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14 minutes ago, singcarcom said:


Sorry to hear that.  :/


Sometimes I wish that people who can't understand our love for Yuzu would just watch a few of Yuzu's performances. Even if they don't become fans, it's not too difficult to see how he has inspired so many. 



Me too...=P    But if I have a boyfriend, I'm going to convert him to a fanyu so that we can go to competitions together. :darklordyuzu:

Just don't start like this " if you value this relationship...":biggrin:

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1 minute ago, ruruzest said:

I usually read a lot before especially before bedtime but I haven't read anything for a while because I keep going on line to either this forum or watch Yuzu programs. I also go back to old GS to read previous seasons .:biggrin:. And during important event like the revealed Seimei, I couldn't funtion and my family just had to eat old food for dinner:slinkaway:

I consider reading this forum as reading as well....:slinkaway:


And I know, I'll want to catch all the live streams of Yuzu's competitions, so hopefully my work doesn't suffer...:slinkaway:

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3 minutes ago, ruruzest said:

And during important event like the revealed Seimei, I couldn't funtion and my family just had to eat old food for dinner:slinkaway:

You are a women who definitely has her priorities straight! XD


1 minute ago, yuzuangel said:

lol one of my friends "hates" yuzu he's just jealous of his awesomeness


I legitimately don't understand. Like, I try and try and I can't. Howwwww?

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@SparkleSalad. @ruruzest

We've been together for 4 years. Sometimes a simple sms of "Hi, hello. How have you been. Have you eaten. Sleep well is enough." That's for us though. I don't know about others. Yup I've been a lucky girl. But sometimes if in one of those few days that we're together and I'm like Yuzu this and Yuzu that he would also be like :hachimaki:hey you're with me. And me would be :slinkaway:. That's why the planet is still a very big blessing for me! :bow:

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haha, guys, you are so funny! Fanyus vs relationships ... it isn't easy ... lol ... I knew my husband before Sochi and at start he was like ... why do you like this doll skater so much ... look at Plushenko, that's  a real skater, he was a Plushy average fan, not to much into FS  ... and I was like ... but Yuzu can do quads like no other ... and this and that ... haha ... he's still not sold out, sometimes when I want to go home faster bc of a FS competition he's like :facepalm: but he let me be ...  he's a nice guy, my husband :laughing:

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Yuzu and FS have sort of ruined my relationship with books since around December last year. I spend too much time browsing the internet, watching videos and reading posts in many forums, including this one, that my reading of books themselves has gone way down.


And my productivity at work when I try to stream something or any major announcements/events happen can go down too. :laughing: 

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