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20 minutes ago, memae said:


I think the term 'fanyu' is up to interpretation, and a lot of it. It can't be ignored that he does have fans who are rude and spiteful of other skaters (the trash talk Nathan gets, for example - whether he deserves his scores or not, there's no reason for the scorn and loathing he gets directed at him as a person or athlete), who ignore rules (sneaking cameras in where they're not allowed, blatantly throwing Poohs at ACI even though it wasn't allowed), who applaud and cheer so loudly at practices when Yuzu does anything even if it's another skater's run-through. Those are things we see happen too much. There's also fans who don't even show up for the first group at events or who leave after he's skated (and I get that lots of people are time-poor and things happen, but not all the time for everyone). All those things suggest that those fans are fans of Yuzuru himself and not of figure skating as a sport. If they were they'd support other skaters, they'd direct their frustration at feds/ISU/media instead of skaters, and they'd follow their own idol's lead to be respectful of others and of rules. 


There's a distinction between the 'fanyus' that cop a bunch of flack (because they deserve it, quite frankly, if they're going to behave that way) and 'fanyus' like those who spent 2 days and a billion posts worrying whether singing Yuzu 'Happy Birthday' during K&C at GPF would be disruptive to other skaters and ultimately deciding on a more appropriate time to sing it.  Unfortunately, we all get lumped in together.

Yeah singling out Fanyus as if others skaters don't have problematic fans, who even act worse and I don't mean just in social media or FS events 🙄


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2 hours ago, Paskud said:

We can go the other way:

award for the sweetest Yuzuru smile

award for the cutest Yuzuru giggle

award for the best Yuzuru photo

award for the most cursed Yuzuru CM

award for the moment that killed the most fanyus

how about record for most fanyus knocked dead in a single day - to Masquerade of course. 

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1 hour ago, Tabby said:

So apparently, according to Yuko Kavaguti, fanyus aren't 'real' fs fans...hmm...I wonder if that's what she thought when she was invited by Yuzuru himself to participate in Ciontu...guess the only way for her to be relevant is to use Yuzuru's name 


Honestly, what hurts me the most is imagining how Yuzuru would feel if he read that :( 

She must mean 'fanyus' in the derogatory, 'crazy groupie' sense of the word, and not just as 'fans of Hanyu' ...I couldn't imagine anyone saying all of Hanyu's fans are 'not true FS fans'. There's plenty of us that loved figure skating long before Yuzu was even so much as a twinkle in his father's eye. 

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1 hour ago, Tabby said:

So apparently, according to Yuko Kavaguti, fanyus aren't 'real' fs fans...hmm...I wonder if that's what she thought when she was invited by Yuzuru himself to participate in Ciontu...guess the only way for her to be relevant is to use Yuzuru's name 


Honestly, what hurts me the most is imagining how Yuzuru would feel if he read that :( 


That's not fair. There are many types of fanyus. While I do believe there are many fanyus who are just fans of Yuzu (with some being bad in terms of treatment of other competitors or overzealous in their Yuzu adoration), or maybe they just watch men's skating, I think there are far more fans who either came to be fans because of him and stayed because the sport is enjoyable and entertaining etc., or they were fans long before Yuzu came along and became his fans because of the kind of skater he is.

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2 hours ago, Tabby said:

So apparently, according to Yuko Kavaguti, fanyus aren't 'real' fs fans...hmm...I wonder if that's what she thought when she was invited by Yuzuru himself to participate in Ciontu...guess the only way for her to be relevant is to use Yuzuru's name 


Honestly, what hurts me the most is imagining how Yuzuru would feel if he read that :( 

 Given her behavior now, isn't that "beneath" her? If she has these opinions and thoughts now, did she have them when she performed at his ice show? Was she looking down on everyone the entire time? She is not a gate keeper for the sport.


How someone got into figuring skating shouldn't matter. I'm quite upset to hear about this, given how many people are fans of Yuzuru. She generalized a whole group of people in such a blanket statement...if that is how she feels why did she ever accept Yuzuru's invite to attend his ice show?


I am a more casual fan and I have always been more interested in the mens. I liked Plushenko growing up and was a bit out of the scene until I saw Yuzuru perform-quite by accident. I and other fans don't need to justify why we follow or like him. It doesn't make us any more or "less" a figure skating fan. I follow other skaters too, but heavens forbid if one peaks my interest more.

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2 hours ago, Tabby said:

So apparently, according to Yuko Kavaguti, fanyus aren't 'real' fs fans...hmm...I wonder if that's what she thought when she was invited by Yuzuru himself to participate in Ciontu...guess the only way for her to be relevant is to use Yuzuru's name 


Honestly, what hurts me the most is imagining how Yuzuru would feel if he read that :( 

Et tu, Brute? Another reminder that there are very few people in fs world, who at least respect him.

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On 11/27/2019 at 11:45 PM, ICeleste said:

Live interview with Javi Fernandez. Streamed by IG user @ yuzuuzu. Translated from Spanish


- Fan questions about Yuzuru:


- Q: Can you tell us an anecdote with Yuzuru and something related to Spain and him?

J: The only time he's been here in Spain was during GPF Barcelona and I know he had a good experience then. Well, he should tell you about that himself, haha.

But I will tell you an anecdote: One time I went to practice -I don't remember which championship it was- and I forgot my training pants. And Yuzu told me that-.... -since I couldn't show up to compete in jeans!-, he lent me one of his pair of training pants. Not everybody does this! That's why I'm saying it.


- Question from a fan: Have you ever had a problem/quarrel with Yuzuru? Maybe because of envy? 

J: No, no, never. You mean, because one of us had lost and the other had won? Never.

Although sometimes.... (TN: he told these as funny/lighthearted memories, he kept smiling  fondly while speaking). While we were training for an important competition and well, one of us was angry and the other one was a little angry too...... *pause*... I mean, we never yelled at each other!!! (*Javi and the audience laugh*). It was actually like, "I don't wanna see! Don't look at me! Today is not my day!" *laughs*. That's normal in training, it happened between the two of us, between me and other people, and between him and other people as well. But yeah, no. it's just those moments when we thought "I want to skate well! Everybody else is skating well except me!" *imitates angry face* *laughs*



- Q: What do you think about the recent rule changes? You don't have to answer this...

- J: Don't worry, I won't get myself in trouble! *laughs*. Because I, too, also tell them (TN: ISU?) these things *smug face*

"There are good things and things that are disastrous right now. There are things that they try to solve, and stuff that hasn't been fixed. I believe the sport is evolving so the rules have to evolve too. I think +5/-5 GOE is a good start, since it make people consider "Is it better to do a good program instead of including very difficult jumps and thus ending up wiping the floor (TN: he means "having a splatfest")? 

One of the things I would change is the age and weight requirements to compete in each category. Because we have seen the arrival of too many 16-year-old boys and girls who win against everybody else, last 2 years in competitions and then they become good for nothing. Also, establishing a minimum weight limit, at this point is... (TN: I can't hear this part) that's it, I won't say anything else for now! *laughs*"


Other things:

- Javi wishes to become a coach someday and plans to bring his ice show to Latin America

- Javi said he never had any established psychological training before competitions.

- Javi has a great friendship with Plushenko. He told a really cute anecdote about how Plush saw him training at summer camp, when he was a kid. Plush always reminds him that he used to think Javi was a disaster back then ("he should find another hobby!"). Plush also tells him now that he would've never imagined back then that Javi would become such a good and accomplished skater

- He says his favorite thing about skating has always been the Interpretation (and "putting himself in another person/a character's shoes")

Hello everyone!!! This is the IG user Yuzuuzu, thanks for showing so much love to the stream and for the translation 😍😍


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3 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

She must mean 'fanyus' in the derogatory, 'crazy groupie' sense of the word, and not just as 'fans of Hanyu' ...I couldn't imagine anyone saying all of Hanyu's fans are 'not true FS fans'. There's plenty of us that loved figure skating long before Yuzu was even so much as a twinkle in his father's eye. 

True. I've been following the KimxAsada rivalry for as long as I can remember and didn't even know Yuzu existed till 2017. (I've heard of his name in passing back in 2014 because my college classmates were all gushing about him, but I initially thought he was an anime character):LOL:


Forgive me, Yuzu. :headdesk:

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There are inappropriate behaviours in all fan groups. Yuzu fans are singled out because there are too many of us. Every tiny bit of misbehaviour are magnified.


Take ACI gift throwing as an example. Throwing gifts were not allowed but there were fans throwing a few gifts to other skaters as well as Yuzu. Yet, I hardly see other people blaming the fans of those skaters but they only blame Yuzu's fans from ACI. This may be because there are so few gifts for those skaters that the skaters could easily pick the gifts up themselves but it is not the case for Yuzu. 1% of crazy fans already means a lot of people so we are subjected to double standard.

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30 minutes ago, AkaneYamashina said:

True. I've been following the KimxAsada rivalry for as long as I can remember and didn't even know Yuzu existed till 2017. (I've heard of his name in passing back in 2014 because my college classmates were all gushing about him, but I initially thought he was an anime character):LOL:


Forgive me, Yuzu. :headdesk:



At least we don't have crazy yunabot trolls like koola king in our fandom 😂



But anyway just ignore that comment. I see Kozuka and that skater make inappropriate comments about Yuzu's fans and just shrug them off. Their opinions have little weight in Japanese skating world anyway. (If Arakawa said that, it would be more devastating because what she says has more social impact). 

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6 minutes ago, CaroSkate said:

There are inappropriate behaviours in all fan groups. Yuzu fans are singled out because there are too many of us. Every tiny bit of misbehaviour are magnified.


Take ACI gift throwing as an example. Throwing gifts were not allowed but there were fans throwing a few gifts to other skaters as well as Yuzu. Yet, I hardly see other people blaming the fans of those skaters but they only blame Yuzu's fans from ACI. This may be because there are so few gifts for those skaters that the skaters could easily pick the gifts up themselves but it is not the case for Yuzu. 1% of crazy fans already means a lot of people so we are subjected to double standard.

This isn't about how her words are true or not. It's about yet another person stabbing Yuzuru in back.

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9分鐘前, Paskud說:

This isn't about how her words are true or not. It's about yet another person stabbing Yuzuru in back.

I am not supporting her comment and I think it may hurt Yuzu. I just think that it is inevitable that we are subjected to double standard.

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