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14 hours ago, Yatagarasu said:

So according to Shirota-san, the color of the costume for Chopin is - the color of winning. 


My guess for this would be - blue!

But what else could ' the color of winning' be, besides gold?? The blue is beautiful, but I can picture the ombre being gold instead, not a gold lame...


I'm definitely on board with Seimei being red in place of purple/green, and alot of black would be cool too. I've seen so many fan arts, everyone seems to be anticipating a red Seimei. We should see at ACI!

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I would rather have a dark red costume with black gloves- saw a dark costume with red gloves in the juniors recently and the red gloves didn't emphasise the hands as much as I thought they would.

I think it will be blue for Chopin as well, hopefully without the gold.

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11 часов назад, xeyra сказал:

I don't mind gold details. There was a really beautiful fanart of a possible Chopin top I loved and it had gold details on blue fabric. 

I'm not opposite gold with blue, just with gold fabric Chopin 2 seemed too heavy, not so flowy as the first one

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On 22.08.2017 at 0:38 PM, kaerb said:

omggg I am so on board with both these costumes! Dark!Seimei (with red!) and classical music tuxedo shirt with ribbon Chopin :10636614:



Considering blue is charm colour for victory in Olys (Sotnikova was a rare exception), If he goes with tuxedo shirt it would have to be blue-ish (since we [almost] all agree Seimei will have x-and-red combination)... If I'm honest, now I'm seeing it with the color similar to the brighter blue part of Shizuka's Turandot costume...with sparkles, obviously.

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im definitely with olympic blue on winning colors!! hard to anticipate a new view for chopin, tho im sure yuzu is gonna go for changes in the costume. 

i loved his gold belt!! wish there are gold details again on his costume

aaaand for seimei, when i visited the semei jinja shrine in kyoto this summer they had a red and white colored seimei bulletin board!

absolutely going for red for his seimei, black and red would be sooooo powerful!!


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On 9/3/2017 at 0:39 AM, holicyuzu said:

i have thought about if he can hold an exhibition about his customs.if he does that ,itll be so cool!!! i love his customs, each one is exquisitely made. theyre not only customs, but also works of art!!!

:tumblr_inline_nhkezmeBaq1qid2nw: I wonder if he keeps them in his closet and brings one out whenever he needs to do an exhibition........say, does he keep them in his closet in Toronto or at home...



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