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7 минут назад, Hydroblade сказал:

I actually dropped my letter after the SP, so i included a note thanking him for that performance :embSwan: 

 I didn't write my address, i just wanted to deliver my letter :sadPooh: i hope he reads it, i'd like to think i have a chance since it was a small competition and not everyone there sent him a letter. 


I can't see how someone can be a fan of just his looks, i'm sure they exist but i can't wrap my head around it. I mean, you cannot see him in detail while he's skating, and personally i only concentrate on what he's doing on the ice rather than thinking of how cute he looks (that comes afterwards on the K&C, the Memelord's grounds). He's a fantastic skater and it's such an experience to watch him in action, that saying that we only follow him for his looks is like they are the ones ignoring how great he is as an athlete. I've liked many for their looks and i wouldn't even THINK of travelling so much just to see them.

This reminds me that the time I came back from Helsinki, my friends started to ask me the question which seemed odd and useless for me: "Well, you saw him from a close distance, tell us, is he handsome?" I was like: "What?!" He skated like an alien that day, that was important. But they kept asking... And I elaborated my ultimate answer: "He was happy, so, he looked beautiful, as happy people are always beautiful". But it was so frustrating to hear. 

Personally, I think, Yuzu is always beautiful on ice, while skating, because it's his "natural habitat", like water for fish or air for birds (although he is cute and adorable off ice, it's just a kind of bonus; after all, he is a skater, not a pop-star).

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3 minutes ago, Mastyaeva said:

This reminds me that the time I came back from Helsinki, my friends started to ask me the question which seemed odd and useless for me: "Well, you saw him from a close distance, tell us, is he handsome?" I was like: "What?!" He skated like an alien that day, that was important. But they kept asking... And I elaborated my ultimate answer: "He was happy, so, he looked beautiful, as happy people are always beautiful". But it was so frustrating to hear. 

Personally, I think, Yuzu is always beautiful on ice, while skating, because it's his "natural habitat", like water for fish or air for birds (although he is cute and adorable off ice, it's just a kind of bonus; after all, he is a skater, not a pop-star).

He's always cute and yes, he's very handsome. But like you say, it is a bonus. I don't really think about that when i watch him skate, and i love watching him smile because it makes me happy to see him happy. His form and movements on the ice are more beautiful than his face, and even if he wasn't "cute", someone who performs with such passion, joy, precision and focus can't look bad: those feelings and intensity are always beautiful, either because it is aesthetically pleasing, or because you're presented with a kind of vulnerability that humans usually hide and this is paired with the athletic strength. I think that's what makes him so beautiful on the ice, not his "cuteness".

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I might get slaughtered for this but what attracted me to him was his skating not his looks.  He is a cute guy but not #1 in looks for me. Javi is more attractive in my eyes. :slinkaway:

but the more I watch him in behind scene videos, interviews and stuff. He just gets cuter and prettier and just beautiful. Now he is #1 in my eyes..(next to Jungkook). 


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3 minutes ago, Sammie said:

I might get slaughtered for this but what attracted me to him was his skating not his looks.  He is a cute guy but not #1 in looks for me. Javi is more attractive in my eyes. :slinkaway:

but the more I watch him in behind scene videos, interviews and stuff. He just gets cuter and prettier and just beautiful. Now he is #1 in my eyes..(next to Jungkook). 


Haha it's actually very similar to what happened to me. I was attracted to him thanks to a very VERY bad quality Olys stream, i didn't see much of his face (and i didn't know how old he was lol) so i was amazed by his lines and his landings :embSwan: 

It was after that fateful December 31, 2015 night that i thought of him as "handsome". I had an inner conflict later in the year because i couldn't define why i liked him so much, i had never followed an athlete like this, so i just accepted that it was everything about him :embSwan: 

And there's the whole liking Fukushi Sota and Haruma Miura a lot before him, so in terms of looks is not like i really had a chance to not like him lol.

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Taking aside skating: Above his looks, which to some may be average, it's his outward emotions and how expressive he is on a daily basis (meme king) that is most attractive about his face imo. There are a lot of attractive guys out there, but the first time I saw Yuzu, his SMILE was so infectious like it made me happy just to see someone so happy and the feel that it was a super innocently straightforward and pure emotion. I get drawn to smiles, yes. Plus the other faces, lol. :embSwan:

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3 hours ago, Pamigena said:


Well IIRC, someone did gift him a tuna once :biggrin: (I don't remember who. Not a fan but some sponsor or something). And we're not talking canned but entire blue tuna. (there was a whole discussion about how many hundred kg that thing can have and how many thousands of $$ it can cost :rofl:)




and that would be so bad because we all know how much he despises kids and doesn't pay any extra attention at all to them :biggrin:

im laughing a bit hard than im supposed to.. im just imaging poor yuzu unwrapping a beautifully wrapped present expecting a pooh bear or something and it being a fish:laughing::laughing:

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10 minutes ago, Forcefield said:

Taking aside skating: Above his looks, which to some may be average, it's his outward emotions and how expressive he is on a daily basis (meme king) that is most attractive about his face imo. There are a lot of attractive guys out there, but the first time I saw Yuzu, his SMILE was so infectious like it made me happy just to see someone so happy and the feel that it was a super innocently straightforward and pure emotion. I get drawn to smiles, yes. Plus the other faces, lol. :embSwan:

In terms of physical things i like about him, his smile is on the first, second and third places. Stuff of my dreams, literally.

9 minutes ago, lilsailor said:

im laughing a bit hard than im supposed to.. im just imaging poor yuzu unwrapping a beautifully wrapped present expecting a pooh bear or something and it being a fish:laughing::laughing:

What do you mean this doesn't deserve a beautiful wrapping?


This tuna did its best and was given the noble mission of feeding and nourishing the Memelord's body!

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13 minutes ago, Sammie said:

I might get slaughtered for this but what attracted me to him was his skating not his looks.  He is a cute guy but not #1 in looks for me. Javi is more attractive in my eyes. :slinkaway:

but the more I watch him in behind scene videos, interviews and stuff. He just gets cuter and prettier and just beautiful. Now he is #1 in my eyes..(next to Jungkook). 



haha i kinda went in the opposite order. i was watching sochi with my family and his little face popped up and I thought 'aw he's cute' and then he skated and i was like 'wow i'm a fan'. mostly because PW totally broke my preconceived notion that FS was just (boring) classical music in the background while skaters did whatever. tbh watching Yuzu was the first time i got a sense that what he was skating actually connected to the music and expressed the music. i hate any program where the music just seems...there arbitrarily or the interpretation seems overly forced. Yuzu never seems to skate like he's just going through the motions and checking off a list of elements he has to do.

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3 時間前, Joeyさんが言いました:


Ehm, could you please not? It's bad enough that these rumors of Yuzu fans being disrespectful en masses towards other skaters were spread by other people, but bringing it up here like this... the comments spreading from ACI have basically been proofen BS, by other fans who were there (look here). While a SMALL part of Yuzu fans might really only come for him, it's nothing but unfair, baseless slender against the majority. I've been to competitions before (2013 TEB, 2015 GPF, 2017 WC) and in none of them did I see Yuzu fans leaving in between another skaters performance, or act in any other way disrespectful. Most of them clap and give SO just as much as well. Sure, some come later, but it's sadly common practice for fans from many backgrounds to leave out the earlier groups.


I don't see any reason at all why other skaters should have to be 'protected' from Yuzu fans. To be frank, quite a few other skaters would have less audience & applause themselves if it wasn't for the Yuzu fans going to competitions for him. The Pooh rain is understandable, as it affects the next skater, but other then that - claiming JSF are doing the 'right thing' by limiting Yuzu fans in their actions (if that is what they are doing) is IMO unjustified.


2 時間前, Yatagarasuさんが言いました:


This is a competitive sport at the highest level, not kindergarten games. You shine by performing at the highest level and performing well. There is literally nothing that stops all the others skaters from performing in such a way. If they do not do so, then they are not capable of it (currently or at all) and that is simply life. This is not in any way, shape or form Yuzuru Hanyu's fault, nor Yuzuru Hanyu's fans fault.

It does not in any way fall on Yuzuru Hanyu's shoulders to make sure other people can "shine" nor does he, or his fans, somehow eliminate "a fair chance" for them to do so.


The presence of Yuzuru Hanyu, or Yuzuru Hanyu fans, does not, in any way, impede a fair competition and frankly, I really find it highly problematic that something like that is even being suggested.


Not to mention that Yuzuru Hanyu fans have always made sure to appropriately reward and cheer his competitors, as was more than evident as recently as ACI. Something that cannot always be said the other way around by the way, especially at Japanese Nationals.


*mulls your words over* Okay, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said the last bit about Nats and ACI. I may have gotten a bit carried away with my line of thought there. It wasn't what I meant to imply but I see how derogatory it could come off to fans, and hypocritical seeing as I'm a fan myself. So I'll take it back.


And I did some more thinking on the whole issue. I see how bad it looks for JSF from the perspective of Hanyu fans and how it can be taken as a slight against them what with the host being Nagoya and they have a horse in the race themselves that they desperately want to prop up against Hanyu's overwhelming popularity and support. And yes, it's quite likely there's a fair bit of that, as well. They want to give Uno as much home ground advantage as possible, and given that they *are* the FS capital of Japan, perhaps JSF is letting them have their way.


Anyway, yes. I concede that the whole GPF organization thing does stink of politics but there really isn't anything jaded fans aren't already expecting, I don't think. If the latest fiasco is not allowing gifts to be thrown and banners to be put up, it stands to reason that these apply to not just Hanyu, but the other 5 as well. Which means Uno fans will also have to refrain, right? And say if some alternate reality takes place and neither Hanyu nor Uno make it to the finals, the rules would still be in place, right? Cos it'd be blatant double-standard otherwise to which even my natural penchant for giving the benefit of the doubt won't be able to hold out against.


But so long as they are keeping it fair across the board and not just apply them to Hanyu fans, I still don't see the point of complaining. Because as long as these rules apply to everyone, I still don't perceive what JSF is doing as unreasonable. I'm not advocating for them, but it hasn't crossed the threshold into blatant double-standardry yet. 


As for the magazine/periodical thing, I have thoughts on it as well but don't want to carelessly share them in case I'm missing some facts and end up stepping on some innocent toes like I did earlier. Is the embargo happening only for this season or is it a rule of thumb from here on out, even if Hanyu were to decide to go on another season? Like, is it something that applies to all skaters: no featuring  more than 50% of just a single skater? 

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1 hour ago, Danibellerika said:

 Quotes for truth!  Yuzu looks aren't even what makes me a fan. I don't care what he looks like. I care what he skates like! And if he can skate clean and get world records, what's so wrong about admiring that? That's something to talk about!  He is one of the best jumpers this sport has ever seen while having the total package to boot. What's so wrong with marveling at the results of that hard work? 


1 hour ago, Hydroblade said:

I can't see how someone can be a fan of just his looks, i'm sure they exist but i can't wrap my head around it. I mean, you cannot see him in detail while he's skating, and personally i only concentrate on what he's doing on the ice rather than thinking of how cute he looks (that comes afterwards on the K&C, the Memelord's grounds). He's a fantastic skater and it's such an experience to watch him in action, that saying that we only follow him for his looks is like they are the ones ignoring how great he is as an athlete. I've liked many for their looks and i wouldn't even THINK of travelling so much just to see them.


:iagree:   The first time I saw Yuzu skate, I couldn't see his face clearly and his slender body + graceful movements made me think he was a girl. I was reading through the comments and initially thought people were using the wrong pronouns.


More figure skating videos later, I realized I was entranced by the skating of Yuzu, without even realizing I was watching him. It's only then, I started looking up his interview videos and other cute footages that I find him very handsome and cute! But that's just an extra bonus. I was already hooked before I paid attention to these other details.



56 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:

It also just makes no sense to me because I got the vibe that Yuzu sort of...set a good example (cheering for other skaters/good sportsmanship) and his fans kinda follow that. 

Remember when Yuzu was boo-ed when he won his first national championships?

Yuzu fans never boo when Yuzu loses because we know all skaters worked hard to be there. Just because we like Yuzu more, doesn't mean that we're blind to the performances of others. We don't wish for poor performances of others in order for Yuzu to win. We want Yuzu to win with 2 clean skates, because that is what he wants too.

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I think what the GPF is doing *is* nefarious. They don't want viewers to think *this* skater is more loved than the others. But he is. Surely they hope Shoma will win, and it would be confusing if the audience likes Yuzu more. I will miss the Pooh rain. It's tradition! I only hope plenty of his fans got tickets, because we satellites hardly succeeded.

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I read and read all the posts, all day ... first, I noticed Yuzu in 2012 at Nice WC. He was special. He was different. The way he skated, that smooth flow on the ice that very few posses,  the way he was dressed, just different. And , yes, he was so cute ... nothing wrong abt this, IMO. He's over "cute" now, he developed into a handsome young man, like Brian said, but no one can deny his skills then and now. Even the most ardent hater must admit the fact that if Yuzu skates clean, it's almost always a world record, or whatever they like to call it (since in FS, WR doesn't exist, lol). Abt us,  Yuzu fans, what can I say, I think we are one of the most altruistic fans around. We love and cheer for all the skaters from the TCC and everybody who does a good performance is appreciated. Over the years, since I cheer for Yuzu,  I've learned to ignore the haters (GS experience was a lesson, too) so now I simply try to not care about the haters so much. I stress enough abt Yuzu's performance to be bothered about the haters, too.

In a more shallow note, he is handsome, right? :biggrin:


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23 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:


haha i kinda went in the opposite order. i was watching sochi with my family and his little face popped up and I thought 'aw he's cute' and then he skated and i was like 'wow i'm a fan'. mostly because PW totally broke my preconceived notion that FS was just (boring) classical music in the background while skaters did whatever. tbh watching Yuzu was the first time i got a sense that what he was skating actually connected to the music and expressed the music. i hate any program where the music just seems...there arbitrarily or the interpretation seems overly forced. Yuzu never seems to skate like he's just going through the motions and checking off a list of elements he has to do.

Hah, I was actually the same. The first program I saw of his was R&J 1.0, and I thought, "aww such a cute boy, wonder how long he'll last?" It wasn't really until PW at Sochi that really made me appreciate his skating, and then Chopin 2.0 and Seimei that made me follow figure skating again. Before then, I'd have to openly admit to being slightly dismissive of him due to his looks (actually his looks hurt him more than helped him in my books)! Well, Yuzu is nice looking, but still he's not exactly a perfect ten, it's really just the smiles and the gregarious personality that sells him (otherwise I'd give him maybe a 7.5). 

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Just now, Xen said:

Hah, I was actually the same. The first program I saw of his was R&J 1.0, and I thought, "aww such a cute boy, wonder how long he'll last?" It wasn't really until PW at Sochi that really made me appreciate his skating, and then Chopin 2.0 and Seimei that made me follow figure skating again. Before then, I'd have to openly admit to being slightly dismissive of him due to his looks (actually his looks hurt him more than helped him in my books)! Well, Yuzu is nice looking, but still he's not exactly a perfect ten, it's really just the smiles and the gregarious personality that sells him (otherwise I'd give him maybe a 7.5). 


Skating: 10

Personality: 9.5 (tho can get 10 now he's looking after himself better ;;)

Looks: Solid 9 (no one is perfect. needs a hairstyle lol)


His cute face piqued my interest, his skating gave me a reason to stan and made me interested in the sport, his personality is the thing that makes it impossible to ever escape loving him to pieces. 

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2 hours ago, kaeryth said:

A: ... This time, we brought down the difficulty in jumps and he wasn’t able to get fired up. So it became a chance to study Yuzuru’s character once again.


You know what is super sweet about this? It means Yuzu agreed to try things Brian's way once again (he was right about resting between the short and free in Helsinki), which he resisted when he was younger. But now it turns out Yuzu can only go his own way... I'm not surprised watering down doesn't make him more consistent. We shouldn't be afraid of the 4Lz. 

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