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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Agree. Surely modern understanding of biomechanics has advanced enough that someone can come up with techniques for fully grown women to jump quads if that's what they want.
  2. Latest Romsky video. I'm guessing most Canadian skaters are in the same boat as him - trying to maintain fitness as much as they can.
  3. I have no knowledge and haven't heard anything, but my guess is even if it were closed to the public, Yuzu has enough clout there that they'd let him use it privately and exclusively. Compare that to the skaters who have no ice access at this point in time and it's not hard to draw conclusions about what the men's field will look like next season. Although Keegan is busy training for the X-Games it would seem... he just posted a skiing video to his Instagram that made me want to move to Alaska.
  4. The thing is, coronavirus has thrown a clinker in all of that. Not only is it an open question what next season will look like, but so is how skaters will be affected by all this time off ice. Not every one of Yuzu's competitors is going to emerge from this unscathed and ready to re-enter competition the minute the season starts up. Some people will have inevitably fallen behind. I'm not at all worried about Yuzu's capability to handle this kind of a setback, but there's no telling who of his serious competitors will still be contenders when skating comes back. Taking that into consideration, on the whole i'd say it increases the chances that Yuzu is going to compete in Beijing. ( but you never know. Like, what if he falls in love with someone other than Ice-chan during this time away from her? She's a jealous mistress, after all...)
  5. Um, this was their program this year: Who did it better? TBH, I find Guillaume twerks disturbingly well.
  6. Sure, but Katarina also brought the performance value and she could jump. She was a 'total package' skater in every way.
  7. Nancy Kerrigan is shorter than I thought, too...only 1.62 m. So far the tallest woman figure skater I can find is Lucinda Ruh at 1.75m
  8. Oh definitely. Katarina Witt was twice the size of any of the current reigning champions.
  9. Yes, and built like a hockey player. It's pretty amazing watching him skate because a guy that big is so rare in singles.
  10. Not really, just read the books as a child. But thanks for the compliment
  11. I think this is the first time I've heard of a skater taking up boxing to make their jumps better https://twitter.com/GeumNa/status/1249332457104494594?s=20
  12. I think the fact they're even trying, instead of allowing themselves to be convinced to go skate pairs, which is what seems to happen to tall guys in FS, speaks for itself. Roman has said in his videos that in order to land anything his technique has to be perfect because it's nearly impossible for him to save one that's going bad.
  13. No, although that's a fun idea! In The House at Pooh Corner, Rabbit gets the whole Hundred Acre Wood into an uproar searching for his missing friend-and-relation Small, whose full name is 'Smallest of All'. In due course, Pooh finds Small by accident: Small turns out to be a beetle, and somehow ends up crawling up Pooh's back, where Rabbit eventually spots him. I don't know whether that's a suitable image for me to have of Shoma , but the name fits.
  14. It's harder, but it's not impossible.
  15. I find it interesting that the historic champions - Button, Curry, Cousins et al - are in general much taller than current competitors. Except for Scotty Hamilton of course. The current wisdom seems to be that you need to be short to get those quads in. Roman and Conrad are mavericks bucking the trend, when you think about it.
  16. No, I knew Shoma was quite short. I just didn't realize he was Smallest of All* *Perhaps he is one of Rabbit's friends-and-relations, and therefore from the same forest as Pooh. . . . Yes, I'm getting a little batty from all this social distancing. Yuzu is exactly the same height as I am, and therefore perfect.
  17. Yes, but I thought he was taller than Yuzu. Nathan is much much shorter than I expected
  18. Roman is the tallest guy currently competing, it seems. And Shoma is the smallest of all time :). The ones who surprised me were Nam, Johnny, and Michal Brezina. Johnny was taller than I thought and Nam and Brezina shorter.
  19. For me, a wobbly feeling would be more of a big event - like you just had a really big scary shock, followed by something that relieves the shock.... that's when you'd be wobbly. I'd say Yuzu has a lot of occasions where he's feeling wibbly. K&C seems to be the perfect breeding ground for wibbly-ness.
  20. Depends who we're talking to. Sometimes, but in reference to maintaining physical balance.
  21. No, I made it up. It means this kind of thing: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/QuiveringEyes Another example: you know that clip of Yuzu where he's all emotional and asking "Why'm I crying?" , because he's actually happy? That emotional state is what I mean by 'wibbly'.
  22. One would expect any Yuzu exercise to start with scrunching Pooh's face, no?
  23. Yuzu got me in the feels again.... I was minding my own business, not bothering anyone, just quietly social distancing away and watching a YouTube of FaOI 2019 Toyama when this bullet to the heart shows up in the auto-translated subtitles of one of the boy's post-skate interviews: " The energy from everyone cheering here, or all the thoughts people send through watching me on TV, I will skate and train, swearing not to waste these things..." Wah! I was all wibbly in an instant. This wonderful, wonderful boy.
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