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10 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

I'm in squish mode


Nice times in September...getting to see one of the best SPs ever live! But remember how he had a sore knee, could not practice, and everyone was worried to death if he could perform well? Well, bby broke his own record, again, on barely recovered knees, on a hard layout (well, I guess 4S could be considered a slight downgrade, but not much). Reminding us resoundingly to never ever count him out. It reminds us why we have faith in him, no?

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On 12/28/2017 at 4:27 AM, ruruzest said:

Yuzu fans are so fast and dedicated !

Oh I love the bit about bit by bit filtering out impurities! Has anyone here seen any documentaries about the process of making katanas and how the hard steel used is a laborius process that can take days. It's as if they are alluding to Yuzu being a swordsmith, hammering away at his skating like an artisan would at the tamahagone, till the purest and hardest steel is achieved. So in the end you get the most beautiful sword (skating), strong yet supple, effortless all as one. =)

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