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3 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


I feel like an alternate, training in case I have to jump on a plane last minute yet knowing the effort is most likely for nothing. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw: I'm so not ready.


ETA OT I miss your old twirly soft sig. v_v

I don't envy you, even if you do have to use your training, it's going to be terrible, worrying about him.


This sig is a placeholder until I find the perfect gif from the Olympic swan. :) 

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5 minutes ago, cinemacoconut said:

Maybe its a contract with ISU to postpone ticket cancellations as long as possible. 

I've heard this before and it annoys me because some people have been using it to criticize Yuzu. Tickets to Worlds cannot be canceled, not unless it's for a serious reason why the buyer cannot attend anymore (like a death in the family, illness, injury etc.), with proof and it only applies to Italian citizens or residents and only those who bought the insurance. So "I won't go because my favorite skater withdrew" will not enable anyone to cancel their tickets. And I'm saying this as someone who spent 400EUR+ on tickets that I will probably not get back in any way, if I don't go. But most people who bought tickets knew there was a chance he wouldn't go, even before the NHK injury, so I wish people would stop complaining about this. I understand wanting to know something for sure already, I do, too, but leave the tickets alone.

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48 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

I don't envy you, even if you do have to use your training, it's going to be terrible, worrying about him.


This sig is a placeholder until I find the perfect gif from the Olympic swan. :) 


I know. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw: Even at NHK, watching other skaters I don't care much for fall was so scary with his injury fresh in my mind that I couldn't enjoy it. How did any of our hearts survive that terrifying 3lz in Pyeongchang? And that was before he came out about not having recovered. :Poohgaveup: I hope he does the right thing and goes straight back to rehab. I feel too exhausted after all this turmoil to fly around the world anyway.

44 minutes ago, MrPudding said:


Now logically. would this. stubborn but changed man do it tho...




Important gif. A++

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22 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

Hey.. at least you don't have 2 assignments within the upcoming 2 weeks that you need to do that is 50% of your credit before you fly to Milan.. me btw :13877886:

I do :biggrin:

I have two deadlines before Worlds and one of them is the day before my flight to Milan :tumblr_inline_mzx922J8H21r8msi5:


Don't ask me why I am on the forum instead of working because I will definitely not see you post :P

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10 minutes ago, Neenah said:

I do :biggrin:

I have two deadlines before Worlds and one of them is the day before my flight to Milan :tumblr_inline_mzx922J8H21r8msi5:


Don't ask me why I am on the forum instead of working because I will definitely not see you post :P

well I should be ashamed that I'm still on this forum when I only started 5% of the assignments.. both of them....

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I'm having my college entrance exam on Monday. MONDAY PEOPLE. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

But keep the flow goin I think I need to see his face to keep my cool and sanity. 

EDIT: Or am I making a wrong choice cuz boi has never helped me with my sanity :xD:

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