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18 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


Nope, you don't need permission. Anyone could make a movie about his life as he doesn't as he cannot, own the rights to his own story. Most of these movies are really so-called "docudramas" and by definition, their purpose is to capture the "essence" of someone's life without necessarily filming all the actual events that took place. It's a dramatization of lives of real people (I'm talking about how HWeird sees it). There are several things they'd need to be careful of; rights of privacy (only goes away if the person is already gone), rights of publicity (this does count even if the person is dead) and torts of false light (and I think they require evidence of actual malice here) and defamation. If they can work with that, they're good to go, without Zu's permission. 

I think under UK law his privacy would be protected unless he signed a contract - I don't think you can just make a film about someone here unless they've agreed or the film maker can show that it's 'in the public interest'.  That is my very hazy recollection which I don't have time to chase down at the moment.  I don't recall much but the case law I remember was on situations where individuals had signed contracts they later wished they hadn't -  cant remember anything about any film where the subject hadn't agreed apart from exposes, which if there's a bit of evidence of wrongdoing tend to pass the public interest requirement.


Not likely to be uk law anyway - and I don't know anything at all about Japanese law.

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Just now, cinemacoconut said:



Ughh plz no. Yuzu has white skin and looks jst better in my opinion. The best scenario for me would me YOI producers making a Yuzu based anime and yuzu can voice himself after he retires. Lol

Not our choice, Yuzu himself picked him :P There certainly is a resemblance but Yuzu is, idk how to explain it, more elegant? He's unique :tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp:

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2 hours ago, Pamigena said:


I wonder how many people are going to need to find a new dentist really urgently in the next two weeks :laughing:

This is so beautiful!! It's really amazing how his hometown people show so much love and respect for him. I know this must add presure to him but I'm sure he feels very thankful. 

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4 hours ago, ICeleste said:

I've read that the I, Tonya filmmakers couldn't find an actress who could land a 3A for that epic scene in the movie... where are they going to find an actor to perform the 4A in Yuzu's film?:xD:

In Tonya Harding's movie, I've read they used CGI . Still looked cheesy.

Some fans did suggest using a male skater dresses in TOnya's costume to do the 3A, then zoom out. I suppose the director couldnt find a willing one who is Tonya body type


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1) any movie is very very far in the future. Way way way after he retires. Who knows what the movie landscape will look like then! 

2) we really have to be reasonable with our expectations. Hollywood runs on money. If they make a movie, it will be for the general public. The general public neither cares nor knows about even the most basic of figure skating technical aspects. Crossovers what? Edges what? Oh yay jumps! Any Yuzuru movie will be focused on the drama and the struggles not on skating. It will heavily exaggerate one or two moments and centralised it around that. Maybe throw in one big rival. 


Haha all I'm saying is be reasonable with the expectations. Hollywood doesn't actually care about accuracy or figure skating or the accuracy of portraying figure skating anyway. :shrug:

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8 hours ago, Lilona said:

Hmmm. It's a fail bcs I wanted to gift one of them in 22th of April. Nah whatever xD

Let’s hope they are fast. I pre-ordered CDs from HMV Japan before and they usually reach me within a day from released date. Guess they received the CDs earlier from record company and sent out earlier... 

But with this tee? i will gladly receive as belated birthday present even if it’s 6 months late....  :pouty:



6 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

iirc he said once that he would want Fukushi Sota to play him

Oh, I like him. Very good looking! But cannot act.... 



3 hours ago, kaeryth said:

Happy News Person :tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp:





Oi, reading news of him injured ain’t happy news..... and there’s a fair share of such news... 

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hace 8 minutos , eagle said:

In Tonya Harding's movie, I've read they used CGI . Still looked cheesy.

Some fans did suggest using a male skater dresses in TOnya's costume to do the 3A


why did I just picture Yuzuru doing a 3A in Tonya's dress


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