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Media Day 2018

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2 часа назад, Xen сказал:

Yes....insane. I think his original stable quad jumps are more or less back. I really should be working...but instead I'm babbling on a fansite, going gah gah over a 2 minute (not even) clip of his free program, and crying tears over a frickin' stag leap? Totally normal, right?


Totally OK :agree2: I must work but more than half of a day already I'm watching all the videos trying to find new 2 seconds in each one :13877886:And I'm just fangirling over all the little details,  transitions, his legs, arms and so on :tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw:

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35 minutes ago, kaeryth said:


HERE for just the audio of the Plushenko's Nijinsky music. The composition is from music that was cut and compiled from these:



See this is why I've been pondering since last night - who is doing the music?


Marton or Yuzuru and his team? Because this isn't quite like the usual music situation. Or rather it can be but at the same time, they may have talked to Marton himself who is still involved with Plushenko, I've seen him at the Academy too. 

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Couldn't read the whole thread yet, so probably smb has already done this, but I couldn't wait to see the whole program and tried to put all pieces we've got together:tumblr_inline_n2pje39gH11qdlkyg: Got almost 3 minutes of the FP:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: But actually have no idea where step sequence should be, it's just my guess (and there can be other mistakes).

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Translation of a news article regarding yesterday: http://tadakixd.tumblr.com/post/177570166375



“The axel is, after all, my number 1 motivation. What comes to mind as I practice is that, in the end, I do love the Axel after all. It’s fun you know? Jumping it. I am not yet jumping it a lot but be it things like the process of landing it and so on, I am enjoying each and every one of those things, and really thinking hard about it as I practice.”



"Within my roots are my thoughts and feelings about that jump. Whilst experiencing the difficulty of the Axel, the sense of accomplishment when you land it - things like that are a big reason why I came to like skating.” Smiling, he said “Truthfully, I had wanted to land (the 4A) before this announcement day but”, (instead) “I want to jump (the Axel) within this season”

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3 minutes ago, bsshka said:

Couldn't read the whole thread yet, so probably smb has already done this, but I couldn't wait to see the whole program and tried to put all pieces we've got together:tumblr_inline_n2pje39gH11qdlkyg: Got almost 3 minutes of the FP:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: But actually have no idea where step sequence should be, it's just my guess (and there can be other mistakes).


That part where he's resting I think.....Thank you so so much for this compilation!

Ahhh...alll those little jumps...*dies into a puddle*

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5 minutes ago, bsshka said:

Couldn't read the whole thread yet, so probably smb has already done this, but I couldn't wait to see the whole program and tried to put all pieces we've got together:tumblr_inline_n2pje39gH11qdlkyg: Got almost 3 minutes of the FP:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: But actually have no idea where step sequence should be, it's just my guess (and there can be other mistakes).



Thank you!!




I mean I know the actual full thing won't be like that but it's definitely enough for me to fangirl some more!!!

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7 minutes ago, bsshka said:

Couldn't read the whole thread yet, so probably smb has already done this, but I couldn't wait to see the whole program and tried to put all pieces we've got together:tumblr_inline_n2pje39gH11qdlkyg: Got almost 3 minutes of the FP:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: But actually have no idea where step sequence should be, it's just my guess (and there can be other mistakes).



This is fantastic! Thank you! :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

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11 minutes ago, bsshka said:

Couldn't read the whole thread yet, so probably smb has already done this, but I couldn't wait to see the whole program and tried to put all pieces we've got together:tumblr_inline_n2pje39gH11qdlkyg: Got almost 3 minutes of the FP:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: But actually have no idea where step sequence should be, it's just my guess (and there can be other mistakes).




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15 minutes ago, bsshka said:

Couldn't read the whole thread yet, so probably smb has already done this, but I couldn't wait to see the whole program and tried to put all pieces we've got together:tumblr_inline_n2pje39gH11qdlkyg: Got almost 3 minutes of the FP:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: But actually have no idea where step sequence should be, it's just my guess (and there can be other mistakes).


Really special indeed! Dear God, this is gonna be epic! Yuzu , you're killing us!:dbana:

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