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  On 7/11/2019 at 11:26 AM, ZuCritter said:

1. At Worlds, the look on Yuzu's face when he locked eyes with Brian just before his SP did not convey his usual confidence. There was almost a desperation about it, which I had seen very clearly in the look he gave Brian before the FS but missed until this video in the footage of the SP. He said in the press conference after the short that he needed to find a more confident attitude, so I know I'm not imagining things. Still, it tears at my heart to see it in his eyes. 



I remember seeing that when I was watching it live and thinking that he didn't look his usual self...then later on in interviews he mentioned that even though he'd had a longer time between his injury at Rostelecom and Worlds '19 than he'd had between NHK 17 and the Olympics, he had not been able to work as hard and get back up to fitness, so he was very nervous going into Worlds this time. 

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  On 7/11/2019 at 4:19 PM, sweetwater said:

@sallycinnamon Thanks! I should have looked through this subforum first... (I only checked threads in Space Junk :redface:)
@Lunna I am not sure which restaurants you referring to. If you remember the name of them or the type of food they serve please let me know!


Rikyu, Gyotei Hamaya and The Super Sports XEBIO (it's a sports shop has Yuzu autograph at the counter) near it.

I found info here https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/176016378127/my-sendai-holiday-april-2018-part-2-ice-rink

Also must visit Nanakitada Park and take a photo with a cat on the bench like Yuzu did))

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As I understood his cf contract with P&G ended (he is now with Bathclin) and Fantasy on Ice was mainly produced (sponsored) by P&G. Every his cf video was removed. Then at the end of the show there were rumors that somebody is leaving the show (people were guessing Plushenko or Buttle) but now I am thinking actually about Yuzu.... It seems absolutely improbable as he was the main star of the show... but still.. why else they removed his cf videos???  What do you think?

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  On 7/12/2019 at 7:38 AM, Ager said:

As I understood his cf contract with P&G ended (he is now with Bathclin) and Fantasy on Ice was mainly produced (sponsored) by P&G. Every his cf video was removed. Then at the end of the show there were rumors that somebody is leaving the show (people were guessing Plushenko or Buttle) but now I am thinking actually about Yuzu.... It seems absolutely improbable as he was the main star of the show... but still.. why else they removed his cf videos???  What do you think?


He's been with Bathclin since 2016 or so. Even the current CM I think was probably filmed some time back but they only started running it now. They had one last year, too, that also seemed old, but hadn't been run before.


I agree though that the P&G contract probably ended, which would explain them removing all the videos and content (though the timing is pretty bad as they had campaigns for the upcoming Tokyo Olympics with Yuzu and Matsuoka). I don't think this necessarily has anything to do with FaOI, though. I think Yuzu will only leave FaOI if he starts his own series, with Continues. And his connection is probably more through CIC than P&G. On the other hand, Jeff has hinted at retiring - in a FaOI interview he said he's nearing the end of his pro career - and Johnny I think has said he will retire next year? So it doesn't really have to be Yuzu. No idea about Plush, though. I don't think Yuzu will have much time for Continues until he retires, though who knows? But I'm not sure retirement is that close on the horizon - unless he is crazy enough to land all 6 quads in competition this season.

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  On 7/12/2019 at 10:00 AM, Figure_Frenzy said:


...what I remembered from reading his insta post he will retire in 2022? 

...just heard about Jeff going to retire from pro skating too btw ._.


Oops could be... I remembered 2020 something, but my memory often fails like that.


I literally went "Noooooo! :sorrow:" When I heard Jeff mention retiring... he is such a precious performer... in the multitude of FaOI skaters this year at least, Jeff has his own, very specific style. And his smile can really light up the room. But on the other hand, he's really in demand as choreographer as well, and has had injuries, so it could be he wants to settle to just choreo... or maybe he has plans to coach? I have no idea...


Johnny retiring is sad, too. Whatever one might thing about him as a person, he's a great performer and Fuego was one of the FaOI highlights for me! But I guess changing of the guard is natural... wish they could all continue until their 40s like Candeloro, though lol (Though I think Candeloro does very few shows)

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It is very sad for both Jeff and Johnny. They have such a unique style of performing ,the stand out in  Show like FaOI ....maybe it’s their experience but it’s always a pleasure to watch them.

Plushy looks a little bit more stuff to me and while unappreciated him as an athlete I am not sure about the performance side.one thing for sure he seems to have let go completely and lots of fun which is always nice.

Truly it’s the end of an era for me.

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  On 7/12/2019 at 11:24 AM, mercedes said:

It is very sad for both Jeff and Johnny. They have such a unique style of performing ,the stand out in  Show like FaOI ....maybe it’s their experience but it’s always a pleasure to watch them.

Plushy looks a little bit more stuff to me and while unappreciated him as an athlete I am not sure about the performance side.one thing for sure he seems to have let go completely and lots of fun which is always nice.

Truly it’s the end of an era for me.


From my experience of watching Plushy live, like I said once in a FaOI report, anyone else doing the stuff he does would be awkward. But he still has the Plushy charm and the ability to make the whole crowd react, so he can pull it off. Admittedly, aside from his funnier programs, I'm not particularly super keen to see him in shows, but I'm sure if he retires, it'll be sad to know we won't see him again. In Toyama, he actually put a funny spin on the ending of his program, which I think was very welcome (even though he received, as always, thunderous applause and cheers even without that). Not to mention actually made everyone laugh lol.

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I just saw the competition schedule for the next season:

Sep 12-14 Autumn Classic

Oct 03-05 Shanghai Trophy

Oct 25-27 Skate Canada GP


I wonder, which competitions Yuzu will attend this year. I don't think that he will do both ACI and ST, but only one of them to test his new program layouts (and maybe new programs).

He's invited to the Shanghai Trophy, but those three weeks break before SC might be too short, aye? However, if Yuzu doesn't go and Nathan does, this could fuel negative and unncessary narratives again...:13877886: How do you think about this?

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