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Team Canada

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I feel pretty certain this is a mental thing rather than a physical one... or rather, maybe he's physically drained and feeling not ready because he's mentally exhausted. I hope he can overcome whatever ails him because he came back and put in all that effort to compete and try for another Olympics. I want him to achieve that goal and be proud of the skates that he will do there... and so I wish him the best of luck in getting to where he needs to be to do that. C'mon, Patrick, win the battle.


I want to see those beautiful skating skills that no one else in the world can match, and I mean no one, despite the marks the judges are giving you. Every skater is envious of his mastery of the blade and when he retires so do those skills in competitive skating. Insert other media

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This could really muck this up for Canada for the Team Event, they are relying on him there. He doesn't have a viable replacement. So overall, probably a good thing to skip NHK and try and recharge and rest, going forward. Not like he has to skate in a GP, there are plenty of minor events so he can use one of those for some practice.

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I wonder if he'll go to 4CC then...will he need the ranking points so he's not skating super early? I hope he can rest and be revitalised for the Olympics.


This was a rough time emotionally and mentally to put out what he did at Skate Canada given it seems like he's struggled with readjusting his headspace in this new quadster environment and it must be demoralising to see his PCS not holding up either. No doubt that's playing on his mind :/ 

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