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1 hour ago, xeyra said:


He's winning over guys who compete at seniors in the competitions he's been in. He's not even 13 yet? :13877886:

Stephen has to grow up first. We shall see how he will handle his body once he grows up. 

His "4lz" is UR and his Lutz has questionable edge.

His 4S is PR and UR sometimes and doesn't get called. 

Really good for his age. But he needs time. 

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1 час назад, xeyra сказал:

It comes in blue too!


I was thinking about a motivating poster to put over my desk (couldn't choose between different Yuzu's photos and quotations). Now I just can print this one with an inscription "PyeongChang2018: only gold" and put up on the wall. No other motivation needed. He looks so strong and determined here. Almost frightening. 

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Omg guys what happened while I was wasting time sleeping?? That Seimei UA run-through looks amazing!:tumblr_m230o5o5Gg1qfamg6: I've only watched the snippets because I'm traveling right now. But that spiral! Those jumps! Those spins! :10742290:


I can't wait to watch the full vid! Please Fuji TV don't block the videos... (hopefully somebody has already downloaded?)

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Just woke up to Seimei and also Boyang's FS (which will be strikingly similar in tone to Seimei by the looks of it- some prettyyyy familiar moves lol) - feels like the season is finally almost here~~


Final spin position of Seimei is killing me, the fact he added the HIP TWIST from original step sequence (and the cameraman CUT IT OFF WHAT), the side eye (don't mess w Yuzu in the middle of performance mode even if you're a small child)... only a week and a bit to go!! :embSwan:

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I MISSED A SMALL ERUPTION. Will never forgive myself for this.


Okay, now that I have forgiven myself. Let's get down to business (to defeat the Huns)

1) That was a Single Lutz. Not a popped Lutz. He may have made it single instead of a triple because he was tired, but a pop is when you prepare for more rotations, and do less rotation. That was a Single Lutz as far as my eye can see, I didn't see him going into it with the intention of doing a triple. Meaning, Trollzuru working his magic as to not showing us Lutzes... just because??

2) He's totally putting a spiral there, and of course that wasn't the real thing, it was the hint of a spiral, just like he hinted at many other things (some other new things I can't wait to see!)

3) I didn't think I could be any deadder than 'post-concert' dead and instead I am deadder than that indeed.



EEEEK. ACI COME SOON. Just -11 days.

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9 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:

4S3T combination of doom :laughing:

I object !:smiley-talk005:. Yuzu has conquered this combo in Helsinki ! :joy: Also one of our satellite @daisyjune said this in the English study group  "

But then, maybe we shouldn't have named that combo such  because Yuzu believes in 言霊 (belief in the power of words).

I was so relieved Yuzu finally broke the spell of "C of D"."

On a side note, Yuzu rarely wears red UA for practice but he did on the day he showed reporters his Seimei run-through,  I'm wondering if he's hinting about his new costume or not...:crazyshit2:  Can't wait for ACI where I will for sure embarrass myself greatly :sadPooh: 



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5 minutes ago, kaerb said:

Do we think Yuzu's gonna raise his leg higher in his actual competition spiral (assuming it's in there) or is this his limit....? :notamused:


I doubt it's his limit but aesthetically I can't imagine anything higher than that to fit into Seimei's theme.


I actually like the spiral we've seen as it is, it's flattering his lines :7938863:

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1 hour ago, kaerb said:

Do we think Yuzu's gonna raise his leg higher in his actual competition spiral (assuming it's in there) or is this his limit....? :notamused:

Um I think I saw a video of him cooling down by the boards during the filming of his Lotte cm. And he raised his legs above his head "ala spiral style" This kitty-cat's flexibility is madness. :devilYuzu:. To find that in Seimei though... 

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