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Guest turquoiseblue

Polina Tsurskaya: I Realized That I Urgently Needed To Change Something



In one of your comments after moving to Buyanova, you noted that faced a completely new approach to the training process. What was it, if it’s not a secret?


– The work has become much more individual. In the former group everything was based on constant competition, rivalry. You look at what someone is doing on the ice and you also try to reach that. In CSKA, coaches try to divide all athletes to be able to work with everyone individually. To work separately on jumps, skating, choreography. To be honest, I didn’t like work based on rivalry. It doesn’t suit me very much.


It’s logical: it’s one thing when little girls do the same job, and quite another when the athlete stands out among the others with both height and body constitution, as you stand out. This is more than enough to create problems for you.


– And it created. I also had injuries. Coaches tried to give my state some attention, to reduce the load, somewhere they allowed me to work at my discretion, but when you are constantly in the group, you unwittingly want to keep up with the others. You understand that it’s better to stop, but not always it turns out. So sometimes it was my fault that the injuries continued to worsen. You come to the ice after an injury and see that everyone is working, everything is in good shape, everyone is jumping and you start hurrying yourself up. As a result, I never managed to recover fully and all this accumulated like a snowball.



Was it your decision to leave the coach at the end of spring or your parents’?


– Mine. I realized that I urgently needed to change something. Perhaps, not only to change the coach, but myself, my attitude to training, the approach to work in general. And it turned out, that I need to leave the group at any rate. My parents have been hesitating for a long time, they tried to keep me from this step, tried to change my mind. I continued to go to trainings, but one evening I returned home and said firmly: “That’s all.”



Does injured back still cause problems for you?


– Back is such a thing that if it starts to hurt, it’s forever and you just have to monitor. This isn’t a fracture that healed and doesn’t bother anymore. It’s necessary to choose exercises, build muscles, do massage regularly. When I had an exacerbation, the doctors made a list of exercises for me that I need to do every day. I’ve been following these instructions for a long time. I’ve already used to come to practice 20-30 minutes earlier, to have enough time to do a warm-up, stretching. Before the second ice I also do special work for about 10 minutes. After training, I try to stretch my back well, so the muscles return to their previous state. In breaks I can go to massage, sometimes to the manual therapist. In addition, my mother is a doctor, she also keeps an eye to prevent exacerbations.



I know that in Buyanova’s group skaters always work very hard on skating skills.


– Yes, it’s true. But I actually always liked to glide. I really like skating. It seems to me that now I have progress in skating skills, in the presentation of programs. Let’s see how it all works out at the test skates.


What do you think about when you see how little girls jump quadruple jumps? Here my sporting death comes?


– Why? You can always compete with everyone. The key thing in your phrase is not that the jumps are quadruples, but that the girls are little. Who will grow up very quickly. Then we will look at the results.


And for you the period of growth was difficult?


– I have always been tall for my age. When I first came to Eteri Georgievna with my parents, she looked at me, at my mother, at my dad and even asked: are you sure you will cope? So we have been coping all this time. But I didn’t have such situation that in one season I grew by 15 centimeters. I grew up quickly, but gradually. Therefore, there were no fears that I would suddenly stop coping with my own body. Now my growth hasn’t been changing. I also don’t have to starve to keep myself in shape.


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I am very curious about Polina's new programs and how she'll do under Buyanova. She's one of my favourite Russian ladies, and I hope she can come back successfully in this season.


It's a bit surprising that her and Masha don't have a nutritionist or someone who'd give them advice on what/how much they should eat etc. Internet might be helpful but it doesn't replace someone who's an expert.

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5 hours ago, sallycinnamon said:

It's a bit surprising that her and Masha don't have a nutritionist or someone who'd give them advice on what/how much they should eat etc. Internet might be helpful but it doesn't replace someone who's an expert.


I got the feeling this is pretty common with the Russian ladies and I always get so confused about it. Nutritionists are present in all sports these days, even if it is not personalized at lower levels. At these elite ones, someone qualified to care about their nutrition is a must and yet, nope. 

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3 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


I got the feeling this is pretty common with the Russian ladies and I always get so confused about it. Nutritionists are present in all sports these days, even if it is not personalized at lower levels. At these elite ones, someone qualified to care about their nutrition is a must and yet, nope. 

I have a feeling Russian ladies have one way of controlling their weight. Everything else is just a fad...

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6 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

Sigh. It's a darn shame as it'd make their lives so much healthier, and easier!

Who cares. We have loads of them, you know. 

Sorry for sarcasm, but reading Russian forums about girls is like witnessing gladiator battles. Health isn’t an issue. 

Tarusina, for instance, has serious problems with her sight after that frightful accident which didn’t let her take part in JGP and might altogether lose it, it seems, yet her parents let her continue competing?! 

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3 minutes ago, Fay said:

Who cares. We have loads of them, you know. 

Sorry for sarcasm, but reading Russian forums about girls is like witnessing gladiator battles. Health isn’t an issue. 

Tarusina, for instance, has serious problems with her sight after that frightful accident which didn’t let her take part in JGP and might altogether lose it, it seems, yet her parents let her continue competing?! 


Seriously? And I was super happy when we saw her because I figured that meant everything was all right now. Oi vey. I don't get things like these, especially with young ones. I mean if you're an adult you'll make your own (bad) choices but with minors, adults are really failing. 

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13 minutes ago, TallyT said:

Have to admit, the Russian girls - especially Eteri's group - have turned me off womens' skating to a great extent, they are so young and so expendable...


And while they do have their own personalities on the ice, so many of their moves in their step sequences, transitions and spins are very similar. YOu can tell an Eteri girl before she has even started to jump just from the moves in the program in general. I wish they had their own choreographers... or branched out a bit more anyway.

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4 minutes ago, liv said:


And while they do have their own personalities on the ice, so many of their moves in their step sequences, transitions and spins are very similar. YOu can tell an Eteri girl before she has even started to jump just from the moves in the program in general. I wish they had their own choreographers... or branched out a bit more anyway.

This is why I am so very excited to see what Evgenia, Liza and Polina have n store for us. It will be a breath of fresh air after seeing the recycled choreo from camp Eteri. I will take a hard pass on POTO for busy people 😉

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