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I hope Yuzuru says in Sendai for a while to heal ;; I imagine, even if his knee wasn't the main problem, sitting on an aeroplane for however many hours won't be good for it.


Since other people were posting emo songs that make them think of Yuzuru...This one always makes me think of Yuzu so much but it's not emo! It's upbeat and hopeful! haha




Also I think the banner project is a really nice idea. Even if he can't get a chance to read all the messages it would be really lovely for him to see how much support he has around the world. Reminds me a bit of when a fansite I was involved in did global letter/artwork projects so fans from other countries that would likely never get a chance to see the idol in person could make their existence known XD It was well received by the idol.


I'm glad thise P&G videos came out. I think we all needed Yuzu's dorky laugh and him twirling with airfreshener.

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8 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:

I hope Yuzuru says in Sendai for a while to heal ;; I imagine, even if his knee wasn't the main problem, sitting on an aeroplane for however many hours won't be good for it.


Since other people were posting emo songs that make them think of Yuzuru...This one always makes me think of Yuzu so much but it's not emo! It's upbeat and hopeful! haha

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Also I think the banner project is a really nice idea. Even if he can't get a chance to read all the messages it would be really lovely for him to see how much support he has around the world. Reminds me a bit of when a fansite I was involved in did global letter/artwork projects so fans from other countries that would likely never get a chance to see the idol in person could make their existence known XD It was well received by the idol.


I'm glad thise P&G videos came out. I think we all needed Yuzu's dorky laugh and him twirling with airfreshener.

My ultimate group and one of my fave outro. :tumblr_inline_n18qr8XewT1qid2nw:

The song really does fit him. :13877886:

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14 minutes ago, singcarcom said:

My Japanese is not good enough yet, but what I gathered from this tweet was that:


Brian (Orser) was contacted and initially they agreed to leave out 4Lz and 4Lo in the competition. Mentioned the doctor's advice after Yuzu went to the hospital.


I think they mentioned that it's similar to dislocating your shoulder, that it's easier to sprain your ankle after you've sprained it before.


1-2 weeks of rest is a must.



Who is this article quoting? Idk if to trust these articles (esp. one with such a headline)

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3 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

I wish i couldn't understand the headline like the hundreds of kanji i don't know yet :dpooh: i love the language far too much to wish i didn't understand it at all though

yep like having an instant blank every time this type of headline is in front of me lol 

yep wishing that is a bit much , my love for this language and all the effort I made to learned it will not be in vain , it would be a real shame lol 

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Just now, singcarcom said:

I'm not sure. I was translating the tweet. Let me look at the article to see if I can spot the details.


Thank you, it's no biggie if you can't figure it out

I'm just vary of information released on the severity of his injury when it's not a clear statement from someone on Yuzu's team

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Yesterday was such a happy day for me. 

Today has been one of the worst in the last months or so. 

I thought going to work would distract me from Yuzuru, but instead work issues only piled up on an already fragile emotional status and now I'm a mess. 

No pain no gain they say. 

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3 hours ago, yuzuangel said:

@KatjaThera, is that you? :P 


eta: ew at the last 1/3 of the article

Yeah... out of everything I said, that was the only thing worth publishing... also, I said I'm checking my phone for news every five minutes, not my watch *eyeroll*. If they take comments, I'll leave one later.

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I am guessing that this is a good time for me to have absolutely no idea what any of those headlines or articles or tweets say? Ignorance is bliss? The only thing i can identify in Japanese is Yuzu's name and only because to this totally untrained Western eye, part of it looks like a satellite dish followed by a guy giving two karate kicks... hope that offends no one but when you have no clue, you make things up!!

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27 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

Yeah... out of everything I said, that was the only thing worth publishing... also, I said I'm checking my phone for news every five minutes, not my watch *eyeroll*. If they take comments, I'll leave one later.


I wish the NYT would employ me to go to skating comps and take photos and not publish them (I’m so thrilled it wasn’t published. XD)

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30 minutes ago, robin said:


Thank you, it's no biggie if you can't figure it out

I'm just vary of information released on the severity of his injury when it's not a clear statement from someone on Yuzu's team


The part about leaving 4Lz and 4Lo is from the interview with Ghilsan.  


The injury part isn't an official statement, it was Kozuka Takahiko's view. He said he's not sure about complete recovery, but if it's a serious injury, 1-2 weeks of rest is a must. 




I doubt we'll have an official statement from team cricket for a while...:Poohgaveup:

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11 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


I wish the NYT would employ me to go to skating comps and take photos and not publish them (I’m so thrilled it wasn’t published. XD)

LOL They might still have a more detailed thing later... this was obviously just about his withdrawing. Though I think I'd rather not. Now I wonder about the Japanese press one... >.> (And funny thing: last evening, a hotel staff member came to my door to ask if I wouldn't like to take part in a report/interview that TV Asahi was doing on their hotel, to show how they interact with guests... I said no, because I wasn't particularly thrilled by the hotel (I guess it's just right for their target clients, but as a tourist it's pretty meh). But I'm starting to feel like a celebrity! :xD:

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