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Everything posted by airi

  1. Wow that's a good way for me to fangirl over you, Sasha now I'm gonna love the program no matter what lololol. I hope someone will use music from this Sunday GOT episode because it was glorious.
  2. Oh, I wouldn't be to mad if that Kosto programs were true. At least I like both of these pieces of music. The real ones may be worse...
  3. I have to say Alena's new ex might be my favourite Daniil program
  4. We will see what they do, I just thought that rule can't actually be skipped. In theory at least, the organizing feds invite skaters and my understanding is at first skaters guaranteed by regulations (including 24 top sb) are given spots, then feds are choosing who to invite for additional spots. I think it is like it, even if Fed may not like it
  5. I know, but what about ISU rules about skaters with top 24 sb who have to be invited to at least 1 Gp? It usually doesn't matter because thise skaters would probably be invited anyway,but this year the crowd is bigger than usual, but I guess it still applies. Or is Rusfed above ISU rules?
  6. so there's no more a rule about top 24 with highest SB to be guaranteed at least 1 spot? I didn't hear that changed... I'm aware that Serafima (and Nastya Gubanova) probably wouldn't get a spot, but since they are in top 24 SBs, federation may actually play it so they don't get a spot, even if by rules they should have it? (unless that rule really changed). Also Junior Champion (if going senior) was always guaranteed 2 spots, so there's also Sasha.
  7. Hahahaha Also, Serafima Sakhanovich is doing Megapolis! I'm so in love with this music so I'm probably gonna love it. And she has guaranted GP spot because of high SB
  8. can't wait for Katia's debut next season (still wondering who's funding her training at TCC, not Polish fed lol)
  9. I wouldn't say it's impossible, look at this year, they love her so much. Plus, it's still to be seen how those juniors will do as seniors.
  10. well I don't hate bearded Yuzu either. I think he looks good, like another person, probably, but still. I'm saying this as a person who is not attracted to men in any way, though, so there's that
  11. wow Boyang and what's with all those skaters doing Axel sequences recently (Dima, Zhou, now Boyang). I wonder WHAT INSPIRED THEM.
  12. whaaaat, Kazuki too? I can't that's just sooo funny lolololol
  13. well, let's pray it's not Roxanne (but it probably is, right?)
  14. wtf... who does that? poor girl...
  15. Of course Yuzu won't change to have it easier. And I'm absolutely fully with him here. In the end we all will remember the best performances, not the best scores (I think, I know I will...). Never can be sure about being rewarded by judges, but he definitely is reawrded with people's love. And I know he wants to win, but I don't believe he could be satisfied with a win that would be gifted to him. And yes, he has high standards for himself, I for one love him for that.
  16. Sorry, I hope you're not serious about actually sending something? Do you really think you're more capable of suggesting the best for Yuzu than himself and his team, or that he's not capable of coming to some of these conclusions (and probably ignoring them, because, still, king of extra)? It's ok to diacuss, but actually suggesting something to them is at least very strange...
  17. 1. List the top 3 combined totals for men 1.Nathan 2. Shoma 3. Vincent  2. List the top 3 combined totals for ladies 1. Rika 2. Kaori 3. Liza 3. Which country’s teams will be the gold, silver, and bronze medalists? 1. USA 2. Russia 3. Japan 4. List the top 3 combined totals for pairs 1. James/Cipres 2. Zabiiako/Enbert 3. Moore-Tower/Marinaro 5. List the top 3 combined totals for dance 1. Papadakis/Cizeron 2. Hubbell/Donohue 3. Sinitsina/Katsalapov 6. Who will earn the most points on each team (remember that points are based on placement in each of the segments rather than score) USA: Nathan Japan: Kaori Russia: Zabiiako/Enbert France: Papadakis/Cizeron Italy: Matteo Canada: Moore-Towers/Marinaro 7. Who will receive the highest raw GOE on a jump (includes throws for pairs)? Shoma 8. Who will receive the highest raw GOE on a non-jump element. If multiple skaters tie, it will be based on who gets the most elements with that GOE. If there is still a tie, choosing any of those skaters will get you the points. Papadakis/Cizeron 9. Who will receive the highest raw PCS score? Papadakis/Cizeron 10. For those who attended both, whose total score will improve the most from worlds? Keegan 11. In which disciplines, will there be a new world record? None (Rika, please? But the answer is none :D) 12. Which country’s teams will have no falls or pops of greater than 1 rotation (i.e. quad to double, triples to singles)? None 13. Will there be any singles skaters that have all positive GOE and level 4’s throughout the competition? yes
  19. Records don't really mean too much for me to be honest (stopped caring when ladies records were suddenly broken by performances that should never even get near them really, a few year ago...), if the judges have a stroke and consider scoring Nathan or anyone 110+ at WTT, whatever (but I don't know how possible is it for Nathan have another competion like Worlds, we will see). Anyway, I think it will only fuel Yuzu more to get it back. As for 2/3 months treatment. I have a feeling it will be similar to last year, rehabilitation on ice. But anything he decides in that matter is ok. I really can live without seeing him in any ice shows.
  20. Those are almost exactly my thoughts. I felt lately that a lot of things is taken by fans out of context and proportion. Sorry not sorry? I wouldn't totally trust Yuzu with what he will try first, I mean, he has a plan now, buy it may change 100 times depending on circumstances, let's just wait and see.
  21. Yuzu not doing WTT is great news, I'm glad he wasn't forced to do it. Or didn't force himself, I'm sure he absolutely would a few years ago. Even though we mostly knew it, it's sad to hear him talking about his fragile body and injuries. I know a lot of fans fear for him and wonder if it's worth it. But whatever anyone of us think, it definitely is for him. It's ultimately his story, and taking such risks while fighting against the odds (it being his own body or biased judging) is one of the things that make great champions, and what makes him the athlete and the person he is. Some people will just do anything for love or passion. I believe he needs it to be happy. And it doesn't matter what we think about it, really. He knows a lot of people is affected by anything that happens to him (there really weren't a lot of athletes in history with such a big impact on people, and figure skating being not a very popular sport, that says something...), and that's the added pressure of dissapointing others, either with his results or decisions that could seem wrong for a lot of people, and he shouldn't have it. But it is what it is. But because I understand how important it is to him, I say, go Yuzu, do everything you want and what you think is necessary, I will be there for the ride, greatful for anything really. (I hope what I wrote here won't be misunderstood as me not caring about what might happen with the risks, that's not that. But I'm definitely not one of people who would tell him to not try to do something hard, if he wants to, because it may break him. Ultimately, the biggest regrets come from things we didn't do.) Personally, I think he is aware of everything that goes on - I don't think he actually doubts he is a much better skater than Nathan - he knows too much about figure skating, for one. But he also knows (more than ever now), than the judges don't really care about that difference and this is why he wants to "catch up" - btw he actually said he will become a skater that anyone else won't be able catch up to. He shouldn't actually have to do this if the judging was more fair, but he knows how it is and winning over it should be his next victory. And next to winning, Yuzuru loves a challenge. I think he's actually excited about this, even if dissaponted with his result at Saitama. I believe he will achieve his next goal. The only doubt will always be his health. But to some extent that applies to everyone. That were my additional thoughts, don't mind me.
  22. wow I'm really excited about RD next season, as a musical nerd I won't care too much about warhorses, because I know there also be some real treasures for sure. I'm waiting for some bold choices
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