threads on GS and seems Daisuke was considered by many to be more or less in the same category as Patrick (if not for the actual skating skills, then at least for interpretation and artistry). So it wouldn't be surprising if he took Patrick's spot as having high PCS, with lower TES.


After reading those posts I've kept telling myself to watch some of his programs and see what all that adoration is about, but I can't really make myself do it... But what puts me off has little to do with his skating ^_^; I guess I'll see him this season at some point anyway.


I've heard some comments here about the first uses of the new system, but to be honest, I'm too scared to check it properly lol


The one bright side for me is that I'm sure Yuzu and Brian and his whole team know he gets underscored (compared to others). And that also means they likely take it into account in everything they do. And Yuzu will always work hard to not let them underscore him too much. Like Helsinki Worlds, where he set a World Record, despite the underscoring. Of course, at some point it'll still be out of his hands, but he knows these things and I'm sure he prepares with this knowledge in mind. And because he is Yuzuru Hanyu, that only makes him stronger.

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24 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


You're not holding your breath but you are hoarding alcohol, are you 


*shifty eyes*

Shh. Shhhhh. I'll share. Shhh.



@KatjaThera ahh but it was our, Western, 4th when we got the news. It was pure luck, considering how it leaked, and I don't think we can be lucky twice in a row :68468287:

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5 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


*shifty eyes*

Shh. Shhhhh. I'll share. Shhh.



@KatjaThera ahh but it was our, Western, 4th when we got the news. It was pure luck, considering how it leaked, and I don't think we can be lucky twice in a row :68468287:

Ah, was it? My bad then lol It's still Sunday, so... but who knows. News would be great!

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6 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

Ah, was it? My bad then lol It's still Sunday, so... but who knows. News would be great!


I only know because I went looking recently :68468287:

It would be but ... torture. It's torture time for Zu fans. Sigh. 


Apart from Zu's programs, and Jason's FS, I think we know all of it, and we've seen quite a few. So yes. Please. 

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4 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

Maybe on Monday... I have a funny feeling it's gonna be on Monday!

Cmon Zu! We are waiting and waiting here! Please! haha


Jinx. Now watch it be in September. 

All the alcohol is on you, if that happens, just so you know. 


(for the record, I am joking. Honestly. I still think there's a chance for next week but we won't know ahead by more than maybe a day)

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