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I'm hoping ISU doesn't give quints any base value... I'm already worried about juniors doing quads.

The 4A ,however, has a base value that Yuzuru is very much aware of so that for sure would be his goal.

Wasn't it his childhood dream to "land a jump with 4.5 revolutions"? I swear that little mushroom has no chill.

But then again, he's also amazing in that he's able to fulfill his dreams - that Olympic gold medal after the Vancouver games for example.

I think for quints BV to occur 4A needs to be landed first


He is so amazing and inspiring in terms of being able to achieve the incredibly difficult goals he sets for himself.

Meanwhile, I tell myself "today I will do X hours of work" -> gets like one quarters of it done

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I don't believe quints will happen lol I will go crazy if I ever see on in competition. I always believed we will see other quads than sal and toe but my mind can't handle 4A (I do believe someone will land it (it better be Yuzuru), I just can't imagine it) and quints :coffee:

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Omg I brought up quints as a joke but it sure escalated quickly :rofl2:

I honestly don't think we'll see them any time soon, or ever tbh. let alone in competition. which is why isu doesn't give them base value. it's just absurd to even think about :s_crazy:

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randomanon said:
kaeryth said:



Meanwhile, I tell myself "today I will do X hours of work" -> gets like one quarters of it done


Story of my life, honestly, oops :laugh:

Trying to study for tomorrow's exam but keep ending up here getting scared and excited by all this 4A talk :bow:

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The reason why people think it is him who can land it is because he jumps pretty big and he rotates fast. This is a jump that really needs height and that extra airtime. Speed can help you get more height, maybe, but it is height mostly that is needed to get this jump happening. Yuzu can jump 3A from a stand still and land (+fully rotate) it quite often, moreso than others who spend 1000 years setting up for their 3A and still flop it; so speed imo does not play much role as long as you can get the height needed. More speed can get you more distance too, though it does not necessarily mean you will get more airtime. I actually read the jump height analysis someone made, and airtime is highly dependent on the height, not the distance/speed. Those with similar height of their jump will get almost identical airtime, regardless of their speed.

Due to these, you can rule out those that jump small and those who do not rotate fast + have tight air position. Hence, not many people left available.

I also think you probably need lighter boots to make it happen.

Interesting. Higher jump will give you more time to control your momentum and land safely on one feet, maybe?

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Interesting. Higher jump will give you more time to control your momentum and land safely on one feet, maybe?


I actually think higher jump is much harder to control due to the possibility of getting yourself thrown off-axis (that also becomes higher). You can see this mostly with skaters who jump huge but do not have really "tight" air position like gabby daleman, midori ito for example. Their jumps are huge but wild. It is easier to control smaller jumps and become more consistent of landing it. Satoko and zhenya are consistent but their jumps are not necessarily huge too.

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Also, I believe this cool down method is Tracy's ideas, right? To take it easy and relax your muscles.

She really does seem like a perfect mentor for Yuzu, I desperately hope to see her again a lot more next season, for Yuzu's sake and also to calm down our nerves *laughs nervously*

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Interesting. Higher jump will give you more time to control your momentum and land safely on one feet, maybe?

Skaters either jump very high (like many skaters in the past like Plushenko, Petrenko...) or very far Yuna Kim.


If you look at some old-fashioned skaters like like Voronov or Gachinski, they still jump high like in the old day. Look at his 3A here:


Jumping high is talked to help you maintain your axis very well. So if you want to stay straight in the air and not off-axis, jumping high might help. Maybe that's why Plushenko rarely messed up because he jumped high, not too far on the ice though. Nathan also jumps high, but the distance is not impressive.


However, when you jump that high, you have to cut the distance. Their jumps might be high, but the distance might be less than some later generation like Patrick, Yuzuru, Han Yan. These guys jump very far across the ice.


Patrick, Yuzuru have both the height and the distance in their jumps (Javi only has height and distance in the quads, his triples are meh). Especially, Yuzuru, he can jump higher 3A or longer 3A if he wants to. The 3A we are seeing Yuzuru doing today are not the best 3A he can do. Because all of his 3A now are performed in the second half of the program, out of difficult transitions and in combo. And those 3A of Yuzuru are already huge.


If you want a huge 3A from the beginning, without difficult transitions, with crazy height and distance, certainly Yuzuru can do it. He just does not do it. So I have no doubt he can even perform bigger 3A than he is doing now.

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