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17 hours ago, quadaxelwin said:



Thanks for your opinion. Didn't he recently say at a press conference his dream is to land all 6 quads in a program?

I think he might not retire so soon, as he has a high goal. And to declare that publicly at a press con, sort of tells me he is staying for a while.


On another topic before I go lurking again...

Those stalkers who stalked Yuzu whilst he was walking with Rika, Shun and Yuma. OMG. 

Maybe this is why he can't even go outside in Toronto, because these stalkers know where he trains and probably will follow him even if he goes out to the park in Toronto or something. I feel really sorry for him because to live a life where you can't even have a tourist night in Torino because of stalking fans will be such a nightmare. I once heard he only stays in his hotel and doesn't go watch ladies competitions live anymore when he goes competing overseas. I once saw a 2010~2011 documentary about Yuzu strolling around with Tatsuki Machida in Red Square in Moscow as a tourist. There were no stalkers then. The 2 skaters were taking pics around Moscow and it seemed Yuzu could travel and go out in the city after the competition was over. I remember it was a documentary aired after Rostelecom Cup. The last time he went to a ladies competition live was 2014 sochi ladies free program. There are photos of him cheering for Kanako in the VIP seats. Ever since then, I've never seen him watch events live. Such a shame because sometimes top ladies skaters like Eteri girls can get to watch Yuzu compete live without being mobbed. Maybe he can't go watch competitions live after he finishes his event because of all these stalkers?


Such a shame to know someone can't even go for a normal night stroll even after the competition is over. This is very shocking. I love seeing instagram pics from skaters who go touring the competition host city after they finish their free program. But Yuzu probably can't ever go tourist spotting anymore like he used to in 2010 ~ 2011

What stalkers? Can you send a link here? What happened? Sorry I'm so latee

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Didn't we see in a recent interview with Brian (either at SC or NHK) where he said that he would be going to J Nats and then he'd get to Rus Nats after that? I remember him saying he was in the process of figuring out how to get to one after the other. And after this brouhaha, especially , I think Brian will definitely want to be at Yuzu's first J Nats in years...

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11 minutes ago, Alexis219 said:

What stalkers? Can you send a link here? What happened? Sorry I'm so latee

when he was returning from the banquet to the hotel with his teammates which was like a 5mn walk in the street of Torino they followed him . . . or more like ran after him  . . . it was quite a disturbing scene I have to say, I was soo sorry for them like he even had bodyguards with him back at the hotel... it was ridiculous just to think that they were waiting for him after the banquet . . it could have been dangerous, like all the others skaters were unbothered to return to the hotel. The fact that he is used to that is quite sad.

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18 hours ago, quadaxelwin said:

Those stalkers who stalked Yuzu whilst he was walking with Rika, Shun and Yuma. OMG. 

Maybe this is why he can't even go outside in Toronto, because these stalkers know where he trains and probably will follow him even if he goes out to the park in Toronto or something.

up until a couple of years ago, as far as I can tell from reading interviews and news reports, he was able to take TTC (Toronto city buses) to and from TCC, but some fans figured out his bus stop and bus routes and started popping up on his commute, which he was uncomfortable with, and so he had to stop. 


He should move to my city, no one looks at anyone here, and in winter, you're wearing so many layers no one can see your face anyway. he'd go completely unnoticed. 

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22 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

and give poor Ghislain a break...did Utashin make JNats? If that's the case then probably Tracy will go as well. 


By the way, I predict the very first thing Yuzu will be asked by Brian is something along the lines of "What were you thinking, trying 4A there?!"



Yes, Brian probably will say something like that. Luckily, Ghislain was with Yuzu in Torino and he understood why Yuzu did it and played it perfectly PR wise in the media. And speaking of Ghislain, no break for him, he'll be at the Korean ranking competition with Jun in a few days.

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29 minutes ago, Vulnavia said:


Yes, Brian probably will say something like that. Luckily, Ghislain was with Yuzu in Torino and he understood why Yuzu did it and played it perfectly PR wise in the media. And speaking of Ghislain, no break for him, he'll be at the Korean ranking competition with Jun in a few days.

I hope he chains his passport to his wrist!


Also, I haven't seen any media with Ghislain at all - have you got a link? 

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36 minutes ago, Vulnavia said:


Yes, Brian probably will say something like that. Luckily, Ghislain was with Yuzu in Torino and he understood why Yuzu did it and played it perfectly PR wise in the media. And speaking of Ghislain, no break for him, he'll be at the Korean ranking competition with Jun in a few days.

Oh, then it will be easy for Ghislain to meet Brian and Yuzu in Japan afterwards?  I feel like because Ghislain cares about Yuzu so much he would want to be with Yuzu.


I still have so much to catch up on videos, GPF threads (50 pages of gala thread), Twitter (been just bookmarking tweets since it moves so fast).  I guess I have a week to do so!


By the way, any guess for Yuzu’s Ex at JNats?  I vote for Masquerade with Toshl live performance


I also need help with how to watch JNats from Canada, can anyone tell me?  Need VPN and stuff?

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37 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

up until a couple of years ago, as far as I can tell from reading interviews and news reports, he was able to take TTC (Toronto city buses) to and from TCC, but some fans figured out his bus stop and bus routes and started popping up on his commute, which he was uncomfortable with, and so he had to stop. 


He should move to my city, no one looks at anyone here, and in winter, you're wearing so many layers no one can see your face anyway. he'd go completely unnoticed. 


Hahaha, well we've had quite a few snow days too in the past week.


In all honesty, he'd probably have fan incidents anywhere if he has a "regular" route they can discern. I mean, we all look at potential flights whenever he flies for competitions. :facepalm:


But I do believe, for the most part, his life in Toronto is fairly normal. The majority of people here wouldn't recognize/know who he is. Plus it's a very multicultural city - sure the signs are in English, but I don't even think people would turn to look at him twice if they hear Japanese.

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4 hours ago, Umebachi said:

This season, I see so much angst over the unfair scoring and judging, and frustrations over the way Nathan is being hailed as the winner for having "crushed" Hanyu.  Of course, I share in these feelings expressed by many satellites on this forum.  But I will be contrarian and say all this emotional churning this is a tempest in a teacup.  Actually, after this GPF event I am now convinced more than ever before that Yuzu's best days are ahead and he is evolving into a truly iconic artist and performer for the ages.  He has been a great athlete, but so far he has only skimmed the surface of the creative potential.


And for this, I am gratefuly - yes, deeply and truly grateful - to Nathan Chen for being the source of Yuzu's motivation to keep pushing himself.  Nathan is a great athlete and, thank goodness, also a very decent human-being with integrity, so that the competition with Yuzu will remain positive and respectful despite the efforts of the media and gossip-mongers to generate toxic counternarratives.  For me, Nathan's performance is entertaining but passes quickly and does not offer much aesthetic interest or deep emotional connection (what was that performance with La Boheme??  Does he even know Charles Aznavour??? I find Kevin Aymoz to be memorable and moving, and when Mikhail Kolyada returns, he will be another memorable performer - if he can pull things together.) 


So while Nathan can gain scoring WRs, he remains a foil for the main protagonist who remains to be Yuzu.  I am just thrilled to know that we are now in for another full Olympic cycle with Yuzu pushing and refining his artistry.  I am sorry that some complain about "recycling", but every Yuzu performance is different and given the difficulty of his lay-outs it takes many different takes to reach a higher level of artistry.  I watch each performance like watching dancers honing their choreography and gradually building in greater subtlety into their movements.  


I saw Yuzu live at Skate Canada in Kelowna - where his Origin performance was one of the best I have seen so far, with all the emotional commitments being translated into beautiful movements of head, arms and legs.  Apart from the first 4Lo it was a seamless and expressive flow from the beginning to the end.  This is what I am looking forward to seeing, with even more difficult technical elements.  Yuzu is right in asking rhetorically: what is the point of putting in quad axel if he cannot put transitions in and out of it?  Figure skating is not a jumping show.   


Yuzu will stay true to his commitment to that artistry and will push himself to the utmost to accomplish it.  And when he stops competing and moves on to other activities, top skaters like Patrick Chan, Javi, and Nathan will look back and say "I was honored to have been part of that journey."  (Patrick and Javi have already said something along those lines.)  


This is the great vision that Hanyu-senshu shared with me, and I am at peace.  羽生選手殿、心から感謝しております。


Oh, I wish I could Like your post 10,000 times, I agree with it all and you said it so much better than I could! I immediately read it to my husband (he also loves Yuzu and agrees about his genius) and I was practically sobbing while reading it out loud. (Just following Hanyu-senshu's advice about 'crying it out' :agree2:)


The part about Nathan really touched me, I do think he is a decent and respectful young man, and I think Yuzu asking (with a gesture) Nathan for a hug out on the ice during the gala finale, is his signal to the public that their relationship is respectful and CARING. That was no 'pat-pat' bro-hug, that was from the heart. I think Nathan is the catalyst Yuzu needs right now, like Javi was earlier. 


I don't blame people who feel bitter, but I think it's important to try to get past it, and be as positive as you can! In this case, I think we have alot to be hopeful for, I do think Yuzu has the motivation and the growing strength to achieve his greatest dreams.


I believe that in some 'undetectable' way, all human life has a connection, so that in some way Yuzu has a 'sense' of the various feelings of his fans (heh heh, or, just lurking twitter, line, weibo etc), and I would much rather be emanating a positive, happy vibe in his direction than negativity. And then I naturally find myself being a nicer person to the rest of the world, and hopefully the cycle just keeps going!

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