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:dpooh: me tryna sleep and forget that i ever had to read someone say that there have never been quads executed with intricate connecting steps or transitions into them. are these people even aware of the sport? aware of the highest scoring programs and the skaters at the top of it? or do they just live in a bubble where the only skaters they know are the ones they train?

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1 minute ago, golden said:

:dpooh: me tryna sleep and forget that i ever had to read someone say that there have never been quads executed with intricate connecting steps or transitions into them. are these people even aware of the sport? aware of the highest scoring programs and the skaters at the top of it? or do they just live in a bubble where the only skaters they know are the ones they train?


Exactly, by this logic, all the single quad jumps in SP should have been invalidated. Or am I missing the rule for that particular required element in SP???


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46 minutes ago, SSS said:

“One of the reasons quads have become so valuable, Ade believes, is judges being overly generous with the GOEs they award for the jump.

"I haven't seen anyone with intricate steps or connections into a quad," she said. "The bullet points for GOE are not adhered to for quads."”



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Yuzuru and Boyang broke their system in 2015, both by having their TES significantly differ from their PCS, only in different directions. Some of these changes were, like the -5+5 GOE interval, already proposed then as a result. But the system keeps breaking more and more and they're scrambling for further solutions but they can't change anything before the Olympics. And their panic, plus the idea that figure skating must be great in the USA again, is making them have the stupidest ideas. 

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3 minutes ago, yuzupon said:

Exactly, by this logic, all the single quad jumps in SP should have been invalidated. Or am I missing the rule for that particular required element in SP???



Well, technically, a lot more quads should be getting negative GOE than they do, but the rules only tend to count for skaters from smaller federations/countries. 

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I don't think men's figure skating has ever been great in the U.S....it's not really as mainstream as the ladies'. And if they want the ladies' event to be more watchable, I think they have a lot they can fix there (i.e. base values for quads/3A should be HIGHER, layout balance should be rewarded, etc.) And no basically-predetermined winners.

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2 minutes ago, xeyra said:

Yuzuru and Boyang broke their system in 2015, both by having their TES significantly differ from their PCS, only in different directions. Some of these changes were, like the -5+5 GOE interval, already proposed then. But the system keeps breaking more and more and they're scrambling for further solutions but they can't change anything before the Olympics. And their panic, plus the idea that figure skating must be great in the USA again, is making them have the stupidest ideas. 

Simply because they don't teach the judges how to score properly. 

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2 minutes ago, meoima said:

Simply because they don't teach the judges how to score properly. 


Exactly. So much of the current problems would be solved by good judging. What's the point of -5+5 GOE when they can't even handle -3+3 properly? So let's save face and pretend our training methods to our judges aren't an issue, or ignore politicking in their scoring, and lower the value of quads because that's the problem! 

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23 minutes ago, Anony said:

Japan and Russia are fake, everyone has been hallucinating those countries this entire time


I can't believe my faves come from those invisible countries :facepalm: 


Tbh the only quotes are worth reading from this article is from Brian. I rolled my eyes at least 5 times while reading this. No wonder we barely see any successful skaters/OGM want to become ISU judges/officials. They probably have known this mess too well and dont want to put themselves into it :facepalm: 


And since when technical = quads ??? Spin, footwork, SS, and transitions are technical as well. Almost all great champions in the past are also the one who push the technical side of the sport, not just this era. 


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6 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

I don't think men's figure skating has ever been great in the U.S....it's not really as mainstream as the women. And if they want the women's event to be more watchable, I think they have a lot they can fix there (i.e. base values for quads/3A should be HIGHER, layout balance should be rewarded, etc.) And no basically-predetermined winners.

Men skating is considered gay-ish and feminine in most macho-culture. And American culture is in general very macho. It's hilarious for USFA or ISU to think that they could "make skating great in America again" by pushing American men. American macho culture will never care about male skating. They totally don't care who Evan Lysacek was, even their reporters forgot he's the OGM. 


Because in this "art" sport, ladies sell more (aside from Yuzuru and Plushenko). 


One example, look at Tessa and Scott new website. Tessa has some sponsors for herself while Scott only have shared sponsors with Tessa. 


Or another example, Marin Honda is actually mentioned by Japanese media more than Shoma Uno. 


Skating was big in America during 90s because they had many strong ladies who won left and right like Tonya Harding, Nancy Kerringan, Michelle Kwan, Tara Lipninski, Sasa Cohen... 

This is figure skating, in most cases, ladies matter more.


If USFA and ISU want to make skating in America big again, they should invest in the ladies. 

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3 minutes ago, Katt said:


I can't believe my faves come from those invisible countries :facepalm: 


Tbh the only quotes are worth reading from this article is from Brian. I rolled my eyes at least 5 times while reading this. No wonder we barely see any successful skaters/OGM want to become ISU judges/officials. They probably have known this mess to well and dont want to put themselves into it :facepalm: 


And since when technical = quads ??? Spin, footwork, SS, and transitions are technical as well. Almost all great champions in the past are also the one who push the technical side of the sport, not just this era. 



Yep. Didn't we see a no-quad program won men's single in this week's JGP, and a 3-(somewhat)-landed-quad program did not even make the podium?

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3 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

i know right




reward PCS properly

reward GOE properly


no PCS inflation just because of quads

no GOE inflation just because of quads





and slow motion should be used.

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