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7 minutes ago, meoima said:

I have the feeling the choice is not finalised yet. Or if it's finalised that he will use Chopin 3.0, there is not a finalised layout yet.


Oh yeah I don't think his layout is finalized either. I'm no expert with levels but the StSq didn't look complete to me and the program seems rough around the edges, still. I could already see improvements between the second and third day. And of course Yuzu wouldn't be Yuzu if he left the layout as it is after having skated it clean already, no matter how safe he wants to play it.  


I'm just wondering if the music choice wasn't finalized either before it was one-sidedly released by management? 


eta: Although I must say I am starting to like the idea of Chopin 3.0. 

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@hamaguri Yeah. Thats why I think its might not the final decision yet. Recycle programs are normal but for the 3rd time, its a bit rare. So everyone want to hear his thought and the Faoi interview is the best chance. I' m used to be a journalist, and if I was there, i couldnt wait to ask him about it. But instead, we got very little infos. From my experience, its might be he/ his team avoid the question or request media not to ask about it. But I could be wrong since I dont know much about japanese media.

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3 minutes ago, Katt said:

@hamaguri Yeah. Thats why I think its might not the final decision yet. Recycle programs are normal but for the 3rd time, its a bit rare. So everyone want to hear his thought and the Faoi interview is the best chance. I' m used to be a journalist, and if I was there, i couldnt wait to ask him about it. But instead, we got very little infos. From my experience, its might be he/ his team avoid the question or request media not to ask about it. But I could be wrong since I dont know much about japanese media.

I just find it very weird... cause Shirota would not go against Yuzuru's idea and decided to tell the media on her own, would she? 

And Yuzuru does not have to reveal his SP for the Olympic season this early, don't you think? Yes everyone is showing their "new" (or recyled) programs, but Yuzuru does not have to and he is not obligated to. He can wait until August and tell them his choices for next season as usual.

And his rely to the media sounds vague too. In the Kiss and Cry magazine's shortcut, he or Shirota did say something about "the challenge is upgrade the layout and everything."

I don't know why it sounds so weird. He is very serious about skating Chopin clean I am sure about it. But at the same time I don't get the reluctant and concious attitude about the SP for next season either. 

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24 分ぐらい, Katt said:

@hamaguri Yeah. Thats why I think its might not the final decision yet. Recycle programs are normal but for the 3rd time, its a bit rare. So everyone want to hear his thought and the Faoi interview is the best chance. I' m used to be a journalist, and if I was there, i couldnt wait to ask him about it. But instead, we got very little infos. From my experience, its might be he/ his team avoid the question or request media not to ask about it. But I could be wrong since I dont know much about japanese media.

It's highly possible that Japanese media questioned and asked "the third time use of 1 program is pretty rare,  why do you dare to do such a choice in this Olympic season?  but so far we havent had any direct answer to it.   they just answered this is the program which yuzuru is good at most, etc...

Anyway, let's wait for a while.  New information will come out gradually.

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i'm so into their strategy of 'go clean consistently in SP to help the score in the LP and go crazy there instead' that this talk about upgrading to 4Lz AND a completely new SP makes me nervous.... :smiley-scared005:

i hope if he brings 4Lz he'll still skate to chopin or if a new SP will actually be produced he'll stick with 4Lo, bc at least the possibility of clean streak back to back (GPF-National-Oly team-Oly single) is not as low as a new SP+4Lz :smiley-scared008:


regardless i'll still pray for clean SP everytime (but at least a familiar SP n layout wont give that much problem for my heart :sadPooh:)

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@meoima oh I just feel his words are a bit vague and surprise by the way japanese media follow up the news. But as @hamaguri said, we might know it later. Maybe its a bit different from my country's media system. I said many times from Friday I'm ok with ballade 3.0, I just want to know the reason come from Yuzu's mouth. Thats it. 

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11 minutes ago, swanbeau said:

i'm so into their strategy of 'go clean consistently in SP to help the score in the LP and go crazy there instead' that this talk about upgrading to 4Lz AND a completely new SP makes me nervous.... :smiley-scared005:

i hope if he brings 4Lz he'll still skate to chopin or if a new SP will actually be produced he'll stick with 4Lo, bc at least the possibility of clean streak back to back (GPF-National-Oly team-Oly single) is not as low as a new SP+4Lz :smiley-scared008:


regardless i'll still pray for clean SP everytime (but at least a familiar SP n layout wont give that much problem for my heart :sadPooh:)


I feel it's far more likely to use 4Lz in the SP if he keeps Chopin than if he has a new SP. The chances of going clean even with 4Lz are higher if he has a known quantity to which melody and timings he's more familiar with than if he has a new music that might end up giving him timing issues all over again. In the case of a new SP, I'd expect 4Lo to remain. At this point, I'm even thinking he might stick to the 4Lo for maximum cleanliness even with Chopin but in that case I seriously hope he innovates and upgrades more in the FS (4Lz, maybe 5 quads) in order to not allow much room for the judges to score other's higher tech enough to surpass what advantages he might have in GOEs/PCS. 

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(Good morning!)

I think the only 'clear' statement we got from Yuzuru from the Faoi interview was that he sees the 4T3T combination in the second half of the program as an 'attack'. An offensive move. So, I guess... that's the only confirmation we have - that he'll keep that combination in the second half, no matter what layout/musical changes they will make. 

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I've been meaning to ask: what's the general opinion about the re-use of Chopin in the Japanese, Chinese, Russian, etc. SNS/forums? And if slightly apprehensive/negative, has it changed after seeing the two Chopin 3.0 programs we've had access to lately (the stream and the clean SP)?

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Imagine the reactions if he showed up at Rostelecom with a brand new SP, while everyone expects Chopin...


I don't know what to think now. I'd still love a new program - or even him challenging LGC again, because I'm still sure when he reaches with that the same level he reached with PW and Chopin, it will be mind blowing; it already is, actually, IMO - but I also now really get re-using Chopin. While he made us all go WTF? on Friday, I think he also made his rivals go "Of, F**k!" Because he'd have a big head start over them.


I wonder if he does have a clear plan now, or if what he showed us is more of a backup plan. Even with technical upgrades by the other quadsters, Chopin is a pretty good backup plan. Beyond that, he's free to experiment. But I do wonder what happened to letting Jeffrey pick. Did Jeffrey pick this? And if so, why? There are many unanswered questions.


But I do think it's too early for Yuzuru to publicly commit to anything, so it's probably good he's being vague. On the other hand, like I said earlier, announcing Chopin as the new SP was probably more of a scare tactic. One maybe he doesn't really agree with it, because I don't think Yuzu is the type to play mind games. That might also be why he has yet to confirm Shirota's words. I do wish he'd say something, though, even if it was: "Nothing's decided yet, except 4T3T." Though that'd imply Shirota lied and that's way too rude for him. So he'll probably stay quiet and if it turns differently, just say he changed his mind...

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4 minutes ago, xeyra said:

I've been meaning to ask: what's the general opinion about the re-use of Chopin in the Japanese, Chinese, Russian, etc. SNS/forums? And if slightly apprehensive/negative, has it changed after seeing the two Chopin 3.0 programs we've had access to lately (the stream and the clean SP)?

for Chinese, I'm not sure about before but I see many comments about how the king is back after the clean Chopin. people are saying that Chopin suits yuzu the best, it gives of the perfect ice prince feeling.

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29 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:

(Good morning!)

I think the only 'clear' statement we got from Yuzuru from the Faoi interview was that he sees the 4T3T combination in the second half of the program as an 'attack'. An offensive move. So, I guess... that's the only confirmation we have - that he'll keep that combination in the second half, no matter what layout/musical changes they will make. 

i was surprised he used the word "attack,' sounds like shoma, so i think he knows he needs to be aggressive with the tech in order to win

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2 minutes ago, fluffypooh said:

i was surprised he used the word "attack,' sounds like shoma, so i think he knows he needs to be aggressive with the tech in order to win


I was surprised as well. To be honest, it said attack in the english translation, but I am not sure he used that specific word. I think I'm gonna go back and try to listen/read the precise wording xD 

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