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Tuesday, August 8, 2017



Mt. Irene erupts before desperate citizens

By Hydroblade

Mt. Irene has finally erupted after a long series of tweeting earthquakes. A big plume of gold dust and clear, smooth stones were expelled from the crater at around 7:58 JST and glittering golden lava is starting to flow out of the volcano. 

The Planet's inhabitants started to get anxious as the sounds of distant flutes grew louder and the tweeting earthquakes picked up until the volcano finally erupted amongst loud taiko drums. 

Currently, a cloud of gold dust covers the vicinity of Mt. Irene, and the lava flow is behaving in an unpredictable pattern. No 4Lz sightings have been reported so far, however, an impeccable 4T1Lo3S was detected. The eruption is expected to continue through the week, gradually dying down until september. 


The office of Prime Minister Pooh is starting to send out the remaining supply of Commemorative jars of Onmyouji Honey, the most delicious honey ever crafted. The crate received in this editorial office comes with a note which said "We have to get rid of this before the season starts. There's an even better batch in process". 

The Planet Hanyu Geological institute is urging the population to keep calm and consult their BV calculators.

More on this story as it develops.



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2 minutes ago, Anya said:


Meh. :snbleh: I'd rather have a repeat but upgraded jump layout than a new program with same layout. (It's all about The Gold

I am glad that he's re-using the music, he is very passionate about Seimei and very comfortable with Chopin, I think he skates better when he feels more of a connection with his music. Also he's changing the program a bit so it'll be fresh enough. This should help ease the pressure of the upcoming season. ❤️

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