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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Swanyu! Right? Edited to add that I see by the hashtags it's Seimei. So much for my hydroblade recognition
  2. And now I know why there are $12,000 lenses in the world. Breathtaking video. Jordan is so good to us.
  3. Your mom is a true fanyu. Totally hardcore.
  4. Yes, it was the same for nearly everyone - our news was full of stories of people stranded because they couldn't book flights for several weeks. I could understand someone making the choice to wait it out instead.
  5. The Poohs all flying up off the ice at the 'start' made me laugh. But by far the weirdest looking elements are the crossovers...it looks like he's going to trip over his own feet any second...
  6. Canada very nearly did. Right before they closed the borders, Canadians abroad were urged in the strongest possible terms to get their heinies home ASAP, or take their chances. And since governments are the ones that issue passports, they most certainly can rescind them and send their citizens home as well. Carrying a passport is a privilege, not a right. That being said, I'm making a bunch of assumptions about things as a way of trying to understand what her thought process might have been that led to the current situation. So I should stop, and I will.
  7. 🙄 So, assuming the Russian Embassy must have known for a while that she was in Japan...and that she's not foolish, which I don't think she is... my first guess is that she must have still had some compelling reason to stay, or Russia would have sent her home on the first flight, no? We can't know for sure that she didn't have a valid reason, and you raise a good point. If she only stayed to get more ice time, that'd be very disappointing. I can't really see any Russian embassy official agreeing to let her stay in Japan at a time like this without some solid documentation of the reason why she should. It would be diplomatically untenable. In any case, had she stayed off social media, she could have avoided this trouble.
  8. If you go to the Planet home page, there's a section on the right-hand side for "Announcements" and that's where you'll find things like the Planet anniversary listed
  9. Trouble is, if a writer were to use Yuzu's actual life as a basis for fiction, no one would believe it, they'd say it was too far-fetched! Yuzu is is that extra.
  10. I haven't gotten to that part of Twitter yet...still wading through the 'she's a terrible person - no she's not - yes she is - you're just a hater - no, you're a mindless sheep, don't defend her' series of Tweets...maybe I should stop while i'm ahead. but yeah, WTF.
  11. I haven't seen anyone blaming Yuzu for this...where did you see that? Anyway, it would be good if she were to realize that now is not the time for defiant posting on social media. She needs to listen to her coach. Brian advises his skaters to be careful with social media for very good reason. However, I don't even know if she can go home...Canada's border is all but closed and Russia has closed all land crossings and suspended all international flights. Whether she likes it or not, she's stuck in Japan now. I know she's only 20, and these are decisions that would be hard to make even for a much older person, but I hope she gets some good sound advice and starts to follow it or she'll end up destroying her whole career with this...
  12. Apparently. My understanding is, it's actually something in their constitution, just like free speech is in the American one. That being said, Zhenya's actions look tone deaf at best, and I, personally, question her judgement. However, until I know what led her to this point, and why she made the choices she did, I will refrain from condemning her. I myself have life circumstances that have cornered me into bending the rules of some of my local public health orders, although I would rather have not done so. Sometimes that's just what happens. But regardless of what brought her to Hachinohe, this particular video in the park was unnecessary.
  13. Sums up what I feel about Evgenia's social media altogether...she'd be wiser to stay off it completely. Especially now.
  14. By the way, guys: Happy (Early) Planet-versary!!! That's right, today tomorrow is Planet Hanyu's birthday! Yay! note to self: check dates more carefully
  15. Yes, she was saying so in the Open Ice livestream on the weekend. And the first thing she gets to do is work on the front lines Good luck to her, I hope she stays safe.
  16. I got Hope and Legacy!! I wish they'd let you link and repost the results page rather than the whole quiz. I quite liked the H&L description.
  17. See, I just think people would vote for him anyway. If his name was on the ballot, that'd be enough. I wonder how many people have already used him as a write-in vote? Assuming Japanese ballots have such.
  18. He wouldn't even have to campaign. he'd have the fanyu vote permanently.
  19. Probably even more enthusiastic. The Chinese fans are usually the ones handing out the free Yuzu support banners at events and doing the bus poster ads and stuff. They really really love him.
  20. Yeah I didn't even think to look for a Planet thread this afternoon. I was too busy trying to keep up with the YouTube live chat
  21. This is why I like that girl. So sensible!
  22. Something about the 3rd of May at 3pm. Encore broadcast? Of Music with Wings
  23. well that sounds like a recipe for a Hallowe'en competition. @memae I know what you mean. I watched and read a lot of the guy's interviews and I eventually concluded that he simply lacks self-awareness and doesn't realize how he sounds when he says certain things. but I couldn't appreciate his skating until I saw him skate live.
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