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Romeo + Juliet 1

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  On 9/1/2017 at 2:47 AM, kaerb said:

how his skating has become less wild and sadder and more controlled


I love the mature yuzuru. He still has that part of wildness, fierceness and emotional. Even though young yuzuru is interesting to see but the mature yuzuru more exciting. I can't wait to see what kind of skater he'll become in the next few years (Since he said he's at 20% right now :laughing:). 


RnJ 1 was my no. 1 yuzuru program. Because of the raw emotion he pour into performance. But I think H&L is the best he ever skated. I like how he become more controlled esp at Helsinki. I can't describe it well, but his movements are really smooth. Movements without waste. It's really good. 



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I was checking the protocols for Worlds 2012 and noodly 17-year Zuzu got the same GOE for his 4T as Patrick Chan (2.43). That was pretty amazing back then. 

And the best solo 3A GOE too. Which isn't surprising, he did have a SE entry and it was so huge it prompted a commentator to exclaim 'He could jump a 4A!'. :rofl:

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I think the greatest difference between 17-year old Romeo and the post-Orser Yuzu is that he was taught to control himself better, not be as explosive and tire himself out completely by the end. Not that 2013!Yuzu was in any better shape stamina-wise as 2012!Yuzu but he also had harder programs by then, with two quads and triple axel combos. He also learned to control his speed better. I watch R+J1 and sometimes the camera can barely keep up with him at the beginning, he is motoring right from the start to get speed into the 4T. The raw wildness is something that one might miss and feel nostalgic about but reigning himself in and developing that control was fundamental for Yuzu to pace his own technical progress.

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I don't feel nostalgic at all. Yuzuru is the same Romeo he was back then. The same pure, naive fierceness and passion. I bet if he put on the Romeo costume today (would it fit? mmmh... maybe too much muscle now xD) and did the program, he would find within himself the same spirit he had back then, and maybe he would be surprised by it too.


The only thing I could be sad about is that when he was growing up and giving the world such treasures already, I had no idea he existed and I was living a miserable, lonely life. Not that now I'm happy because of him excusively, but I think he would have been a hope, for me, growing up, and instead I only got to know him when both me and him were already, basically, adults. I hope lots of adolescents and pre-pubescents will get to see him, because he really goes a long way to show that fighting is always worth it, whatever monster you are fighting, whether it is outside of you or inside of you, or maybe both. This program is more than just a figure skating routine. Yuzuru takes you so deeply within his own heart and your own heart, you're really not sure where you are in the end. 

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  On 9/1/2017 at 9:51 AM, Murieleirum said:

I don't feel nostalgic at all. Yuzuru is the same Romeo he was back then. The same pure, naive fierceness and passion. I bet if he put on the Romeo costume today (would it fit? mmmh... maybe too much muscle now xD) and did the program, he would find within himself the same spirit he had back then, and maybe he would be surprised by it too.



I think I'm a wee bit older than others here so maybe my nostalgia is heightened by that of my own youth, or maybe the fabled maternal instincts have finally struck. O_o 


I almost wish I'd been born a little later for the same reasons you wish you'd seen him sooner. To have someone else whose been ill to look up to may have been a comfort, though you can learn from looking down, too, I suppose. :P

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  On 9/1/2017 at 9:51 AM, Murieleirum said:

나는 전혀 향수를 느끼지 않는다. 유즈루는 그 당시의 로미오와 동일합니다. 똑같은 순수하고 순진한 치열과 열정. 나는 그가 오늘 로미오 복장을 입으면 (아마도? mmmh ... 어쩌면 너무 많은 근육 xD) 프로그램을했고, 그는 그 당시에 그와 똑같은 정신을 발견했을 것이고 아마도 놀랐을 것입니다.


yes! He is still passionate and pure. I'm grateful for that.


He had changed his method of skating while his training to Canada.  Still, it excites me that he still retains his own style. He is always new and unique because he has two different method of skating. 

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  On 9/1/2017 at 8:10 AM, Yolo3a said:

He was more joyous than Patrick and that was the most precious thing ever :10636614:


I love how innocent he was, how he was over the moon for getting silver( versus a kuyashii Yuzu now ), bright eyes and all smiling, his joy was so infectious, didn't Patrick say that even he won but Yuzu was the one that shined the most? Well, well, Patrick , if only if you could foresee the future when Yuzu would shine the most mostly, :laughing:. Also at the end of his performance, purple lips and all but we can see the determination and fierceness in his ending pose, sending a clear message " you ain't seen nothing yet!":bow:

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