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2018/2019 Season Program Announcements

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I will unblushingly repeat what I just said over at GS (which will make me no fans, I know)  Alina's dress looks like she forgot her costume and had to make do with an aged relative's daggy underslip instead (and the music is the worst POTO I have ever heard).


I don't watch Nathan skating but the clothes are pretty bog-standard "I'm a serious student to be and I can't afford nice things, got this at the nearest Cheep and NotCheerful"... which is... I guess understandable for a student to be (and I do hope he didn't pay Very Wang heaps to make them! I quick visit to the op shop would do it) Boyang seems to be channelling what Yuzu wore in those shows years ago, what was it, Vertigo or Hello I Love You? and presumably will come up with something better come Helsinki. 


Shoma's latest really made me laugh, he looks like an adorably scruffy little blackbird and then (at least in the version I watched, which made it very pink) a tiny punk flamingo (and given the horrible Spirits things - both of them - that's a massive improvement )



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I don't like the use of adios nonino in Satoko's FS ( the commentator talking non stop during her performance so I might miss something) but overall its a nice music cut. Tom Dickson is always good with music cut, even with warhorse. Lori and Danill should take a serious note. I guess I need to see Satoko skate this program in comp to have better judgement, for now, I like and don't like some parts but the 2nd half is great. The timing for her 3lz3t is good again, if only her jumps are better. The 3-2-2 is just bad, she can't rotate the triple (3lz or 3f) and 2lo most of the time. I like her packaging in both programs this year. 


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In general, it's best to wait a bit more and see how the programs look when the season properly starts. They evolve during it so in August it is definitely not ideal.

I still like this music choice for Boyang and it could work but right now, it's quite empty. He also needs to grasp the music better; it's not one note actually while currently he's skating it through as if it is. Listen to the song Boyang! I know he's excited for the fun, rock parts but there's more to this and he needs to get it before the program can come together. 


Hmm, I prefer Satoko's SP to FS right now but I'll wait.


@TallyT at least he isn't wearing a funeral outfit this time, Nathan I mean, so take it as a win :13877886:

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  On 8/5/2018 at 2:49 AM, Katt said:

I dislike Nathan' SP music but I quite like the way he perform. He's having fun and trying to connect with audience. Both of his costumes need to go, especially the LP. A random uniqlo shirt or practice gear is better than that


That is unfortunately an ice show thing that doesn't really transfer to competition. Watching him in ice shows and galas annoys the hell out of me because I can clearly see what he is capable of but never does when competing.

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  On 8/5/2018 at 10:18 AM, Yatagarasu said:

I still like this music choice for Boyang and it could work but right now, it's quite empty. He also needs to grasp the music better; it's not one note actually while currently he's skating it through as if it is. Listen to the song Boyang! I know he's excited for the fun, rock parts but there's more to this and he needs to get it before the program can come together


Agreed. It's also actually (to my perception) a difficult performance to deliver maturely. Someone could do angst easily, but this particular song needs a lot of maturity and control along with it that he needs to grasp. It's a good one to grow with, though, so if he succeeds, that's a great look on him. It will help him with depth. Perhaps that's what he and his team have in mind. There seem to be nuances that a proper performance will bring out.

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  On 8/5/2018 at 10:40 AM, hoodie axel said:

Agreed. It's also actually (to my perception) a difficult performance to deliver maturely. Someone could do angst easily, but this particular song needs a lot of maturity and control along with it that he needs to grasp. It's a good one to grow with, though, so if he succeeds, that's a great look on him. It will help him with depth. Perhaps that's what he and his team have in mind. There seem to be nuances that a proper performance will bring out.



It is, no doubt in my mind. I actually hadn't realized that until I saw him skate it, and then it became quite apparent that it is a challenge all right. I think it's a good choice by his team, in terms of getting him to stretch and evolve further on but I do hope they help him out in that as currently, he isn't even trying to shift gears. It might be that it is simply too early so he knows that he isn't there yet and chose this way right now, or might be that he doesn't see it yet so I hope his team is on top of that. It's a risky choice, just as much as it's a good choice. 

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  On 8/5/2018 at 11:10 AM, Yatagarasu said:

It might be that it is simply too early so he knows that he isn't there yet and chose this way right now, or might be that he doesn't see it yet so I hope his team is on top of that.


Yep, either of these, or the slight perception of tiredness I had from that performance. I do think there was an attempt to be serious in a few parts, so I think he's trying, but it's also an Ice show, so maybe he decided to just go ahead and play to the audience mostly. This is something I'll be waiting to see in competition, because whatever the reason, the program seems like it needs work, so all of them ought to be all over it for the next few weeks.

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Ice shows - it’s interesting to get a look at new programmes but the conditions aren’t ideal and people will improve or regress as the season gets going properly.  I wish Alinas team would take a long hard look at that mess and be honest with themselves and her but it probably won’t happen.

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  On 8/5/2018 at 10:19 AM, Neenah said:

That is unfortunately an ice show thing that doesn't really transfer to competition. Watching him in ice shows and galas annoys the hell out of me because I can clearly see what he is capable of but never does when competing.


Yeah I know. This program depend on how much joy he has while performing. Maybe this time its abit different ? I dont know. I'm worried about his LP more because I can foresee it end up like Nemesis and MLD :dbana:

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Alina needs help.  The music cuts make the whole program feel... somewhat psychotic?  And the costume is a big no for a 16-year-old. 


Kaori and Satoko's programs are a little boring right now, but I trust them to improve at least a little bit before competition starts. 


Shoma's SP is better than FS, but that costume is :ohno:  I hope he changes it before GPS.  Moonlight Sonata lacks inspiration; it's just the same old Shoma stuff skated to music that doesn't fit with the choreo.


And Nathan's programs are unsurprisingly dull...


I think Boyang's is the only thing I like.


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  On 8/5/2018 at 12:24 PM, Katt said:

Yeah I know. This program depend on how much joy he has while performing. Maybe this time its abit different ? I dont know. I'm worried about his LP more because I can foresee it end up like Nemesis and MLD :dbana:


I think Shae Lynn has choreographed interesting movement . He and Shae Lynn seem to click. Of course, I don't know what he'll end up doing with it, but the choreography itself is pretty good. If he keeps it, it should aid the effect he wants to create, even if he personally ends up not being too joyful.

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  On 8/5/2018 at 4:41 PM, Legacy and Hope said:

Alina needs help.  The music cuts make the whole program feel... somewhat psychotic?  And the costume is a big no for a 16-year-old. 


Kaori and Satoko's programs are a little boring right now, but I trust them to improve at least a little bit before competition starts. 


Shoma's SP is better than FS, but that costume is :ohno:  I hope he changes it before GPS.  Moonlight Sonata lacks inspiration; it's just the same old Shoma stuff skated to music that doesn't fit with the choreo.


And Nathan's programs are unsurprisingly dull...


I think Boyang's is the only thing I like.




oh wow i feel the complete opposite re: shoma! I keep falling asleep every time i try to watch his SP it's soooo dull and the same old same old! I actually really enjoyed seeing how hard he was working to be softer for Moonlight even though it's really not there yet. I have faith he'll bring it out, or maybe i just really hope he will because i love that piece of music. His SP is a big disappointment but hopefully he can bring a new side of him out as the season goes on too.


Nathan's LP is disappointing too just because i love woodkid and they really have some interesting songs in their discography but of course they choose one of the more low energy and dull songs. I like his step seq though and his 4F really is handsome, as Dai put it :D


And as far as Boyang goes - well he's the one I have the most faith in in that he'll really work to evolve his programs. I remember last season when i first saw CTHD I really was not feeling it but by the end of the season it'd become one of my favorite SPs for that season


anyway go kids! im just gonna try and bask in the last month of pre season before some skaters start falling victim to poor judging

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  On 8/5/2018 at 5:32 PM, salty said:

4F really is handsome,


I figured out why his 4F is unimpressive. It's not because he PRs (it's within the textbook amount), but because he doesn't get good vault on it, and then rotates very quickly to get 4 revs in. This makes it look empty and "not full" -- it fizzles and filibusters instead of sizzling through the air like Boyang's 4Lz, or Yuzuru's 3A, or Kolyada's 3Lz, or Javi's 4S. 


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  On 8/5/2018 at 6:47 PM, hoodie axel said:

I figured out why his 4F is unimpressive. It's not because he PRs (it's within the textbook amount), but because he doesn't get good vault on it, and then rotates very quickly to get 4 revs in. This makes it look empty and "not full" -- it fizzles and filibusters instead of sizzling through the air like Boyang's 4Lz, or Yuzuru's 3A, or Kolyada's 3Lz, or Javi's 4S. 




not to mention his anticlimactic landings that somehow are landed on the straightest leg?? how does that not hurt??

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