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Kolyada's music cut :facepalm: Tbh I dont have a high hope for an Elvis program, but this is just bad.

Evgenia's LP is ok, apart from the ending. I think her SP is better. Still need a lot of works, but its early ( And I already prepared for the story behind it)   

Liza's LP is not as good as her SP. But she skate with so much confident, and her jumps are :smiley-love017: 

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3 hours ago, xeyra said:

I''m not loving Zhenya's FS music cut. I love all the individual pieces and the skating she's doing in each one is lovely but together it doesn't scream cohesive to me, because of the way there's a) too many music cuts and b) too abrupt change from one to the other. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but right now I'm just sad she didn't choose only one or two pieces to cut together more cohesively. 


I actually felt the same... :/  I really hope that they still have time to work on music a little bit more. For now I love her SP more. Or maybe I just need to see it in a real competition... We'll see how things will go in Bratislava next week.

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6 hours ago, Fay said:

 Yeah, the whole world will just be closing their eyes tight not to see that final move... that's the only way to deal with it. 

I still wish she covered more ice...

ITA. I will avoid that part.

Last year at SC i noticed her lack of i ce coverage but no one talks about it..... evident in person.


Ok. I prefer the sp to the lp.h Think this is beatable, but thought so last year too....

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Guest turquoiseblue

Russian test skates 2017: ladies [+video]



Evgenia's descriptions of her new programmes:



My short program is a flight of the soul and I want to show its purity. From the very beginning of this program, I stand with my eyes closed and people hear the beating of my heart, then I seem to come out of my body, take a step and see myself from the outside, fear in my eyes and misunderstanding of what is happening. No matter how cruelly it may sound, this is the step of a person’s soul from the body during the state of clinical death. Let it sound cruel, but I say this so people could understand the image that I want to show.


In this program, I seem to re-learn this world and the other world, which is also luminous and there is no fear in it. At the very end of the performance, I return to my body and my breath is heard. This is my own breath, we specially recorded it for this composition.





My free program is about the most powerful and inexhaustible feeling of humanity, about faith. At the very beginning, I’m standing like on the line of life, I’m starting to take the first step, but I’m going back. This symbolizes the fear of the unknown, which almost all people have. The idea is that thanks to faith, a person is capable of anything. Faith gives strength to go forward. And I do not mean only belief in God, because everyone believes in something of their own. It can be, for example, just faith in the best.


I kind of like both stories and I'm very much looking forward to seeing how she polishes her programmes as the season progresses :tumblr_inline_n2pje2TPZt1qdlkyg: 

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