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Everything posted by airi

  1. so Eteri group is more likely than ever (I think unless something goes terribly wrong he will stay). I can't wait to see what will happen next.
  2. Well, right now it's really nothing to discuss, because we don't even know what they mean but this proposed change, neither if it will happen in the end. I also want to note how many skating fans were against a change from 6.0 system. The major change will always cause controversy, but let's wait until we actually now something specific to declare the death of figure skating.
  3. Last year Skate Canada was first But it will be on ISU website.
  4. That's totally not impossible. The only reason I find it unlikely is that Brian really have enough work cut for himself for now, I think. Otherwise I don't think it's any less awkward than Raf of Tom Z or any other couch who currently trains top man. I understand that a lot of fans are protective about Yuzu, but direct rivals, from the same country or not, train with the same couches in every category, that's normal. It's on the couches to ensure the atmosphere is ok and there are no conflicts.
  5. I actually thought about Lambiel first (if he really goes to foreign couch) but I doubt it would do him much good hmm. But he would have Japanese mates there at least... I'm pretty sure the couch won't be Brian as he has enough star skaters to focus for now, maybe someone else at TCC... (but unlikely). Eteri or Raf also sound sooo weird. I don't know, still think he most likely will stay in Japan. But who knows...
  6. Wow Shoma :0 totally didn't expect that. I don't know where he could go, but it would probably be too weird with Raf, who has Nathan for that many years... huh, veeeery curious...
  7. Polina :((( I kinda expected this after all the injuries and limitation in training they caused, but I'm gonna miss her beautiful jumps
  8. More than a song (sigh, Celine) I was wondering if Gabby really left TCC with Barkell - that's different rink...
  9. It would be interesting if Nate wouldn't want SA, though I mean, unlikely, but if for various reasons he choose something else... and it's GP, nothing is completely impossible.
  10. He recently confirmed he will do full season.
  11. Yeah, I just don't understand what they mean. If the invalid element has no base value, how can it have GOE? Does this mean for 2S for example it will be -0,65 (which is the deduction -5 for the normally judged 2S) added to the total score, even though element shouldn't count at all? That defies any logic, but I guess whats new... I just wish spmeone states that clearly.
  12. Unoficially, yes, but I'm not completely sure tbh, especially with France, the only way to have full stands is when Yuzu is there (and yes, I do believe money has higher power here). But of course generally winner should be considered first.
  13. All skaters are assigned, no one can literally pick, even the current world champions (oficially). But I'm 100% sure everybody wants Yuzu, they like their money and full arenas He's gonna have what he wants (assuming he doesn't want SA lol). I don't think he ever had an assigment he wouldn't prefer (at least after he started to win), so no, ISU don't have an agenda agains Yuzuru, not with GP assigments at least.
  14. Alina also said she will add 4F if she needs it. And let's be real, she does. I'm generally sceptical about all those statements about quads and 3As, but this season definitely will be interesting.
  15. who? I can think of a few, both in men and ladies lol. with Vincent and Bradie on top of each list
  16. a big nod towards some big known underrotators?... I don't even. I feel insulted on behalf of skaters who don't chronically ur.
  17. for now we don't even know who get 2 spots, really, it's so complicated with Russian ladies this year, it's not even a joke. And we definitely will see some of the top ones get back to back assigments, there's just no way around it. and yes, in GP, absolutely everything can happen.
  18. Yay I so hope for good debut season for Katia, I never thought I will see a lady skater with such potential skating for Poland (and training with Orser). She should probably not use google translate to write in polish, though
  19. What even? Why 5Lz, just jump that 5Axel already. Seriously, wtf. I hope he doesn't actually go on a suicide mission, he may have bright future.
  20. Ting's music is nice. Schindler's List is on the list of the pieces that belong to one skater only... but I hope Jason proves me wrong.
  21. Ahh I have such a soft spot for Yuzu's longer hair so good to see him!
  22. Ohh, I'm really gonna miss Kaetlyn... still hoped she will come back
  23. Really? So they made that decision so fast? :o I can't wait for this
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