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24 minutes ago, ruruzest said:

You can upload the pic in imgur then use the link to post here

i can only embed the link from my computer , not from my mobile though 

hope it helps


im not crying 

Those jump landings...:10640793:


10 minutes ago, swan said:

lol i have to write a 1-3 minute speech for a class & i wanna do it on hanyu but there's so much to talk about i don't even know where to start XD

Talk about his philosophy in approaching life, start with his quotes, for example, "I hate it when I am weak, but having weakness means I can be stronger", then tie it in with his struggle to achieve success. You should probably not take any advice from me, cz I am notorious for turning a speech into a rambling.:headdesk2:

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Just looking at all the stuff going on right now.  The ice show is this weekend, the Sendai celebration next weekend, the traveling exhibition is getting set to be launched.  I realize all this is happening in Japan, but is there any other athlete in any sport on the planet who is responsible for what essentially is a bona fide industry?  The number of books being published, the TV attractions, the travelling museum, all this testifies to the fact that Yuzu, at least in Japan, is virtually a god there.  There are, of course, groups in that country who are the partisans of other skaters and, indeed, other athletes in general.  We are seeing what is essentially a full-blown industry that has come into being primarily to feed a huge fandom's incessant hunger for things Yuzu.  I would say, though, that outside of Japan there are those in figure skating whose admiration for him is just as passionate, but they are essentially loners, since figure-skating is not a widely followed sport there.  I've tried to think of any athletes outside of Japan who might have inspired as much widespread devotion as Yuzu.  I don't know anything about soccer (except knowing that everywhere outside the US it's called 'football'), so I can't say anything about soccer stars, so going over a mental list of prominent athletes (Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, etc) the only person I could come up with was Wayne Gretzky, who like Yuzu is considered a Canadian national treasure. 


One of my real interests in the Yuzu world is the breadth and intensity of his fandom, which spills well beyond the borders of Japan and is found all over the world (at least in those places where there is some awareness of figure-skating).  In looking at the Yuzu phenomenon the best analogy I can come up with is Beatlemania, which to most of those here on the Planet is something that took place well before they were born.  I was living in the midst of it (although never part of it, my music has always been classical) and so can say while the details were different the dynamics were the same.  There was something like that also, but not to the extent of the Beatles, with the emergence of Elvis Presley.  Basically, though, I have to go along with Kurt Browning in talking of Yuzu as a 'rock star'.  That is what he is and there is no skater of the present or the past who has even come close to matching Yuzu in terms of a personality-cult phenomenon.  All Yuzu fans should be aware that they are part of a phenomenon that is unique in the annals of sport.  Years to come, I think, there will be social-historical studies of the Yuzu era.  All of us can say we were a part of that history.

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5 minutes ago, micaelis said:

I don't know anything about soccer (except knowing that everywhere outside the US it's called 'football'), so I can't say anything about soccer stars, so going over a mental list of prominent athletes (Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, etc) the only person I could come up with was Wayne Gretzky, who like Yuzu is considered a Canadian national treasure. 

Maradona, Pelé, here in Mexico Rafa Marquez and Chicharito (though it's hard to pick, mexican soccer fans are extremely passionate)... I think of soccer and i think of them. Maradona's fans even founded a church:



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48 minutes ago, BWOZWaltz said:

@ruruzest and @Hydroblade thank you!!


I don't know if this works or not but here it goes...he can get you to wherever you want in no time.

Just open that door and have a look! (if this doesn't work, I'll have to edit so shhh...)






Right click the picture in imgur, then choose 'copy link adress' and paste what you copied in here and it'll properly embed (:




Lol, now it doesn't want to embed either way '-' But that's how you're supposed to do it anyway (:

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5 minutes ago, micaelis said:

Just looking at all the stuff going on right now.  The ice show is this weekend, the Sendai celebration next weekend, the traveling exhibition is getting set to be launched.  I realize all this is happening in Japan, but is there any other athlete in any sport on the planet who is responsible for what essentially is a bona fide industry?  The number of books being published, the TV attractions, the travelling museum, all this testifies to the fact that Yuzu, at least in Japan, is virtually a god there.  There are, of course, groups in that country who are the partisans of other skaters and, indeed, other athletes in general.  We are seeing what is essentially a full-blown industry that has come into being primarily to feed a huge fandom's incessant hunger for things Yuzu.  I would say, though, that outside of Japan there are those in figure skating whose admiration for him is just as passionate, but they are essentially loners, since figure-skating is not a widely followed sport there.  I've tried to think of any athletes outside of Japan who might have inspired as much widespread devotion as Yuzu.  I don't know anything about soccer (except knowing that everywhere outside the US it's called 'football'), so I can't say anything about soccer stars, so going over a mental list of prominent athletes (Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, etc) the only person I could come up with was Wayne Gretzky, who like Yuzu is considered a Canadian national treasure. 


One of my real interests in the Yuzu world is the breadth and intensity of his fandom, which spills well beyond the borders of Japan and is found all over the world (at least in those places where there is some awareness of figure-skating).  In looking at the Yuzu phenomenon the best analogy I can come up with is Beatlemania, which to most of those here on the planet is something that took place well before they were born.  I was living in the midst of it (although never part of it, my music has always been classical) and so can say while the details were different the dynamics were the same.  There was something like that also, but not to the extent of the Beatles, with the emergence of Elvis Presley.  Basically, though, I have to go along with Kurt Browning in talking of Yuzu as a 'rock star'.  That is what he is and there is no skater of the present or the past who has even come close to matching Yuzu in terms of a personality-cult phenomenon.  All Yuzu fans should be aware that they are part of a phenomenon that is unique in the annals of sport.  Years to come, I think, there will be social-historical studies of the Yuzu era.  All of us can say we were a part of that history.

I think Roger Federer has a similar kind of following (people basically follow him around the world and no matter where he competes, he always plays at home)

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2 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Maradona, Pelé, here in Mexico Rafa Marquez and Chicharito (though it's hard to pick, mexican soccer fans are extremely passionate)... I think of soccer and i think of them. Maradona's fans even founded a church:




i remember this ,Maradona , Gullit ,...all those sleepless nights back in VN gathering around the small tv to watch with friends and family !

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