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1 hour ago, SparkleSalad said:


They asked a producer (not sure who they are) who the number one person they'd like to produce for is and they replied Hanyu, that they'd like to produce a show for him.

It's Tetsuya Komuro. He's a musician/music producer among other things. So I'm pretty sure he means ice show, by show. (One of his works most likely to be known internationally - and that I was kind of shocked to find out was his work :P - is Moonlight Densetsu, i.e. the original Sailor Moon opening song. )


And in more random Japanese music things, I was watching Kouhaku yesterday and the last act was the band Yuzu playing a song that, if I understood correctly, was the theme song in Japan for the Athens Olympics. It was pretty emotional and struck me as somewhat appropriate: Yuzu playing an Olympics song before the Olympics where our Yuzu competes. (Though there was no mention of Pyeongchang whatsoever, so the connections were all in my head.)


If anyone is curious:



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54 minutes ago, Pamyu said:

might she mean Yuzu too??

Just noticed the SEIMEI STAR!!!!  at the end of Gabby’s tweet 😱 (maybe.........what do you think??)

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Nah, not everybody even knows what the Seimei star is... I certainly didn't for a while, so i doubt she is "into it" that much. She is probably just saying everyone was a star today.


And who knows what a clean program means in Yuzu's case anyway at this exact moment.... just doubles? only triples?

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1 minute ago, Hydroblade said:

Isn't too early for him to be quadding his soul out already? He was back on the ice not long ago...

Oh I guess so.......wish we could have a progress report! Just getting overexcited at the Olympic countdown! :headdesk:

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Just now, Pamyu said:

Oh I guess so.......wish we could have a progress report! Just getting overexcited at the Olympic countdown! :headdesk:


I know... exactly one month until practice. Wow. I wonder what he's feeling... calm and in control, nervous about his current state and the little time left... (I think the last part is definitely me) Just yesterday we could say, no worries, it's next year.. now it's like 1MONTH!!

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9 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Isn't too early for him to be quadding his soul out already? He was back on the ice not long ago...

perhaps he's just quadding out his soul for one type of quad :pouty:

Just now, liv said:


I know... exactly one month until practice. Wow. I wonder what he's feeling... calm and in control, nervous about his current state and the little time left... (I think the last part is definitely me) Just yesterday we could say, no worries, it's next year.. now it's like 1MONTH!!

Yup I know right!!

And here I was 3 hours ago feeling confident about Olys :LOL:

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lol I...don’t have that much faith that his narrative will be represented that accurately or exclusively, going into PC. The media has an obligation to sell articles and report the most current news and news on the reigning GPF/Euros/4CC champion is definitely more ‘newsworthy’ than the ‘Yuzu is missing’ narrative. I think he’d be more of a mention. The Oly channel already did a ‘career retrospective + defending title’ fluff piece on Yuzu - there would have been more like that if he had been competing this season but the media buzz has died down because of his absence. JP media is still going with the ‘defending title’ thing, it may be picked up a bit but it won’t be a dominant narrative. I would be worried a bit abt the lack of momentum/buzz but Yuzu’s secured enough of a reputation over the years that hopefully it won’t matter too much... Might be interesting to compare with the coverage Yuna got prior to Sochi.


If he pulls out a good result at the Team event (assuming he competes) however, expect a deluge of speculative articles that will pick up the buzz where he left off after WC (with the added bonus of a ‘injury road recovery’ narrative that media looove to eat up). If best case scenario happens, GOAT narrative may read its head. At the very least, we’ll probably get coverage on the Pooh thunderstorm no matter the result :laughing:

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1 hour ago, Yatagarasu said:

Ladies, and gents, the schedule for PyeongChang 2018 is now officially out.


The Men for Team Event have their first practice in exactly one month - Feb 1st! So ... here we go, here we go. Stock up on chocolate, cakes, alcohol and all of it! Party is about to start.




This is giving me anxiety


1 hour ago, Pamyu said:

might she mean Yuzu too??


I doubt he'd be making runthroughs so soon

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1 hour ago, kaerb said:

If he pulls out a good result at the Team event (assuming he competes) however, expect a deluge of speculative articles that will pick up the buzz where he left off after WC (with the added bonus of a ‘injury road recovery’ narrative that media looove to eat up). If best case scenario happens, GOAT narrative may read its head. At the very least, we’ll probably get coverage on the Pooh thunderstorm no matter the result :laughing:


Talk about momentum, or lack thereof, certainly has merit but I think this bit is very true. If the TE goes well, knock on wood and everything really, then I expect the buzz to really pick up. He has a buzz of his own, simply by being who he is, which is a tremendous help but it can be elevated much higher, if he shows signs of being ready for the individual. In that case, it's actually a bit of a media/PR wet dream tbh. A defending Olympic champion, reigning World Champion, who started the season by breaking his own World Record only to be cruelly stopped by injury, while attempting a quad Lutz, a new jump, that he has added in order to fight the young guns. 


A tale of hardship and success, all wrapped up in a mysterious package of space kitten meets Japanese warrior of old, and an attempt to replicate something that hasn't been done in decades. (The US media probably adding something like - young lion Nathan Chan will try to stop this force of nature....)
Tune in at 8PM to see the story unfold. 

Or you know, basically, it writes itself. Until then I think NBC will be focusing on Nathan, plus the younger guys, though admittedly their own momentum isn't exactly what it might have been, and what I too had expected, prior to the GPF. In that sense, it kind of played out well for Yuzuru.

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Does Yuzu tend to heal slowly? Is it more serious then they really told us? Boyang sprain both ankles, did SA and got an inflammation of the bone WD from Nationals but right now is skating at 80 percent almost back to himself. I have to admit I’m getting nervous and anxious.  One more month and half to go  :13877886:

Someone please slap some sense into me.  :snapoutofit: 

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7 hours ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

Logically there can be more than one ace in a team but for some reason, if sports manga were to be believed, they usually only have one. Like, there can be a bunch of gifted players but only one of them gets to be the ace.

Burst out laughing at the manga part-when your non-ace player causes extinction of the dinosaurs, or conquers science and clones himself, or causes the ball to disappear, you just forget to trust the ace title in the Sports genre. The only realistical thing I've learned is to never trust people offering you strage drinks tbh.


4 hours ago, MrPudding said:

was this really a coincidence hanyu-kun :war:

So, Yuzu costumes are like those Pokemon with two evolution routes? Like Kirilla that could go either Gardevoir or Gallade way? O.o these Pokemons even kind of fit the Programs...


43 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Isn't too early for him to be quadding his soul out already? He was back on the ice not long ago...

Considering he is the guy recovering triples in what I count not even three weeks of training after Tohoku 2011, and more recently the guy believed to have power to recover his jumps in two/few days (Nobu, plz, don't kill my ruined heart even more...) I'd hope/guess/pray he is at least toying with old Chopin layout by now, maybe with the oldest (3T instead of 3Lz, tho?)if he's not back to having the Sal yet.


28 minutes ago, kaerb said:

 At the very least, we’ll probably get coverage on the Pooh thunderstorm no matter the result :laughing:

Excuse you, that's the most important part! Remember the Poohs has tried to attack Shoma once, it's important to know their manpower!


8 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

 A defending Olympic champion, reigning World Champion, who started the season by breaking his own World Record only to be cruelly stopped by injury, while attempting a quad Lutz, a new jump, that he has added in order to fight the young guns. 

A tale of hardship and success, all wrapped up in a mysterious package of space kitten meets Japanese warrior of old, and an attempt to replicate something that hasn't been done in decades. (The US media probably adding something like - young lion Nathan Chan will try to stop this force of nature....)
Tune in at 8PM to see the story unfold. 

To which channel do I tune in to catch that movie?

Seriously though, how come no director has yet bought the rights to film his biography? It doesn't even have to be called 'based on', he has a perfect mix of drama, pain, and protagonist always coming out on top in his life, EVEN WITH SPARKLES FOR ADDED EFFECT. Is it too perfect of a mix for scenario of a bestseller??Maybe there is no proper actor, but y'know, the kid technically has filming experience...

And I will be 100% voting to nominate it for Oscar.


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