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27 分, lilsailorさんが言いました:

what if hes still injured by olys?


Then, unless fully incapacitated (though I'm not sure if even that may be able to stop him), it's probably safe to assume he'll simply skate through it. He wouldn't be the first skater to do it, and neither would he be the last. With this latest setback, he's forced to strategically save himself up and pick his battles even if the practice goes against his principles. With PC being the only comp that truly matters this season, if he doesn't skate there, what's the point? I'm willing to bet if it comes down to the cost being the WC, he'd probably be more than willing to pay it. With zero hesitance.

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2 hours ago, cirelle said:

It seems like the artificial Yuzu off-season will continue for some more time... who‘s in for more planet streaming parties? I‘m craving a good season streaming party for sure 

Suggestion for a streaming party - Instead of looking at  a particular year why not do one focusing on all the skates he did where he set a world record, getting as many different commentators on each event as possible.  If nothing else it will remind us just what he's capable of doing when all goes right.

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If you need something to pass the time, we have a quite a few Nationals happening this week, pretty much starting tomorrow - Spain, Italy, Germany, France, the 4 Nats, Sweden, all crammed into this week so you can join us here! Yes, there are a couple of livestreams too.



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3 hours ago, lilsailor said:

what if hes still injured by olys?


Seriously, tho, that would mean it wasn't a ligament injury but a complete tear, which is operation-material. In that case, as @¯\_(ツ)_/¯has said, no way he will let that hold him back from PC ice...and no way we will know that until random interview in a year or two/when they will make some kind of medallist presentation and add a notice about Yuzu being absent due to undertaking said operation, a'la Worlds 15 team announcement (y,know, the one with one operation and one retirement...) :Poohgaveup:


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Guys... He's not going to carry this injury to Olys. He's healing. He's rested. He's close to completing his rehab / has completed it. He's gradually easing himself back to on-ice training. I don't think he will go to nats unless he feels secure the risk of re-injury is low. The only way he's going to be injured at Oly is if he has another accident which would be freakishly unlucky even for him.

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I will believe that it isn't a ligament tear... and I will think positively about this injury. I hope he takes it slowly, and steadily gets stronger every day... with no needless Nats appearance ... and then, at the Olympics, he will do very well because for someone who gets very nervous like Yuzuru does, maybe having to think about something beyond the nerves etc., will allow him to be even stronger. It should be healed, but I doubt he will feel 100%, and that is when he is dangerous. When he is in "battle mode" he skates better because he doesn't over analyze, and I think with this injury he might end up being in that frame of mind for the whole Olympic competition. If so, this could be awesome. i have faith in this because of his competition personality when his back is against the wall.

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4 hours ago, lilsailor said:

what if hes still injured by olys?


This thought has crossed more than your mind, believe me. 


I'm guessing that he will try to skate through it but, if it's too bad, I hope he doesn't do that. He already has one OGM and he's more than proven that he deserves to hold that title. Plus the two World titles and all those Grand Prix and National titles he holds.


I know many of you want Yuzu to keep increasing his technical difficulty but I would like to see him be allowed to continue to develop his artistic side. His swan program is so beautiful; I want to see more of that Yuzuru. My worry is that he'll push himself to the point where he can't even skate in shows anymore because of injury.


ETA:  I don't know why Nationals is even being discussed at this point. How could he possibly be in shape to compete there when he's been off the ice for so long?

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