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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. If you look very closely, there is a screw upon that wall behind him. Only clue we're going to get. If it's a Robertson, he's in Canada I kid. I am sure there are other countries that have discovered the greatness of the Robertson screw & driver.
  2. Well you know, that doesn't surprise me. I get the impression from the little that I've seen about them that Trusova's parents are what we in Canada would call extreme hockey parents - i.e. extremely pushy about ensuring their children's success in the sport, to the point of being inappropriate. It would not surprise me at all if they were the ones who decided this and approached Plush. Anyway, @Paskud, re 'Eteri leaving Eteri': - at this point, if she did go, who could blame her?
  3. Oh no, we understand perfectly why. Only Yuzu gives us his all, everytime. The others can't compare.
  4. Having clapped my hands raw at four separate FS competitions, this news story feels like vindication.
  5. But that's why it's so perfect. Real seduction should always have an element of playfulness or lightness in it.
  6. That sounds like a tit for tat continuation of the Eteri vs Plush feud to me...
  7. Well, it's always about the right chemistry between coach and athlete anyway. A coach could be an absolute magician but if they and the skater don't 'click', then it's all for naught.
  8. We got this! .... thinking about my flexibility ... thinking about how long it will take to improve my flexibility to Yuzu high kick levels .... just going to modify some choreo now .... Tries Etude with a kick that hovers somewhere around knee level .... We got this - sort of!
  9. Tag yourself - I'm the tall one with burgundy blooms in the upper right.
  10. That's the exact same time as my Zoom workout. No Brian or Tracy for me.
  11. Oh. The only American coverage of PC I watched was Adam Rippon and Leslie Jones &A tiny little bit of Johnny and Tara but otherwise I avoided. I dislike Scott H on general principles to begin with so never watch him
  12. For me the things she's lacking are too glaring, and the intensity only highlights that. So it doesn't create a good image for me. I feel like she's flinging herself across the ice with a lot of effort and zero skill. It's a very immature skating style and although I'm not a skating coach, if I were, and she become my athlete, I would take her right back to the basics and re-teach her everything from scratch, with the goal of building a much better and more elegant skater. Of Eteri's current crop, Kostornaia is the only who I feel skates well enough to deserve her high standing, honestly.
  13. When I compare my experience of watching him back in the day versus my experience of watching Trusova now, I can only conclude that there is an awful lot that she can learn from him in this department.
  14. It's not clear to me that Trusova relies on charisma, I honestly think she thinks just jumping is enough.
  15. Time will tell, in the end. A lot of it is up to the skater, too - the coach can lead them, but can't make them rink...
  16. You ever watch his competition programs?! yeah he's no Hanyu, but he's heaps better than what Tutberidze allows her skaters to do. He knows a thing or two about body line and edges and so forth, for one thing...
  17. I have to admit, the middle frame is the first thing I thought of when I saw the video background. Yuzu's view while shooting that video maybe was something akin to a wall of Poohs.
  18. ...tbh, if she's paying attention at all to what she can learn from someone like Plushenko, her GOE and her PCS should both go up - not just due to Rusflation, but as in, her performance and skills will actually improve. Plush might be many things,some good, some bad, but he definitely believes in refinement of skill and attention to detail, and that is what Trusova lacks right now.
  19. Yeah, it's even won an 'award' (at 1:59) :
  20. Also, did anyone else notice that it looks like his pecs have grown again? Looks like he's got some serious muscle there now...guess the project to improve his physicality for jumping you-know-what is going well.
  21. Should have known he'd give us something amazing and totally unexpected. That was wonderful, simply lovely. And now I know that while Otonal is not my favorite program of his, it's definitely my favorite program opening. I find it interesting that he chose to dance instead of speak. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  22. It would be so like him to innocently release something perfectly normal to him, but utterly hair-raising for us...like 4A practice footage...
  23. I don't think so. At least I've never seen one like it. Most rinks look more like concrete barns
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