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11 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

you have to click the program you want to save, play it and right click the player--->download. Sometimes it takes a bit to make it work.

Hahaha when i think of latin artists i think of one that doesn't seem to be as well known as those two  but i had the chance of watch live and damn he can dance, his music is very energetic too:rofl:

rightclicking doesn't do anything for me :english2: does it work with every browser?

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1 hour ago, WinForPooh said:

I would be quite happy if he did a completely Tokyo Ghoul-themed SP or FS, too. I want him to do programmes that let him have a blast. He should do exactly what he wants and give zero f*cks. If anybody has earned that right...


If the day should come when Unravel sounds the arena, I can't imagine the kind of goosebumps I'll have. Maybe mixed with Glassy Sky also ahhhh~

In fact, if he makes a comeback with any of his most popular MAD songs, I thinkI''ll be an emotional wrecked puddle :13877886:

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Just now, micaelis said:

I think of those and I am personally convinced that Yuzu is consciously pursuing becoming the GOAT (though not telling anyone about it).  



I'm not quite sure you understand Yuzuru very well. And he's not pursuing. Otherwise he wouldn't name Plushenko as the one when people try to call him GOAT. 

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1 minute ago, VyVy99 said:


If the day should come when Unravel sounds the arena, I can't imagine the kind of goosebumps I'll have. Maybe mixed with Glassy Sky also ahhhh~

In fact, if he makes a comeback with any of his most popular MAD songs, I thinkI''ll be an emotional wrecked puddle :13877886:

For some reason I read that as emotional wrecked poodle and I was a little puzzled for a moment. :rofl:



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16 minutes ago, micaelis said:

I've had a couple of responses to my contention that Yuzu would want something spectacular to set the pace for next season, thinking it might be a command of all six quads.  The responses basically said that Yuzu's holding of two Olympic golds, two World Championships and sundry others were enough to make the case for him.  My own reasoning was based on the fact that he wanted PC to be a 'landslide', he wanted to bury his opponents in much the same way he had done so in NHK and GPF 2015, and indeed I think his choice of Seimei and Chopin, his two most successful programs, was for him a means to precipitate such a desired landslide.  It didn't happen that way and while Yuzu's public statements afterward said he was satisfied with the result (who wouldn't be, after all, he won it, didn't he?) I think inside he wasn't satisfied.  I remember statements he made on more than one occasion some time ago where he talked of being the 'absolute champion'. 


I think of those and I am personally convinced that Yuzu is consciously pursuing becoming the GOAT (though not telling anyone about it).  With that in mind, and this season almost history, I am thinking that Yuzu likely feels he has to do something from the very beginning of the upcoming season to establish himself as King of the Mountain once again, since he has been essentially a monarch in absentia this season.  A command of all six quads would certainly make the statement, but I admit there are probably other things he could do to achieve the same effect, double quad combinations being my second choice.  However he does it, I am really convinced that Yuzu psychologically needs something, in his eyes at least, to regain the momentum he essentially lost this season.  He won the Olympics, but he wasn't even in the GPF this year, so his fifth straight GPF was out of reach and he didn't do Worlds this year because of the persistent problems with his ankle.  Thus my reasoning is not based on how the world views his achievements but on his own personal (and very private) assessment, an opinion I based on public statements he made both in regards to being 'absolute champion' in the past and wanting to win with a landslide in PC.  He had only a half-landslide there, that in the SP, but the FS was flawed, much as it had been in Sochi after a perfect SP and a flawed FS.


Nobody doubts that Yuzu is a perfectionist, a perfectionist who thrives on reaching higher goals than others make for themselves and doing so as perfectly as possible.  Johnny Weir said it perfectly one time when commenting that 'he skates against himself - what's harder than that?'  In a certain sense Yuzu is a tenth judge assessing every skate he does, the one judge who stays with him from competition to competition and it is that judge he wants most to satisfy.  Yuzu got the gold in PC but he didn't get the skate he wanted there nor did he get the season he wanted there.  The season he wants is what he had the last season he skated on the Junior level, when, in the words of one commentator, I'm not sure who, 'he won everything in sight'.  He hasn't had a season like that since.  I really think that that is what he needs to validate to himself that he is the 'absolute champion', and taking into account Yuzu's penchant for strategizing I think he feels he has to do something spectacular from day one in his first competition this upcoming season to intimidate his opposition and having them playing catch-up the entire season.  There are those who say that Yuzu doesn't have to prove himself to the world, based on his record.  He doesn't have to prove anything to the world, I'll admit, but that tenth judge demands a higher standard of proof.


And yet, his own words belie your view of how he feels about his achievements this season. He says he has no regrets. He said he was happy with his achievement because he won against himself. Everything else expressed here is pure conjecture that does not hold up to his actual words or his demeanour after that free skate.


I can't tell if you don't really get just how huge a goal the 4A is, or if you understand and still don't think it's not an adequate higher goal for a perfectionist? 


As for your assessment of his season, I mean, read this again:



He won the Olympics, but he wasn't even in the GPF this year, so his fifth straight GPF was out of reach and he didn't do Worlds this year because of the persistent problems with his ankle. 


The Olympics is a greater goal than either of those things. You could win ten straight GPFs and four straight Worlds but no Olympics and the lack of Olympic gold would always be an asterisk. But it doesn't work the other way round. He could've won both GPF and Worlds, not won the Olympics this season, and it would've been considered a failure of a season for him by most of the world. Nathan Chen might win both GPF and Worlds, do you really think that would make his season one with more momentum or success than Yuzuru Hanyu's second OGM? If you do, I'll just disagree SO MUCH yet again.


ETA: I have harsh words for any actual Hanyu fan who calls his free skate this time flawed and compares it to Sochi, btw. Hanyu fans are supposed to know what went into that, and how it came to be. To call it flawed is, well, a flawed analysis. 

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47 minutes ago, micaelis said:

I've had a couple of responses to my contention that Yuzu would want something spectacular to set the pace for next season, thinking it might be a command of all six quads.  The responses basically said that Yuzu's holding of two Olympic golds, two World Championships and sundry others were enough to make the case for him.  My own reasoning was based on the fact that he wanted PC to be a 'landslide', he wanted to bury his opponents in much the same way he had done so in NHK and GPF 2015, and indeed I think his choice of Seimei and Chopin, his two most successful programs, was for him a means to precipitate such a desired landslide.  It didn't happen that way and while Yuzu's public statements afterward said he was satisfied with the result (who wouldn't be, after all, he won it, didn't he?) I think inside he wasn't satisfied.  I remember statements he made on more than one occasion some time ago where he talked of being the 'absolute champion'. 


I think of those and I am personally convinced that Yuzu is consciously pursuing becoming the GOAT (though not telling anyone about it).  With that in mind, and this season almost history, I am thinking that Yuzu likely feels he has to do something from the very beginning of the upcoming season to establish himself as King of the Mountain once again, since he has been essentially a monarch in absentia this season.  A command of all six quads would certainly make the statement, but I admit there are probably other things he could do to achieve the same effect, double quad combinations being my second choice.  However he does it, I am really convinced that Yuzu psychologically needs something, in his eyes at least, to regain the momentum he essentially lost this season.  He won the Olympics, but he wasn't even in the GPF this year, so his fifth straight GPF was out of reach and he didn't do Worlds this year because of the persistent problems with his ankle.  Thus my reasoning is not based on how the world views his achievements but on his own personal (and very private) assessment, an opinion I based on public statements he made both in regards to being 'absolute champion' in the past and wanting to win with a landslide in PC.  He had only a half-landslide there, that in the SP, but the FS was flawed, much as it had been in Sochi after a perfect SP and a flawed FS.


Nobody doubts that Yuzu is a perfectionist, a perfectionist who thrives on reaching higher goals than others make for themselves and doing so as perfectly as possible.  Johnny Weir said it perfectly one time when commenting that 'he skates against himself - what's harder than that?'  In a certain sense Yuzu is a tenth judge assessing every skate he does, the one judge who stays with him from competition to competition and it is that judge he wants most to satisfy.  Yuzu got the gold in PC but he didn't get the skate he wanted there nor did he get the season he wanted there.  The season he wants is what he had the last season he skated on the Junior level, when, in the words of one commentator, I'm not sure who, 'he won everything in sight'.  He hasn't had a season like that since.  I really think that that is what he needs to validate to himself that he is the 'absolute champion', and taking into account Yuzu's penchant for strategizing I think he feels he has to do something spectacular from day one in his first competition this upcoming season to intimidate his opposition and having them playing catch-up the entire season.  There are those who say that Yuzu doesn't have to prove himself to the world, based on his record.  He doesn't have to prove anything to the world, I'll admit, but that tenth judge demands a higher standard of proof.


Your are neglecting the experiences Yuzuru had in the last few years and its effect on his thinking and personality. Reading your post made me think of a kid Yuzu who hasn't gone through the pain of injuries and struggled the way 23 year old Yuzuru did. Each and every thing he had experienced in the past years has had an effect on his personality and changed him in some way and I think that this season in particular may have a life changing impact on him. If you factor in everything he's been through you will find that Yuzu now is probably really satisfied with himself and not as upset as you think. Again, I don't know what he thinks and I am only guessing but I truly believed that he matured a lot and is more aware of his abilities and limitations, he will not push himself into unnecessary risk to prove himself when he already did it ten times over. Aso, being a perfectionist does not mean you don't compromise because that is the first lesson life teaches you.


One last thing, Yuzu did win by a landslide. the men's competition was the only one with a big difference in points and he did it with a watered down layout and a bad injury. Yuzuru knows more than anyone else how much he has sacrificed for that win and if you add it to the score you will see that he won with the biggest margin ever. That was a victory over his rivals, his injury, and everyone who ever dismissed him and no win can be bigger than that.

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1 hour ago, Forcefield said:

I'm all for Yuzu doing a fun EX again, but if he wants to do serious I'm all in for a fan dance to a Japanese song. His playfulness with it during Olys gala made me really want it. Would prefer it as a competitive program but don't think they allow objects like folding fans as part of the program.


It would have to be an EX since props are not allowed in competition events. That would be really cool to see though and it would lend to Yuzu wanting to use more Japanese music in his programs. 

1 hour ago, 5expressions said:

Does anyone have the link to the MAD shared a while back with clips from the olympics, set to the la la land audition song?


And if we are casting our votes for out there exhibition music then I want him to skate to Rihanna’s love on the brain


I first read this as "love on the brian" and my brain was very confused. 

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28 minutes ago, Neenah said:

Your are neglecting the experiences Yuzuru had in the last few years and its effect on his thinking and personality. Reading your post made me think of a kid Yuzu who hasn't gone through the pain of injuries and struggled the way 23 year old Yuzuru did. Each and every thing he had experienced in the past years has had an effect on his personality and changed him in some way and I think that this season in particular may have a life changing impact on him. If you factor in everything he's been through you will find that Yuzu now is probably really satisfied with himself and not as upset as you think. Again, I don't know what he thinks and I am only guessing but I truly believed that he matured a lot and is more aware of his abilities and limitations, he will not push himself into unnecessary risk to prove himself when he already did it ten times over. Aso, being a perfectionist does not mean you don't compromise because that is the first lesson life teaches you.


One last thing, Yuzu did win by a landslide. the men's competition was the only one with a big difference in points and he did it with a watered down layout and a bad injury. Yuzuru knows more than anyone else how much he has sacrificed for that win and if you add it to the score you will see that he won with the biggest margin ever. That was a victory over his rivals, his injury, and everyone who ever dismissed him and no win can be bigger than that.

OK, I'll admit that I was operating from a vantage point that was not taking into account that Yuzu has changed over the years.  I'll take everyone's word over my own limited observations.  I've been only involved with Yuzu since I discovered him roughly a year ago.  I'll defer to those who are armed with better information and longer exposure with him than I have and who actually know much more about figure skating than I do.  My training in literary analysis was what I was using to read the subtext of Yuzu's biography.  My problem was that real biographies tend to be much more messy than those depicted in a novel or film or whatever.  I just didn't have enough data to legitimately reach the conclusions I reached so I'll defer to those who really do know more than I do.  I probably needed this lesson in humility, one comparable to that lesson Nathan Chen received in PC.  I have a tendency to indulge in speculation and such speculation is not always based on sufficient source materials.  That was the case here.  If I engage in such in the future I actually would like correction.  That's what I welcomed from my students when I was teaching college lit courses.  I really was gratified if I was shot down, not only because it made my students more willing to look critically at what I said, but it also helped me to develop my own thoughts about the subject at hand.  Which brings us back to square one, what exactly is Yuzu going to do this upcoming season?

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Just to say that this ^^ is what I like about this forum so much. Even if there are disagreements, they never get heated to the point where individuals devolve to name calling and that's really refreshing considering some of the toxic fandoms I've been in.


About what Yuzu will do this upcoming season, based on the information that we've seen so far he seems to be really close to being able to nail a 4A and if he has that reasonably down by the time the next skating season starts, it's quite possible we'll see him put that in one of his programs. Also, provided his ankle injury heals well, we'll see him continue to up the difficulty of his programs to meet what they were pre-injury. In addition to the 4A, it's likely Yuzu's also putting attention to regaining the two quads he wasn't really able to do while nursing injuries on his right leg, knee pain and then the ankle injury. 

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33 minutes ago, micaelis said:

OK, I'll admit that I was operating from a vantage point that was not taking into account that Yuzu has changed over the years.  I'll take everyone's word over my own limited observations.  I've been only involved with Yuzu since I discovered him roughly a year ago.  I'll defer to those who are armed with better information and longer exposure with him than I have and who actually know much more about figure skating than I do.  My training in literary analysis was what I was using to read the subtext of Yuzu's biography.  My problem was that real biographies tend to be much more messy than those depicted in a novel or film or whatever.  I just didn't have enough data to legitimately reach the conclusions I reached so I'll defer to those who really do know more than I do.  I probably needed this lesson in humility, one comparable to that lesson Nathan Chen received in PC.  I have a tendency to indulge in speculation and such speculation is not always based on sufficient source materials.  That was the case here.  If I engage in such in the future I actually would like correction.  That's what I welcomed from my students when I was teaching college lit courses.  I really was gratified if I was shot down, not only because it made my students more willing to look critically at what I said, but it also helped me to develop my own thoughts about the subject at hand.  Which brings us back to square one, what exactly is Yuzu going to do this upcoming season?

I don't mean to drag this on but since you're open to being corrected, I would rather not frame what happened to Nathan in PC as a lesson in 'humility' because that implies some sort of arrogance on his part where in fact, all the obnoxiousness was coming from the US media which the boy had no control over. Nathan was simply doing his best under a lot of pressure, never gave any indication he was buying into the hype being built around him, potentially battling injury and it unfortunately wasn't his day; it can happen to any athlete. 


Anyway, I would imagine that provided he heals sufficiently, Yuzu would probably be putting himself back into the frame of mind he had at the start of this season, which is pushing his technical content (5 quad program with 4 types of quads, though idk how it'll work with the reduced time) and/or potentially going for the 4A. From a purely practical view and disregarding how dangerous it is to train, 4A may actually make more sense because the takeoff is from his left foot and reduces the strain on his right ankle (which is burdened by both the 4Lo and 4Lz takeoff). I believe he mentioned in some interview the 4Lz may be a jump he has to say goodbye to for awhile. I see potential for there to be a repeat of the summer of 16/17 season where he got the 4Lo because it was the easiest quad to train while recovering from injury. So maybe 4/5 quad with 4Lo, 5 quad with 4Lz and 4Lo, 4 quad with 4A or 5 quad with 4Lo and 4A*...he's got a lot of room to play with if he's healthy, it depends on his capacity. That's completely assuming he's recovered, which may not be an easy feat.  


I say we let the boy rest though, he's supposed to be on the 2wk NO ICE time right now anyway :8:

*if he's really really really recovered and wants Brian to go bald

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2 hours ago, Forcefield said:

I'm all for Yuzu doing a fun EX again, but if he wants to do serious I'm all in for a fan dance to a Japanese song. His playfulness with it during Olys gala made me really want it. Would prefer it as a competitive program but don't think they allow objects like folding fans as part of the program.

I read this as "fan dance" as in making his fans dance with him :1: (only the folding fans part made me do a double take :p)

(don't judge, I am tired, and jpop idols sometimes do this at their concerts ok! :laughing: )


That said, I'm sure Yuzu fans would have no problems learning the pre-determined routine beforehand! Just imagine a Yuzu dance that everyone in the arena does with him though, what an experience it'd be, I don't think anyone has done this before at an figure skating event, if anyone, Yuzu can do this :smiley-laughing021:



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I wouldn't say he has no regrets about this season, at least not in the way I think about regrets, because I'm sure he'd rather not have been injured. However, he did the absolute freaking best he could under the circumstances and met his goals - and apparently didn't do long-term damage either. I actually feel very happy that he is satisfied. As a perfectionist myself, it can be really hard to accept what sometimes is the best possible result, because of circumstances. I feared kuyashii but I'm super happy he acknowledges he did an amazing job. That I think is maturity. And I also think he's pretty much said that he doesn't feel he has anything left to prove, when he said "I am me." If people like it, fine, if they don't, too bad. If people acknowledge his worth, great, if not, tough luck. He is done aiming to impress people and write his name in the history books. It's there already, whether people like it or not. From now on, as I understand it, he'll only aim to impress himself. Of course, it probably won't be easy and there might be 'relapses', but I think, overall, it's also a sign of maturity to say: "you know what? I don't have anything left to prove. Take me or leave me." And if he manages that, I think we'll be in for a treat. Because while his own ambition has been a driving force before, too, he also did feel the need to prove himself, and maybe prove that he deserved everything he had and achieved (because of the earthquake and other... things. Like 2012 Nationals. Sochi. Losing the World title to Javi twice. Things like that possibly made him want to prove himself worthy). Now it'll probably be just pure ambition and love of skating. It'll feel less... secure than before. Because he'll have the freedom to stand up any moment and say: "ok, I'm done here. Bye!" But it'll be a really fun ride until then, I think.


As for what he's going to do the next season, I'll allow myself a slightly flippant answer: he'll do whatever the heck he wants! And that's the best thing of all! :darklordyuzu:

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24 minutes ago, micaelis said:

OK, I'll admit that I was operating from a vantage point that was not taking into account that Yuzu has changed over the years.  I'll take everyone's word over my own limited observations.  I've been only involved with Yuzu since I discovered him roughly a year ago.  I'll defer to those who are armed with better information and longer exposure with him than I have and who actually know much more about figure skating than I do.  My training in literary analysis was what I was using to read the subtext of Yuzu's biography.  My problem was that real biographies tend to be much more messy than those depicted in a novel or film or whatever.  I just didn't have enough data to legitimately reach the conclusions I reached so I'll defer to those who really do know more than I do.  I probably needed this lesson in humility, one comparable to that lesson Nathan Chen received in PC.  I have a tendency to indulge in speculation and such speculation is not always based on sufficient source materials.  That was the case here.  If I engage in such in the future I actually would like correction.  That's what I welcomed from my students when I was teaching college lit courses.  I really was gratified if I was shot down, not only because it made my students more willing to look critically at what I said, but it also helped me to develop my own thoughts about the subject at hand.  Which brings us back to square one, what exactly is Yuzu going to do this upcoming season?

First of all, I apologize if I was harsh in my post, I tend to be very direct when I am not sure how to express something in English and it comes of as mean sometimes.


As for speculating, we all do that here and some of our ideas are more crazy than others but it is all for fun and to pass time until we see him again so there is no harm done. The reason why you got the response you did for your post was because it was a bit too negative and comes of somewhat dismissive of Yuzuru's achievement, which I am sure was not your intention.


What Yuzu will do next season is more less dependent on his health, he could decide to jump a six quad layout (with 4A) or skip the season all together, so who knows. We will probably know more when he decides to appear again ad maybe tell us whether he is doing shows or not :shrug:


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