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Just now, SparkleSalad said:


I need a shamisen SP after seeing Change. Step sequence would be amazing. 

To the music thread we go. Off season is coming soon and we should brainstorm for cool programs (which he probably won't follow but oh well-amuse ourselves).

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I am late reacting to everything, cz I need my sleep to function in the office today.


From the FCCJ's interviews. Standouts:

I would like to say thank you for that, because you gave us the truth amidst all this nonsense we hear. — Mr Peter Langan, Director-at-large, The Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan

Mr Langan, for that sentence, I forgive you for speaking sometimes too much.


It’s often thought that people from Asia are perhaps at a disadvantage in expressive sports or sports which require this kind of expression and artistry. Therefore, I believe the fact that I was able to use this Japanese music for my program and achieve the gold medal using this music was really a historic step forward. From now, I hope that this can be an opportunity to lead to using more music from my own country or utilizing aspects of unique cultures in the music of competitions. — Yuzuru Hanyu, expertly deflecting questions on his music for next season, while turning everyone's attention to the unstoppable rise of Asian skaters and their cultures in figure skating.

My child, what did we do to deserve you?


What he basically said about how true artistry can only be developed by having correct technique for everything and executing them correctly. (I can't find an easily quotable text.)

:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:  Bby, you tell them! I hope everyone listens: ISU, judges, tech panels, coaches, skaters, AND audiences.


He even answered the heavily loaded political question so adeptly! I mean, I knew that this person whom I admired so much has good qualities, but this is going beyond.


I'm waiting for a proper translation of his answers to these 'what if' nonsense. Can't wait to admire him even more.:snpeace:


p.s. I am with @CupidsBow about his personal life. I consider myself to be vastly privileged that Zu has deemed us mere mortal worthy of his performances and public life. And for that invitation to enjoy those, I am content. There are also personal experiences with the kind of curiosity that tend to go out of hand, but those are details.


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