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1 hour ago, CupidsBow said:



You never know, he may have requested to go to 4CC to ensure he had something before PC, otherwise the pressure would be too much. That's mostly my concern. There's enough pressure going into the olympics without adding the additional nerves of it being the first comp in 4 months after injury.


I still kind of hope he can be fit for nationals for this reason but if he's not ready to compete I really don't want him to push himself. I'm glad he's seemingly taking it slow and focusing more on fully recovering rather than trying to push himself to compete.

Yeah I agree that going into Olys without any comp in 4  months is the biggest problem. He may go to 4CC and skip team event, or do both. He did NHK - GPF -Nationals in 1 month many times in the past, and except National 2015, his performances at GPF and National were mostly the same. I think he and his team will make the best decision, we'll see what's they gonna do when they announce the team right after Nationals end.


If Yuzuru goes to 4CC, I think he will go back to Japan and train there until PC. There's no point to fly back to Toronto with just 1 week and suffer from jetlag twice. Gabby, Lilbet and Jun hwan may do 4CC too. They may prefer to stay in Asia to get use to the timezone. If there're 2-3 skaters in Asia, TCC may let 1 coach be there. I think Russian skaters will train in Japan at least 1 week before PC. I think TCC can arrange the same. 

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2 minutes ago, axelnojutsu said:

Bruh, I wouldn't even be mad about the ♻️♻️♻️

I doubt he'll repeat Seimei again but I'm really hoping he'll bring back LGC - if not as the SP then at least as a Gala program pretty please :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

A few months back there was a lot of people against recycling. Now look at us. He has taught us well. And also to his fellow skaters who have also decided to recycle :mischief:

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hace 5 minutos , MrPudding said:

A few months back there was a lot of people against recycling. Now look at us. He has taught us well. And also to his fellow skaters who have also decided to recycle :mischief:

Given the circumstances recycling both programs was his best decision ever. 

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1 hour ago, MrPudding said:

from twitter post



Can I just say his fingers looks like a really strong antenna :laughing:

4 antenna represents 4 month off ice. I'll slap myself now :smiley-scared005::snapoutofit:



1 hour ago, Mastyaeva said:

I see a crown. :love:


50 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


(I see a cockatoo.)

I'm with @CupidsBow and @MrPudding no idea how you noticed anything else.

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With this new update, the WD seems unavoidable to me. The timing looked already quite tight before, but if Yuzuru is still talking about what he's going to do and not about what he's doing right now on the ice, I don't think it's humanly possible for him to get back to jumping quads in a week. Or even triples.

I'm sad that the injury was worse than they thought, he must feel really sad for missing another competition (and very kuyashii because his plans for the season have been screwed up big time :59227c768286a__s:). But I'm glad he's recovering steadily and he's not rushing:10742289: and I'm relieved he is not going for the samurai ruote like he did in the past :tumblr_m7etfqA8wS1qb1380:

I am worried about the lack of competition but tbh I'd worry all the same if he were to go to 4 CC :tumblr_inline_mn41rkfu9v1qz4rgp: I am so doomed :13877886:

(Tho I usually see the half empty glass,  so don't mind me :laughing:)


1 hour ago, ralucutzagy said:


I kinda love that the focus will be on Jr and Sr ladies...Poor boys are going to feel neglected . Of course pairs and ID aren't mentioned either, but they have good competitions and WRs to brag about :laughing:

I'm curious to hear if they add anything to what we already know and their take on whether Yuzu could go to 4 CC and on his jump layout.

And I'm still curious about Max's sources inside TCC. iirc in a podcast a couple of weeks after NHK he said there was a rumour about Yuzuru needing 10 days more (or a week?) off ice (or resting? I should go back and find which podcast was...but they're so long :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid: It's going to take a while unless it isn't one of those that were already translated). I remember I thought "oh s*** for real?" Because I was expecting Yuzu to be already past that and maybe doing some stroking already, but Max was the only one to talk about that rumour so I chose not to worry too much. And then we got Yuzu's update :13877886: 

Max was also one of the few commentators (or the first?) to mention Zhenya's and Boyang's injuries (not to talk about the rumour about Seimei in May) so just what kind of spy network does Max have? :matrix:


 It’s quite scary (Or is he merely the only one spilling all those rumours to us? But at least most of his rumours are up to date, while some other like B Esp are a few months behind.. :slinkaway:)

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1 hour ago, MrPudding said:

Right now i'm already imagining how JSF is going to announce him in the Olympic team right after Nationals. Will they announce him first? Last? Special announcement? :animated-smileys-animals-006:

Maybe he'll made a special appearance through video :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid: at least then we could see a bit of him if he really WD

49 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:


(I just see the booty tbh)

Ikr :tumblr_inline_mzx8zzarLt1r8msi5: reminded me of Adam's twitter post of him clarifying his booty is real and don't use buttpads :rofl: and no one asked Yuzu's while he was wearing the purple pants of sin? it's much more noticeable than Adam's!

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