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Nothing too surprising. The main idea is he can easily win with lower difficulty, and we all already know that. And we know he doesn’t want to. It sounds like Brian and Tracy will ultimately go with his wishes no matter what.


The harsh part is saying he may be choosing his ideal program with the harder quads over a second win at the Olympics. Understandable. Unlike Hersh, probably the point we are at is realizing his goal is insane, but still believing he can do it. We’ve been down this road before.

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Debating over how many quads?  I think Yuzu should only do as many quads as he's comfortable doing absolutely perfectly.  I remember when a discussion about Yuzu's quads was underway and Johnny Weir said that 'it's not just the quads, it's the quality of the quads'.  How true.  Yuzu has become the master by using difficult entries for his jumps and coming out of them with speed almost unimpared and going immediately into other moves.  That's how he racks up the GOEs.  On top of that his real competitive edge comes with the density of his choreography where he's not simply setting himself up for his next jump but instead is doing stuff before that next jump comes along.  I really think Yuzu has to trust his program.  It's loaded with enough elements that his TES score if done cleanly is automatically competitive.  It's his PCS scores and GOEs that really make the difference when he's winning competitions and breaking records.  

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2 hours ago, Floria said:

Speaking about JN



...I just counted and it equals yearly earnings of my mother...for me to save this much, I would have to starve for about 3 years... Aren't that a slight overpricing even for Japanese market?

40 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

New article abt Yuzu :yznotimpressed:


Just from the preview I hear that belittling tone that makes me grit my teeth... 'trying' to keep up with recent quad outburst...now, remind me, who was the third man alive to introduce 5 quads layout? And how many did the same since then? Because last I checked there were total of 4 skaters doing that (phenomenal, if not always rotated in some cases) thing, and I'm pretty sure he is among those four exceptions. Skipping it until after this season, or I end up with even more :salty: everywhere.

36 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

Someone please give me REAL advice. Should I read this or not. :hachimaki:

My advice: nope. If there are any interesting insights, they will be shared by others.


21 minutes ago, robin said:

When did Javi do that?

Long time ago, In a galaxy far away. Somebody invite Philip to AO3! Another fantasy!Au writer to the pack!:laughing:

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13 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

never? he came close but never topped ... :shrug:

Yes, the answer is Javi never topped it. Phil obviously got his wires a bit crossed when talking about 2015 GPF vs 2015 NHK. I left a comment about it in the article.


It's mostly an opinion piece by Phil, and it's not an opinion I share with him.

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1 hour ago, ralucutzagy said:

New article abt Yuzu :yznotimpressed:



Can we please ignore Philip Hersh's articles?


In the same article he talks about how Yuzu should drop the 4Lz he mentions Nathan's possible 7 quads. Also, I don't remember him ever telling Nathan to drop his 4T when he broke his hip on one. You can injure yourself just as well on an 'easy' quad as in a 'hard' quad. And Yuzu didn't injure himself because of a 4Lz. He injured himself because he was recovering from a fever, couldn't get height on his jumps and still recklessly decided to go through with the rotations on a difficult quad. :facepalm:

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14 minutes ago, xeyra said:


Can we please ignore Philip Hersh's articles?


In the same article he talks about how Yuzu should drop the 4Lz he mentions Nathan's possible 7 quads. Also, I don't remember him ever telling Nathan to drop his 4T when he broke his hip on one. You can injure yourself just as well on an 'easy' quad as in a 'hard' quad. And Yuzu didn't injure himself because of a 4Lz. He injured himself because he was recovering from a fever, couldn't get height on his jumps and still recklessly decided to go through with the rotations on a difficult quad. :facepalm:

All this 'easy' vs 'hard' quad makes me wonder how we will be naming Nessie after it appears Not now please...


Wait wait wait, since when I'm a sparkly ruffle???Not that I mind...quite the opposite :biggrin:

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2 minutes ago, Aotoshiro said:

All this 'easy' vs 'hard' quad makes me wonder how we will be naming Nessie after it appears Not now please...


Wait wait wait, since when I'm a sparkly ruffle???Not that I mind...quite the opposite :biggrin:

King Axel IV the Great

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Those same people who are so concerned for Yuzu health now and think he is so good he can have less BV and win easily, are the ones who were last season talking about how he is too old to learn new jumps and how he has the easiest quads while the youngster were jumping 4Lz and 4F. They know that the only way to beat Yuzu is by having a much higher BV and him making mistakes (which is quite possible), so it is to their favorites  advantage that he lowers his BV.


I think that the 4Lz was Yuzuru's best PR move (the other was the unexpected WR at ACI). He showed the world that was writing him off and belittling his abilities to promote the younger quadsters that he is still on top of his game and can match those kids and even be better. I know the 4Lz is risky and he may drop it (at least for nationals) due to the injury, but landing it and showing everyone that he can was very important.

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18 minutes ago, Neenah said:

Those same people who are so concerned for Yuzu health now and think he is so good he can have less BV and win easily, are the ones who were last season talking about how he is too old to learn new jumps and how he has the easiest quads while the youngster were jumping 4Lz and 4F. They know that the only way to beat Yuzu is by having a much higher BV and him making mistakes (which is quite possible), so it is to their favorites  advantage that he lowers his BV.


I think that the 4Lz was Yuzuru's best PR move (the other was the unexpected WR at ACI). He showed the world that was writing him off and belittling his abilities to promote the younger quadsters that he is still on top of his game and can match those kids and even be better. I know the 4Lz is risky and he may drop it (at least for nationals) due to the injury, but landing it and showing everyone that he can was very important.

The WR really opened the clear picture to those who opposed him. Thats why with the addition of 4Lz, they can't say anything much back except with the he-can-win-with-less-BV and he's-ruining-his-chance-with-gold-because-4Lz-injury. 

ACI: He shushed people with WR

CoR: Although silver, he shushed with 4Lz

People was waiting to see what he'd bring to NHK but because of an unfortunate event, it has to wait.

I believe that by Nationals, so many people/higher ups in the skating industry will take note on what happens at Nationals. And even GPF, people will not say who wins gold there will beat Hanyu by definite because they all know they haven't seen Yuzu's actual power. On the side note, you can already see how many people wished Yuzu for his recovery.. which just shows how many people are actually following his news this season. :13877886::tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

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