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9 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

I can't listen to it at the height of my feels :sorrow:

It's lovely, and very sad, and hopeful :heart:

I saw that documentary when Yuzu went back to the sites of the tsunami, and it was so heartbreaking - and Yuzuru carried such guilt which was so much to bear for a young man......but those young people at the newly rebuilt school were fantastic and raised his spirits a lot I think - they were so excited to see him and asked to see his "pistol pose" - he was amazed and shocked at their excitement wasn't he!  Thanks for posting these @Hydroblade  - we have to remember that sometimes out of disaster and tragedy comes hope and light :heart:

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4 minutes ago, Pamyu said:

It's lovely, and very sad, and hopeful :heart:

I saw that documentary when Yuzu went back to the sites of the tsunami, and it was so heartbreaking - and Yuzuru carried such guilt which was so much to bear for a young man......but those young people at the newly rebuilt school were fantastic and raised his spirits a lot I think - they were so excited to see him and asked to see his "pistol pose" - he was amazed and shocked at their excitement wasn't he!  Thanks for posting these @Hydroblade  - we have to remember that sometimes out of disaster and tragedy comes hope and light :heart:

Yup, the lyrics are heartbreaking when you think about him (edited a bit so it's not too long):


Always weighing on my shoulder
A time like no other
It all changed on that day
Sadness and so much pain

You can touch the sorrow here
I don't know what to blame
I just watch and watch again

Even though the days go on
So far so far away from
It seems so close


What did it leave behind?
What did it take from us and wash away?
It may be long
But with our hearts start a new
And keep it up and not give up
With our heads held high

You have seen hell and made it back again
How to forget? We can't forget
The lives that were lost along the way
And then you realize that wherever you go
There you are
Time won't stop
So we keep moving on

Yesterday's night turns to light
Tomorrow's night returns to light
Be the light

Some days just pass by and
Some days are unforgettable
We can't choose the reason why
But we can choose what to do from the day after.
So with that hope, with that determination
Let's make tomorrow a brighter and better day


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On 2017-06-27 at 11:01 PM, Amarante said:


Oh my goodness dear!  What a gem episode you shared with us! It was something soooo special and rather rare that many Yuzuru-fans are dying for!  Congratulations! :0013:If I I were a bus driver, i gonna step on the gas pedal and take him away with me..ha ha.:bow:  Actually i was there at Mississauga, FOR Yuzu, we might have passed by each other :smiley-love017:!

Yes we maybe pass by each other without knowing! I was in one of the buses of Dash Tours, because I and my Japanese friends have bought the ticket and hotel with Dash tours. I heard that the Hershey centre in Mississauga is out of nowhere, quite far from the hotels, quite difficult to get a taxi at midnight to go back to our hotel. So I decided to go with the Tours because they provided buses from hotel to the arena and back to the hotel at night.

Anyway, on the evening of Men short programs, after the competitions ended, we found our bus waiting in the parking. Then a man responsible for the parking asked our driver to move his bus away, so the driver had to move and parked somewhere else.

He made a wonderful decision to park his bus in front of the exit of the skaters, not far from the others buses reserved for skaters or officials. That was where we got Yuzuru coming into our bus.

To be honest when we were in the bus that evening, we were a little bit sleepy and sad because Yuzuru did not do well in the short program. Then an angel came into our bus, looked at us with his nice and pure face, like a child. I was so surprised at this moment, I believed I said softly to my friend, not believing my eyes: Oh my god, it's Yuzuru.

Then I believed he said something to excuse himself and got off the bus.

Back in Japan, my Japanese friend has recorded the tv skating program and said that they showed briefly the moment Yuzuru got off a parked bus that night, maybe it is our bus I don't know, with a voice of somebody saying "oh my god". 

By entering into our bus, he has waking us up and made us happy again. He has put a smile back on our face.


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19 minutes ago, Vadrouille said:

Then an angel came into our bus, looked at us with his nice and pure face, like a child. I was so surprised at this moment, I believed I said softly to my friend, not believing my eyes: Oh my god, it's Yuzuru.

Wow, great story!! I wouldn't have believed my eyes either!! :0013::heart:

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2 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

We can't forget this one :biggrin:  (hope it's the right one, i can;t watch the video at work haha)


Another thing that I owe to Yuzu is that I started to listen One Ok Rock :th_drum:Yuzu has got great taste when it comes to music. I love this songs, Taka's voice is amazing and they are so meaningful.

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Hi everyone, I'm new here. I've only gotten interested in Figure Skating and became a fan of Yuzu a little more than a month ago. Why did I only found him so recently? I've been missing out on so much!!! :sadPooh::sadPooh::sadPooh:


14 hours ago, kaeryth said:

Controversy time! Worlds.... I really feel like it could've gone either way between Yuzu and Tatsuki but I won't lie and say that being the Olympic champion helped Yuzu. I won't argue with scores or who deserves to win but what I didn't like was this intensified the 'rivalry' narrative that Japanese media had going on between Yuzu and Tatsuki, which you can tell Yuzu really didn't like. And now, you can see the lengths Yuzu goes to with Shoma to make sure it doesn't happen again.


Anyway, this is my first time posting and I wanna talk about Yuzu and Shoma's friendship. Although I can sense the rivalry between them, I think their relationship is still very good.


Look at how cute they are!!! 


While reading the comments in this video, I saw a comment by Mel T:

"I don't get Shoma! He admires and loves Yuzuru but at the same time he wants to destroy him. Not "become as good as he is" , not even " beat him " but "DESTROY" him, that's what Shoma said. So my question is whyyyy??? Is that a Japanese thing I really don't get it. I love them together when they joke around and have fun but I can't completely enjoy such videos because I know Shoma has something in his mind and I can't tell what..."


She's referring to this: video.


I'll post what I replied to her here again:

"I just saw the original video. Although my Japanese isn't great, I can understand the Chinese subtitles. I think it's technically not a mistranslation but that there's no English word equivalent to what Shoma was trying to express. There are different types of 'destroy' in Chinese (and I think Japanese too because these 2 languages are closer to each other). The 'destroy' that Shoma used means to defeat Yuzu decisively, meaning that he wants to surpass Yuzu by significant amounts. I think that's very normal of Shoma to feel this way since this is a competitive sports. The 'destroy' that he's using is strong language, but has no malicious intent because this 'destroy' has little to do with damaging or breaking something apart."


Since Chinese and Japanese are closer in terms of language, I tend to trust Chinese translations more than English ones when there are both. 


I see some parallels of Yuzu's rivalry with the other skaters with sibling rivalry. You do love each other, but you want to outdo one another! Love is complicated. :yznotimpressed:


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4 hours ago, PomeloPooh said:


Speaking of worlds 2014, I've been reading old posts at an FS forum in my country, and about 14WFC, while some say Yuzu gains advantage because of  his OGG, others say that Machida's PCS soared unreasonably (for LP 82 at both GPF and OG, then 90 at WFC, while Yuzu's being 92, 91, 91 respectively). I'm not familiar with how PCS usually progress, and I'm curious about your opinion on this?


I haven't been following Machida's past competition because he's not really my style. He's got great skating skills (like most Japanese skaters) and is great with interpretation/performance aspect. Honestly, while his PCS score did shoot up, he skated relatively clean and had the advantage of having a great short so he had the momentum (you can see how judging goes :facepalm:). I try not to bring up nitty gritty details because I know some Machida fans are still salty about this (yes, even 3 years later.. FS fans have looooooong memories :rofl:) and don't want to get into the argument of who was overscored (they both were to be honest). For, me it could have gone either way. What was annoying was that because Yuzu won by virtue of his TES (they were nearly tied in PCS) this just increased the perception that he is just all jumps.

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5 minutes ago, singcarcom said:

Hi everyone, I'm new here. I've only gotten interested in Figure Skating and became a fan of Yuzu a little more than a month ago. Why did I only found him so recently? I've been missing out on so much!!! 

Hey :biggrin: welcome to the Planet! Don't worry, you will be able to enjoy the reveal of his FS, the streaming party of Hyoen, maybe participate in our message project for ACI and of course, the stream parties for next season :biggrin: You will still enjoy it, and you have time to catch up with what has been happening thanks to @kaeryth's fantastic compilations :biggrin: 

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