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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. New Roman video dropped last night at 1 am (What's he doing up so late?)) He addresses the issue of the return of skating in Ontario:
  2. LGC and PW are the ones I come back to over and over again. I've watched Origin a lot, too. I really love him in purple, I think. I've watched my share of H&L too. ***** On the topic of Yuzu and baseball: I wonder if he's ever considered doing a baseball-themed program as an Ex. I wonder if that would even work, if he did. I mean, I think it would have to be a comedic piece to make it work, and so far he hasn't tried that kind of thing.
  3. Now I'm picturing Yuzu having a "He was SAFE!" - "OUT!" - "SAFE!" - ""YER OUTTA HERE!" argument with the umpire.
  4. I've always thought this, but that 3rd picture really shows it - his turnout is so good it's scary. Any ballet satellites care to comment?
  5. I know that's what they said. It's just that I myself don't trust them any more and I think they were lying when they said that.
  6. Nobu got so excited. It was really cute.
  7. He sounds like a fantastic coach to work with. I liked that interview very much.
  8. Ditto. For the GP series, all-events might still be worthwhile, but anything as expensive as World's, I'm going to go with single-event tix or resale from now on
  9. No! My God, what did he do? It looks like he's about to enter a monastery and take holy vows!
  10. ToshI being such an unabashed Yuzuru fanboy warms my heart so much.
  11. Yeah, the NHL has an awards banquet which is a big fancy black-tie affair, generally not held in an arena, and usually those attending are all NHL players or staff and their families, plus some journalists. The NHL also does not dupe unsuspecting members of the general public into buying tickets for said awards banquet. Also, I think what we can assume from the Montreal situation was that, in fact, the medalists probably weren't going to be performing after all. So the gala being one more chance to see Yuzu is cast into doubt from now on, for as long as the ISU wants to cling to this awards show idea. I think that would be enough to keep me away from any such event.
  12. More to the point, don't buy tickets for the 'gala' at Worlds next year, because you won't get what you pay for. Ovechkin? Iesu Christe. What does a hockey player know about figure skating?! So now we know the awards are simply a blatant attempt by Zakarian to line his own pockets.
  13. Ohhh-kay then: https://www.rt.com/sport/489206-sofia-titova-quads-figure-skating/
  14. ...and a good lesson for the rest of us on how to really do positive thinking. Was it Tracy who said that Yuzu's key quality is that he believes in his own abilities? This is what that means. No "I think I can". No "I might be able to, if I work hard." No "I want to do it and I'll try." Just straight up "Yeah, I can. " It's so inspiring.
  15. He certainly puts the lie to the conventional wisdom that too much muscle interferes with jumping. I think Yuzu has spoken about this before, though - it's about a delicate balance between having enough power and strength and not being too massive to fly.
  16. Keegan's 3A, and his quads, are sometimes very overpowered, to the point where he loses control (the 2018-19 season comes to.mind.) Other than Dmitriev, I think he's the only man who has openly acknowledged training for 4A. I personally think Keegan could do it. He's got the speed and power, and he's shorter than Yuzu so the physics of it might actually work better. But I'm not convinced he has the same level of desire to achieve it.
  17. "Well it's only 17 centimeters..." And to think that he was thinking that way back in 2017. Who looks at a holographic projection of themselves doing a superhuman feat and thinks, "Oh yeah, not so bad, I can do that for sure!" Only Yuzu.
  18. That makes lots of sense, but I just can't imagine how he could possibly add more muscle to his legs. He already has so much there!
  19. No, no, no, they fit exactly correctly. If he was 'poured into them', he wouldn't be able to move in them. At least, that's what I always thought 'poured into' meant - so tight that moving is impossible and/or risks splitting a seam.
  20. I had forgotten. Bless you for reminding me. Looks like he updated the choreo for this version. And we can clearly see that the trashbag pants have become more, uh, ...tailored... in fit.
  21. I thought that was only his upper body.
  22. There's a reason he does stuff like the towel tease, (you know the one, from FaOI, when he pretended he would toss his face towel into the audience), rather than actually throw stuff. Of course the pants still fit. Remember CiONTU? He fit into all those old costumes. However, I'm sure they're a lot less baggy now, he's put on so much muscle.
  23. After she was revived, you mean? although Yuzu is so young here that the program comes across more as cheeky and fun than sexy. If he were to do this one today he'd be melting the ice and setting the boards ablaze...
  24. I've noticed it as well. Frankly, I prefer Yuzu's Japanese voice because it sounds more natural and relaxed. The higher pitch could be due to the nervousness that comes with speaking a second language. I've noticed that when I try to speak in a language other than English, I tend to squeak a bit. My chest and vocal chords will tighten up because I'm not comfortable, and that forces my voice to a higher pitch.
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