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Just a thought but I think that the judges pumping up the PC's for the quad kids is to prevent controversy at the Olympics. If everyone's PC is close then the winner will be decided by the technical score, which means the cleanest skate will win. It is also good for the rivalry narrative and makes for more exciting headlines when all the top men are "equally" matched and have the same chances of winning 

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  On 10/28/2017 at 9:22 PM, singcarcom said:


Yuzu, please spare a thought for Brian's health! Don't be reckless with your training!




I agree...it's like Yuna during Sochi 2014...looking back, Yuzu was like Nathan or Shoma in 2014...he must have driven poor Patrick's fans nuts...lol


I think we all want Yuzu to get his 2nd OGM, but let's be honest, if *touch wood touch wood* that doesn't happen, we won't love Yuzu any less...his legendary programmes will still be legendary.  Yuzu's GOAT imo and probably will always be.


But yuzu is different.. Back then, while yuzu is trying hard to get better PCS with high TES, but Patrick didn't bother to increase his BV. Patrick knows very well he still can win over yuzu if he skates clean, but he didn't. Now, yuzu in the same position but there's something different, he doesn't want to limit himself. He wants a challenge. He could win with same layout but it wasn't the skates he wants. He wants to add the 4Lz. His BV increased. Now, we just have to wait what will happen in the future. I'm pretty sure he'll still win if he skates clean. If not, well... Scandalous. 

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  On 10/28/2017 at 10:56 PM, Yuazz said:

But yuzu is different.. Back then, while yuzu is trying hard to get better PCS with high TES, but Patrick didn't bother to increase his BV. Patrick knows very well he still can win over yuzu if he skates clean, but he didn't. Now, yuzu in the same position but there's something different, he doesn't want to limit himself. He wants a challenge. He could win with same layout but it wasn't the skates he wants. He wants to add the 4Lz. His BV increased. Now, we just have to wait what will happen in the future. I'm pretty sure he'll still win if he skates clean. If not, well... Scandalous. 


I would say Patrick's and Javi's strategy this season are the same as what Patrick did in 2014...stay within the comfort zone and skate clean.


I think it's this endless pursuit for improvement and challenges that make Yuzu such an incredible champion.

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  On 10/28/2017 at 10:55 PM, Neenah said:

Just a thought but I think that the judges pumping up the PC's for the quad kids is to prevent controversy at the Olympics. If everyone's PC is close then the winner will be decided by the technical score, which means the cleanest skate will win. It is also good for the rivalry narrative and makes for more exciting headlines when all the top men are "equally" matched and have the same chances of winning 


Well, I agree that this is quite possible  what the judeges are trying to do. This theory has been brought up before. But that doesn't make it fair or just, does it?

It's basically discrediting some skaters's effort in trying to put in the hard work in increasing their PCS (and even GOE!) over the years (which takes a longer time than raising BV usually)  for the sake of dramatic narrative at the Olympics. I don't think this is right, and I think this is why people are frustrated with it.


So like @yuzupon , I am glad we have the planet here to rant that frustration out and clam down by fellow satellites.! 

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  On 10/28/2017 at 11:31 PM, singcarcom said:

I would say Patrick's and Javi's strategy this season are the same as what Patrick did in 2014...stay within the comfort zone and skate clean.


I think it's this endless pursuit for improvement and challenges that make Yuzu such an incredible champion.



Yuzuru wouldn't be the skater and person he is if he played it safe! We love him because he is exciting and a bit unpredictable! Of course it makes his fans into nervous wrecks every season because of this, but it is always worth it!! I am glad Yuzuru has added the 4 Lutz, and he will get better and better at it. His other jumps will stabilise - look at last season, the 4Loop and 4Salchow drama, and how it played out at Worlds 2017.  That will be what he is aiming for this season, and I trust that he will make it happen.  His PCSs will also be scored highly because he puts in the hard work AND is naturally gifted in this area............I can't wait for NHK, GPF, then the Olympics will be upon us...and may the best skater win (who as we all know is our own Mr Hanyu!) :space:

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  On 10/28/2017 at 11:45 PM, Pamyu said:



Yuzuru wouldn't be the skater and person he is if he played it safe! We love him because he is exciting and a bit unpredictable! Of course it makes his fans into nervous wrecks every season because of this, but it is always worth it!! I am glad Yuzuru has added the 4 Lutz, and he will get better and better at it. His other jumps will stabilise - look at last season, the 4Loop and 4Salchow drama, and how it played out at Worlds 2017.  That will be what he is aiming for this season, and I trust that he will make it happen.  His PCSs will also be scored highly because he puts in the hard work AND is naturally gifted in this area............I can't wait for NHK, GPF, then the Olympics will be upon us...and may the best skater win (who as we all know is our own Mr Hanyu!) :space:


Yes!!! I have faith in Yuzu as well! =D


Although it's nice to watch competitions without freaking out, only Yuzu can give me that kind of high and excitement...never thought I would feel so blessed to watch someone skate...His skates cheer me up when I'm not feeling motivated. =)

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  On 10/28/2017 at 8:27 PM, Katt said:

I hope we fans can chill a bit. I'm surprise with all the ranting about Yuzu's score today.  Come on, he's not at SC. We dont like when people mention other skater during Yuzu's skate, its the same when we bring his name at other competition, too. There's less than 2 weeks until NHK, be patient. 


I was about to go 'yeah sure, it was month, like, three days ago, now it's two-HOLY SHIT.' how the time flies by, when you have much stuff to do, and watch the ACL Chopin to your sleep... xD


Re:panic over scores- isn't that-like everything this season, it's Olympics after all- just repetition from the previous seasons, heightened a little bit by the February? I think I've already read about the candies for quadsters without quality around the time I joined, not that it was this long ago (and not that I understood any of it xD)...


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  On 10/28/2017 at 11:54 PM, singcarcom said:

Yes!!! I have faith in Yuzu as well! =D


Although it's nice to watch competitions without freaking out, only Yuzu can give me that kind of high...never thought I would feel so blessed to watch someone skate...


Exactly!! He has already broken a world record this season and it's only October!!! and he was less than 5 points off the magic 200 for FS at his first Grand Prix event! So much good stuff to hang onto. ( Also, his Notte Stellata was absolutely exquisite at CoR, and a perfect 3A!!) Watching him is a memorable, exciting, thrilling, emotional event..........this is what makes him so special to us, to the world, to rivals and other skaters.  We all adore him, he is a true sporting champion.  IMO, somehow scoring rather fades into insignificance when Yuzuru performs.....it's significance is to HIM as he is so competitive, but to the spectator the experience of seeing him skate is the real prize <3

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For anyone else still feeling anxious, might I suggest watching H&L again? It's doing wonders for me (Especially hearing different commentators all be amazed by his skating). British, Spanish, Swedish, Hungarian, etc. They're all impressed by the Hanyu. And remember, this was not too long ago, without as many jumps as he has now, and with so much pressure on him. My god...A Yuzu program with mistakes is still great but he is out of this world when perfect. No wonder so many people demand clean skates from him, they're just so spectacular and unmatched. Only he can deliver such a wonderful feeling by simply skating (he still human though so people should really stop expecting perfection from him every competition). I'm getting shivers just imagining a perfect Seimei with the new layout. I would probably cry if I saw it in person, good thing I have no money or time to go ha ha...ha...*sob*

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  On 10/29/2017 at 12:50 AM, Nerdincool said:

I'm getting shivers just imagining a perfect Seimei with the new layout.



That's become, like, my favourite hobby for a while now. I put Seimei on and visualize him nailing all the jumps. the moment right before the coreo sequence is the best moment ever. So much emotion and tension release. I can't wait for him to send us all to another planet real soon. 

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  On 10/29/2017 at 12:50 AM, Nerdincool said:

For anyone else still feeling anxious, might I suggest watching H&L again? It's doing wonders for me (Especially hearing different commentators all be amazed by his skating). British, Spanish, Swedish, Hungarian, etc. They're all impressed by the Hanyu. And remember, this was not too long ago, without as many jumps as he has now, and with so much pressure on him. My god...A Yuzu program with mistakes is still great but he is out of this world when perfect. No wonder so many people demand clean skates from him, they're just so spectacular and unmatched. Only he can deliver such a wonderful feeling by simply skating (he still human though so people should really stop expecting perfection from him every competition). I'm getting shivers just imagining a perfect Seimei with the new layout. I would probably cry if I saw it in person, good thing I have no money or time to go ha ha...ha...*sob*



I still think H&L will be his best program, even above Seimei 2.0...I've watched H&L probably close to 100 times or more? But still not sick of it...it's just so beautiful...:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

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  On 10/29/2017 at 12:50 AM, Nerdincool said:

For anyone else still feeling anxious, might I suggest watching H&L again? It's doing wonders for me


I watch his H&L World2017 performance repeatedly........it is just as stunning everytime I watch it as the first time I saw it.........I wonder if anything can ever match it......maybe a clean skate to Seimei 2.0 as you say :acceptable:that would be just spectacular :knc_yuzu1:

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  On 10/29/2017 at 12:56 AM, singcarcom said:


I still think H&L will be his best program, even above Seimei 2.0...I've watched H&L probably close to 100 times or more? But still not sick of it...it's just so beautiful...:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:



I love H&L too but we haven't seen his best Seimei 2.0 yet.


Watching the guys at Skate Canada tonight reminded me of just how unique and special Yuzu is.

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