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Everything posted by airi

  1. Oh wow, I didn't think I will do so good O.O Well, Skate Canada seems a lot harder for me for some reason, so even more blind guessing
  2. Sigh, I was afraid this could happen to Carolina when she withdrew from JO This is definitely the biggest loss tot the GP series until now, not many can skate like her... (I'm also worried about certain japanese skater, you know who but I won't mention the name, don't want to jinx anything...) I have no idea who can take these spots, but I want one for Ivett and Kailani.
  3. (The most important info from ISU new communication is that there will be JGP event in Gdańsk again In the arena that is literally 10 minutes away from my home ) Buuut Strasbourg seems pretty doable and I love this city, have some good memories Fingers crossed for real medals this time
  4. @Joey I will also replace Chock/Bates with Sinitsina/Katsalapov
  5. Elena and Karen? :(( can't say I'm that surprised but it's so sad
  6. I believe she is half-British, actually.
  7. Oh, I hope they'll be fine...Dabin too, whatever is happening with her... I see they already picked Mallet and Pineault, like I thought, so I'm waiting for Eunsoo and maybe another Korean lady for the second spot (I'll be surprised if they pick someone else...)
  8. I guess they'll want 2 canadian skaters, Mallet and Pineault did good in CS so maybe... And Eunsoo should get one, bigger chances now since Dabin withdrew from both assigments and she was the only Korean with 2 spots...
  9. I believe she's in And if Kanysheva is 2nd, she's in as well, because she already has higher score than Tarusina. If she's 3rd or lower, Tarusina is in.
  10. Ok I submited - I don't know much about Pairs and Ice Dancing these years so my answers there are probably nonsensical, but this game is so fun
  11. I'm getting so jealous when you lucky guys talk about seeing Yuzu live. I wanted to go to Helsinki but I'm responsible for a big project that is happening right at the same time so that's impossible, and there's no way I can go to Russia either... (not even dreaming about comps out of Europe). And now I really hope he competes next season so I can see him again... (I saw him in 2011 but that's not quite the same )
  12. I just looked at JGP standings and yay, Tarakanova got 2nd assigment in Slovenia! (at least for now). And also Yuhana got her 2nd assigment, yay
  13. I also wouldn't be surprised if he tried it in practice just because, without any plans to jump it in actual competition
  14. The truth is, you never know with Yuzu. So logically I think ACI is inprobable, but if he feels like jumping 4A that day, he will
  15. There was info on the website, 15 mins after practice And yes, draw is random for SP.
  16. Beautiful And I know I'm too greedy, but i REALLY want to see SP too ;;
  17. Yesss I hoped that both of them will get that spots
  18. I'm guessing he was supposed to show the perfect pose to launch for 4A? Maybe something about timing when they showed the long jumper...
  19. Oh, I've seen Yuzu next
  20. Come oooon, I really should start doing stuff now, not watching baseball ;;
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