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@kiches : your avatar....it's perfect for Christmas. But careful of killing people with the nyan. 


It's already Dec 25th here, so here's to a happy holidays to all satellites! 


To Yuzu, if you are lurking here- just rest up and do your best. You've got nothing to lose, and sometimes it is that fearlessness that's is needed for us to achieve our ideals. We have faith in your training, just let it do its job. =) Other than that, have a merry Christmas, and a joyous New year!


Now, on the quad ladies harem side. They are actually celebrating (or trying to) Xmas due to Lady 4Lutz's foreign influence. She kind of dropped it with only a 3 day advanced notice. Empress 3Axel decided it's not too bad, and immediately sent all the triple jump servants to work, cooking up a proper xmas dinner and decorating the entire court. Naturally the streamers are gold at Empress 3Axel's insistence. While the party was a last minute notice, Lady 4Salchow did happen to have a decently sized bonsai that could be somewhat configured to resemble a Christmas Tree. Lady 4T contributed by making all the decorations needed for the Xmas-bonsai. Even Lady 4Loop came out of her rooms to grace everyone with her presence-and we found out she actually has an amazing singing voice, since she regaled the court with a string of carols. 


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On 2017/12/24 at 午後10時24分, asiacheetahさんが言いました:

The team event happens the 1st day of the game. I don't think any athlete will participate in Opening ceremony unles it's mandatory. For example, Michael Phelps didn't participate or was flag barrer until his 4th Olympic. He said he missed it because his first event was the morning after.

All FS event starts at 1030, meaning their morning practices is 530. Why would they stay up late standing outside in the cold for hours?


Oh, is that why Phelps never participated until his last one? He always had an event that was scheduled very close to the ceremony? I suppose it'd make sense to skip then.


According to this, the men's SP portion of  the team event is on the same day as the opening ceremony, 9 Feb. The competition starts at 10:00 and ends at 13:25. The ceremony is from 20:00 to 22:30. Just like in Sochi, the competition takes place before the ceremony, only instead of the day before, it's happening on the morning of the same day. The next figure skating event is scheduled on the 11th and assuming Hanyu is skating only the SP for the men's team event, his next competition skate isn't until the 16th. If he chooses to skate the FS as well, that one only takes place on the 12th. Either way, schedule-wise, chances seem pretty good that he'll show. With the belief that he'll remain at least reasonably healthy throughout the Games, I believe we'll be seeing him among the sea of faces at the opening ceremony. I'd start to worry if we don't.

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I decided to go a bit off-topic and wish everybody a very, very merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.  May the new year bring us a healthy and victorious Yuzu at both Olympics and World Championship and news from Yuzu that he's NOT retiring.  Hopefully at this time next year we'll be in the countdown to Beijing.

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В 23.12.2017 в 09:05, Hydroblade сказал:

Finally! Say hello to the New Year's theme! :biggrin: I hope you like it, and let's celebrate the first snowfall of the season on the Planet :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

The banner is beautiful but the default ava is just making me :10636614:


Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates today! May your families be healthy and happy! :tumblr_inline_n18qraikFP1qid2nw:

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