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4 hours ago, Murieleirum said:


The movie has cheap effects and that does affect it because we are so used to seeing American movies all the time. But the Seimei character and his relationships with other characters in the movie is what it's all about! The Seimei character, especially, is the most interesting object of study in the whole movie imo c: 

Maybe because I watched the movie in 3 separate occasions (2hrs is long :slinkaway:), some details were lost. I also find some of the relationship lines corny. =P   One thing that I'm sure is that I wouldn't watch this movie if not for Yuzu. Abe no Seimei is cool in the movie, but I guess Yuzu set a benchmark so high that I'm not impressed with this character. =P


When I look at Yuzu's NHK or GPF Seimei, I can feel that he's a powerful onmyouji who has control over both realms.  Kudos to the murderface :hachimaki:.


While I find Seimei in the movie is like a super chill guy. But I guess I'll watch the 2003 movie before I make more judgement. =P

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6 hours ago, singcarcom said:

While I find Seimei in the movie is like a super chill guy.


He is. This is one major difference between movie Seimei and Yuzuru. Yuzuru is way more intense and passionate and emotional. Which is normal, since he is a human being, and not a 'priest, in-between earth and heaven and hell' like Abe no Seimei is. I love both characters, honestly. Seimei's actor is so cool with his movements and his lines and his face really is something. I can't really say I prefer either one of them! 

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33 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

I haven't been able to put my finger on it but researching some old performances I saved onto my HD, I was finally able pinpoint where I saw the pattern on the current incarnation of his SEIMEI costume before, or at least a closeish semblance of it:





I watched this only 2 days ago and it didn't even register!

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while we’re at the red theme, I want to bring this back. What if Yuzu is so fired up and shows up at Pyeongchang with red eye liners like this.  :13877886:...”Put on your war paints”  Yuzu!  (i was listening to Phoenix of Falloutboy and thinking about how Yuzu will rise up from his mishaps just like the Phoenix! ) ( his favorite color is red also )


beautiful art @kaerb  !

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1 hour ago, ruruzest said:



while we’re at the red theme, I want to bring this back. What if Yuzu is so fired up and shows up at Pyeongchang with red eye liners like this.  :13877886:...”Put on your war paints”  Yuzu!  (i was listening to Phoenix of Falloutboy and thinking about how Yuzu will rise up from his mishaps just like the Phoenix! ) ( his favorite color is red also )


beautiful art @kaerb  !

Ahaha thank you, I forgot about this when black!Seimei became impossible. I would die a thousand deaths if he ever did anything remotely close to eyeliner, let alone red

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry if this has already been posted........

Now we are into January I am feeling really excited, but also nervous, about the Olympics Games.  On the one hand I am so worried about Yuzuru's readiness for this biggest of competitions, and on the other hand I am convinced he has the mental and physical ability to deliver a stunning performance of the programmes in which he is so invested and with which he is so familiar (with or without 4Lutz and 4Loop!!).  This short (and old!) video strikes a mood of excitement/anticipation in the run up to the Olympics:...SEIMEI has such magnificence, and Yuzuru has the aura and majesty needed to portray the character. HE CAN DO IT!! because he is MAGICAL     :smiley-rpg012: :0006:    



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On ‎22‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 1:22 PM, Terrapin said:

Here's someone who's not a fan of the new seimei costume (actually his remarks were quite funny ^^). As for me I love the design but there's something bothering me with the size or the sleeves I don't know, it almost looks as if it is a tad too big for him. But anyway Yuzu is gorgeous as always, especially on those pics above.




The commentator is very praising of Yuzuru and his skills (especially the landing of that 4Ltz!) but OMG he really DOESN'T like that costume!! I of course love it <3  and feel it is just right for Yuzuru, and helps him feel the part....plus it adds that special sparkle to his performance! 

I love that the commentator also calls Yuzuru  "a quirky sort"!!!    What on earth can he be referring to??!!  :POOH: :angrypooh: :Poohgaveup:  :laughing:

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