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2018/19 Coaching changes

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36 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

What part of she did in fact inform her club are you not getting? Do you know how these hierarchies work? Are skaters supposed to inform feds directly, or are they supposed to go through their club? She informed her club. She informed them, and then gave a date for her press statement. So everybody could prepare. 


What exactly should she have done? How could she have arranged synchronised information for her club, her fed and her fans? 'Instead' because she cannot be in two places at the same time? The timeframe between the club's announcement and her planned statement is literally only one weekend. 


You know what, I'm not responding to you anymore. I've basically said the same thing three times to you and you're either not hearing it or don't want to, so, bye.



Ok, I get your meaning. :grouphug:

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40 minutes ago, hoodie axel said:

I don't think Med needs to do anything here. Her current students can all see for themselves what Eteri's doing. That's something they'll be carrying around. I also DK about the parents' involvement in Russia, but I doubt they'd all keep quite.


I wouldn't bet on her students "seeing" what is happening - given reports that the club and fan groups are eliminating photos and any references to Ms Medvedeva...rewriting history so to speak. I would not put it past them to be putting out "fake"/"biased" news. It's like partisan politics, and when you are part of a group that's been indoctrinated, anything said to the contrary is taken as a threat to the gospel. Just look at America and the beliefs that Republicans have re Democats and vica versa - and that's in a democratic system where free media is enshrined, let alone in a system that has no place for any media but sycophants...

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Eteri‘s behavior is inexcusable. She‘s outright slandering a 18 year old on TV. Well, I honestly expected her to play dirty like this and I wouldn’t be surprised if Eteri told Zhenia to retire or at least hinted on something of the sort which led to this decision... I can‘t wait to hear Zhenia‘s response tomorrow. I expect her to not lower herself to Eteri‘s level and handle it with class. 


And lol at Eteri trying to pull Brian into this mess. It‘s so odd! Two worlds are clashing 

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I know the situation is completely different but Nanami also didn't know about Yuzuru moving to Canada to train. She didn't say anything negative about him to media and they are still friendly to each other. I am so thankful for his every single coach. Former or current. 

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9 minutes ago, robin said:

Eteri‘s behavior is inexcusable. She‘s outright slandering a 18 year old on TV. Well, I honestly expected her to play dirty like this and I wouldn’t be surprised if Eteri told Zhenia to retire or at least hinted on something of the sort which led to this decision... I can‘t wait to hear Zhenia‘s response tomorrow. I expect her to not lower herself to Eteri‘s level and handle it with class. 


And lol at Eteri trying to pull Brian into this mess. It‘s so odd! Two worlds are clashing 


I've read reports on two Russian sites that seem to suggest (albeit with Google Translate, which may mean there is something lost in translation) that Ms Medvedeva was encouraged to retire.

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RE: Zhenya & Eteri

*looks at her shattered rose-coloured glasses*


I do agree that Eteri's flame sounds like coming from a mixture of pride, hurt and a perceived deep, deep "betrayal". Heck, I can even feel sorry for her, apparently she can't get past her hurt and so she turns spiteful and aggressive and it's just sad. But wth, with all her past experiences she still can't sit down for a while, let the hurt cool off and rein herself? Probably acting tough and spitting fire helped her to survive and become successful, but as an adult and a coach her attacking Zhenya like that is wrong, it doesn't even matter how entitled to her anger and hurt she is... if she is, at all. Possibly yes, in part. But so is Zhenya, who went through what for her was a nightmare of a season and pushed herself to her limits only to find it wasn't enough. I do believe the injury/recovery managment wasn't ideal. Not that TCC has always been successful in that department either, but this past season there were so many parallels between the two clubs and even if medals at Olys say Eteri did slightly better, TCC really set an example at how to keep a "good" rivalry and a supportive environment amidst all kind of s**t (repeatedly) happening all season long. 


Now I can only hope Zhenya will keep being the mature one  (kudos to her for what she's done till now!) and I pray someone can help Eteri to learn dealing with disappoiments in a more mature wau, for her own good and that of the people around her. Lashing out certainly is a perfectly human trait, but so it is the ability to take time to cool off and re-think and analyse things calmy and rationally and rein the emotions.

I hope after this storm Zhenya will find the quiet and support she needs to bounce back better than before:tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


Re: Polina 

I hope the rumour of Eteri gutting her chances to skate elsewhere isn't true:tumblr_inline_mzx91uuLRI1r8msi5:


Re: Misha working with Raf 

I am bit perplexed, imo he would benefit more from some help in the mentality department more than in the tech. Nathan's relative "consistency" with his quads looks like a combo of (relatively) smaller jumps and easy entry and less "tiring" skating between elements, Misha is quite different... can he learn to jump smaller? Unless Misha wants to bring back the flip, than maybe it could be good to have a technician help him there and watch Nathan's correct edge F:tumblr_inline_ncmifdw7151rpglid:

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19 minutes ago, LadyLou said:

I am bit perplexed, imo he would benefit more from some help in the mentality department more than in the tech. Nathan's relative "consistency" with his quads looks like a combo of (relatively) smaller jumps and easy entry and less "tiring" skating between elements, Misha is quite different... can he learn to jump smaller? Unless Misha wants to bring back the flip, than maybe it could be good to have a technician help him there and watch Nathan's correct edge F:tumblr_inline_ncmifdw7151rpglid:

This is strange to me, too.

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7 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


Can we please not bring those videos here? That person is highly problematic and best to leave her out of this; no point in bringing such negativity here.

Oh i see. In this vid, I don't see any negativity towards Medvedeva. 

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13 minutes ago, Huiqi said:

Oh i see. In this vid, I don't see any negativity towards Medvedeva. 


No problem, but in general, that person is ... best avoided. Not pretty.  We roll along just fine anyway, and seem to, knock on wood, avoid a lot of bad things out there :)

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51 minutes ago, Yoa said:

I know the situation is completely different but Nanami also didn't know about Yuzuru moving to Canada to train. She didn't say anything negative about him to media and they are still friendly to each other. I am so thankful for his every single coach. Former or current. 


Sorry but from yuzusorbet's translations (and she is pretty reliable with her translations).


In late April/May 2012, he moved to Canada to train under Brian Orser, a difficult decision which he made with Nanami-sensei’s blessings.



I read this in another book ‘Yuzuru Method’ Page103:  After his amazing free skate performance at Worlds 2012 in Nice, while he was in the skaters’ waiting room, his coach Nanami Abe told him that for next season, he should look for an overseas coach.  Having just finished his performance, it was not the right time to be thinking about next season, but her words were imprinted in his mind.


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14 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


No problem, but in general, that person is ... best avoided. Not pretty.  We roll along just fine anyway, and seem to, knock on wood, avoid a lot of bad things out there :)

Ok. Noted. Sorry about that.

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