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he looks so small:embSwan: how can he look so small next to a kid:tumblr_inline_mzx8zzarLt1r8msi5:

the girl is cuuute, the photo is cuuute, everything is cuuuute:tumblr_inline_mfy936EPNF1qid2nw:

good thing Zuzu can't resist cute kids:biggrin:

maybe he'll drop one pic with kids per week to keep us well watered till media day :acceptable:

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I was just reading Aoi Honoo yesterday and part of that interview when he was a Novice was included there too - the part about following his sister after her short-term course, wearing a helmet, and being thrown out of the rink by the strict teacher because he wouldn't listen. I know he's talked before (Kenji no Heya) about how he sucked at jumps when he was young, and how he saw Keiji and Ryuju improve and pass him by during that time when he didn't have a home rink, but it's nice to read younger Yuzu's direct words about how he focused so hard on the Flip and Lutz and messed the other jumps up.
He's talked a couple of times about how he would do things like playing baseball with the other boys by using rolled up flyers from the receptionist desk, or getting into arguments with the older boys (he didn't know they were older). Tsuzuki sensei called him out on this in a couple of video interviews too. Like how Yuzu had no attention span ("he only paid attention for 10 minutes" and Yuzu was like "it was more like 15 minutes!"). :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:I need to go refind that video again. I think it was post-Olympics when they were talking about the 4A and quints.

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  On 7/9/2018 at 9:44 PM, TallyT said:

He snuck in while everyone was looking elsewhere... and I love that the only social media pic so far is with a little kid, that's so Yuzu...


That is so Yuzu. I thought we might get a picture from Jason like a "The gang's all here!" kind of thing, and then radio silence until media day. But of course the first photo we'd get of Yuzu back at TCC would be because a cute kid asked him nicely. :tumblr_inline_n2pje2TPZt1qdlkyg:

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I haven't seen this posted yet

ElenaC brings us ITAesp OWG Swan with sub eng

what a blessed day:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


and I'm still cackling at Max and Angelo closing comment (about people who doubted Yuzuru and disputable pre-Olys articles) :laughing:



ETA: I've also noticed the link for the Event threads index on top of the Events page, it's great! I'll find it easily now!

Thank you admins:10742289:

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