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The more I think about it the more I'm in awe he even managed to repeat OGM in the strongest field the men's division has ever seen, with only a 4T and 4S, doped up on painkillers and 3 weeks of training. I'm not sure how the sport will evolve for the next quad to see if he'd even be competitive for a third OGM but if anyone could find a way, it's this kid. 


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4 minutes ago, sweetwater said:

Dick Button appeared on a news show aired by Fuji this evening and commented on Yuzu. You can watch the video on a site from the following link. (Hope it's not geoblocked...)



Thank you for sharing! So he reckons Hanyu can get a third gold, ey? I suddenly like him very much. :)


And he's absolutely right about artistry and technique being reliant on one another. What a privilege of a lifetime to be able to watch someone who marries both so perfectly. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

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3 hours ago, KatjaThera said:
ETA: credit to Iron Klaus for posting this first on twitter, btw ^_^;

So, now we know how he did the 4A...


"his flips not very good so he's not even going to go there":xD: (idky I find this so hilarious..... )


"but the quad axel is doable" Brian calmly shrugging off the Nessie of figure skating like.... sure.... he can do it..... :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

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This thread is impossible to follow, and my editor refused to cooperate with me when I want to reply by quoting too many people (is this a problem for other users, too?)

Under spoiler cz it's a word vomit.




But all I want to say boiled down to this.


The selfish part of me, as a fan who wants to see her favourite for as often and as long as always and forever, I want Zu to go on and on, breaking every possible record, performing the most beautiful performances, win all the golds that are there to win, give all those cute interviews and adorable moments in between, and find the cure for cancer, too, why not. Because not only I think he is capable of those, delirious wishes notwithstanding, but also because I feel like it will validate my obsession with him (as if it needs any validation whatsoever. ha!).


And Zu, being who he is, seems to want the same, too! Yayayayayayay!!!


But then, there is another part of me, the one that knows just how cruel and unfair life can be, this part is terrified beyond belief of Zu attempting any of even the most rational of the goals. This part just wants to wrap him in Pooh's fluffy blanket, let him play games, drink ginger flavoured hot chocolate and then lullaby him to sleep; when he is awake, I want to just let him chase birds and play with fallen leaves, not a care in the world. (Just how delusional am I being right now?)


But those are what I want. Neither of which, I guess, is closer to either what Zu wants or what is probably best for him in the long run. And as @Moria Polonius brought up, there is this certain mindset of him that makes Zu counts among legends that we mere mortals just would never be able to fathom. And that makes it even harder for me to match what he wants and what *I* think is best for him.


I don't even know what the point of this post anymore.

I guess, I just want to say that whatever it is that he decides, I am resigned to the facts that I will support and pray for him, knowing that he is surrounded by people who also love him and that he himself has to live a life that he deems worth living. That and that I will cry more tears for him than for anything else in my life, it seems.






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4 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Thank you for sharing! So he reckons Hanyu can get a third gold, ey? I suddenly like him very much. :)


And he's absolutely right about artistry and technique being reliant on one another. What a privilege of a lifetime to be able to watch someone who marries both so perfectly. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


Dick Button has spoken... 


I'm prepared to lose all my hair and all my sleep if Yuzu goes to 2022. It will be even more crazy then Pyeongchang, I have a feeling.

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hace 11 minutos , nagini said:



OOOK not only we are swimming in the 3 OGM pool thought  :POOH:


I am starting to  feel like all the 3xOGM talk is diminishing his actual achievement. 2XOGM would have been extremely difficult even with Yuzu being at 100%, with stable Lo and Lz.  Anyone remember that in an off- season interview he said:  "I want to work hard, putting my entire  life and existence at stake"? And this is what he actually did. 

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2 minutes ago, wombat-poodle said:


Dick Button has spoken... 



Dick Button is also a bit contraditory in terms of what he appreciates in Figure Skating since he also praised Nathan's 6-quad FS to high heavens even though he has said on multiple occasions he hates the way the present state of multi-quad FS has gone. :laughing:

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5 minutes ago, Floria said:


I am starting to  feel like all the 3xOGM talk is diminishing his actual achievement. 2XOGM would have been extremely difficult even with Yuzu being at 100%, with stable Lo and Lz.  Anyone remember that in an off- season interview he said:  "I want to work hard, putting my entire  life and existence at stake"? And this is what he actually did. 


I don't think anyone is serious. :P I myself can't get over this achievement. I really still can't believe any of it is real. We're just terrified he'll leave us forever and want him to stay for eternity. 

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