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Media Day 2018

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1 hour ago, kaeryth said:

Otonal was used by Maria Butyrskaya in her LP in the 98-99 season. She won the Gold Medal (first Russian to win the World Ladies title) in the World Championship that year in Helsinki. Not sure if Johnny's Otonal was inspired by Butyrskaya's but he has said on several occasions that he looked up to her as an inspiration so not too far fetched to think so.


I remember her performance but was wondering is there another piece or some other connections that I have not heard about. 

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@Lyyli I see @kaeryth has already answered, it isn't a direct connection with Yuzuru of course, but still Yuzuru crossing paths with yet another piece of FS history :laughing: I thought it was funny, in the context of him getting to skate both his programs in places that, in the history of figure skating, share some kind of 'figure skating historical connection'   :xD: 


of course anyone can find any kind of connection between unrelated events if they want,  but it wouldn't have been the same if e.g. instead of Helsinki Yuzuru went to Skate Canada or to COC or one of the other options rumoured to replace it like Korea or Milan...:68468287:


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8 hours ago, kaeryth said:

Yuzu's StSq from media day...


aah I love seeing stsq drawn out like this (and staring at them dreaming about one day trying to skate them lol) :tumblr_inline_nhkf04zUM41qid2nw:


also I'm glad I listened to my brain last night and just went to sleep, doesn't look like I missed anything

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3 hours ago, Xen said:

Wow, so we're really singing "One Day More" now? 

Oh wait, unless there is no SP because a certain lurker troll found @Murieleirum edit of the SP music and went "hmm....." before bugging Jeff and a music editor to redo it? XD

From what the clips show, I think he's keeping the parts of Art On Ice and Magic Stradivarius that I like-that staccato part and the trills. I do wonder what other music he is going to chose from-did he and Shae watch all the documentaries on Nijinsky? 


or maybe this year there was no SP outing for media day?? :headdesk:Yuzu you are lucky that we are gonna se you in 20 days... I feel like we'd go crazy with even only ONE day more, since your skating is just so much more beautiful and perfect and come ooon, he looks perfect next to the perfectly dressed and full of make-up reporter, while he has nothing on but his own skin... scarily beautiful. 

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7 часов назад, SSS сказал:

How about compare to the purple one?

Purple one are incomparable 0:)  but at every open practice I admired his lines and moves and some little moments can be lost in loose or white colored sleeves for example, so I think many wants close to UA costume and this ballet theme is the best chance for it. Also curious about SP costume cuz Yuzu already had Etude (one of my all-time favorite) inspired by Otonal I think.

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5 minutes ago, Lunna said:

Purple one are incomparable 0:)  but at every open practice I admired his lines and moves and some little moments can be lost in loose or white colored sleeves for example, so I think many wants close to UA costume and this ballet theme is the best chance for it. Also curious about SP costume cuz Yuzu already had Etude (one of my all-time favorite) inspired by Otonal I think.

H&L costume look like its inspired by Etude. I want something different. 

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off topic!


Just a thought.... the fact that he's being careful even with a odd feeling, not even pain, in his ankle makes me think that he's not thinking of r-word-ing any time soon. Prioritising his health speaks of a long term plan. He wants to keep himself in peak skating condition for longer, which says there's likely a longer that he has in mind. Its the talk of someone who still looking forward to continuing to compete for the forseeable future. A part of me thinks that someone who plans to r-word after this season wouldn't be so careful, with his personality (as much as I understand it) he seems like he would say lets give everything, push through everything, and make a huge unforgettable impact to crown everything and retire on top! 


But then again, maybe time frames with injuries are different at the level at which he competes.... It was just a thought I had :) 

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51 minutes ago, OonsieHui said:


Also how does this have only 64 views??? I know one of us made it... maybe add Yuzuru Hanyu into the title so its more easily found? More people should appreciate this wonderful compilation clip! 


The video has been set to private so you can’t find it without its URL

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