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Yuzuru's gorgeous touching words....he did feel it, and it was real, an outpouring of love for him. I'm so glad he felt it :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw::tumblr_inline_nhkf04zUM41qid2nw:

(I don't think I have seen this translation before, but it could just be my memory....though because I was there at GPF19 I'd like to think I would have remembered these words of Yuzuru)

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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  On 8/24/2022 at 8:29 PM, LiaRy said:

I'm looking for this interview. Can someone help, please? 🙏


If I remember correctly, he refers to his programs as his children and his jumps as his friends. He may have referred to his jumps as his children at some point, but I'm not sure; he has definitely called his programs his kids across multiple interviews, though. I'm at work at the moment, but I'll look for it when I get home (in ~10-12 hours) unless someone gets to it before I do :59227c768286a__s:

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  On 8/24/2022 at 10:00 PM, citrusjunos said:

If I remember correctly, he refers to his programs as his children and his jumps as his friends. He may have referred to his jumps as his children at some point, but I'm not sure; he has definitely called his programs his kids across multiple interviews, though. I'm at work at the moment, but I'll look for it when I get home (in ~10-12 hours) unless someone gets to it before I do :59227c768286a__s:


Thank you! I've been trying to find it, but I had no luck. I'm pretty sure it's in PH's videos, there are so many I sort of gave up browsing hoping someone knows the source.

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In this interview, Yuzu describes the jumps as friends, it is from 2017.

There is a more recent interview which I cannot find, where Yuzu says the jumps are like children or possibly friends, can't recall accurately, so yes they may still be friends rather than children.

Most importantly, Yuzu says that the Quad Axel is himself. Yuzu doesn't talk about 4A in the 2017 interview



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  On 8/24/2022 at 11:07 PM, Goatedforever said:




Came across this tweet in my TL and Google translated it and it says that the end of the contract for Lotte in June was announced by a person who made their tweet private? i really should start learning Japanese 🤦🏻‍♀️ 

About the jumps are his friends, IIRC, he also recently mentioned jumps are his friends in a post Beijing interview with Shuzo. Something like jumps are his friends and that up until 3A, those are other kids but the 4A is him alone. Sorry if I’m misremembering it, Beijing took my brain cells away. 

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  On 8/24/2022 at 12:24 PM, Perelandra said:



You asked about the supplements from SharePractice, so this may already have been posted

One of the supplements is Magma Barley, the other one is amino acids. Now we know the supplement secrets for elite athletes. Amateur sleuthing success




I think I watched another video of Yuzu eating BCAA but another brand. It was in a bigger tub. Prior to that video, I never knew BCAA can be eaten directly. My brother is a track and field athlete at his school and has this as part of his supplements. But he mixes the powder with water and takes it in as a drink. It’s supposed to help lessen or prevent muscle soreness. Yuzu manages to make it look yummy lol 

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I don't know if everyone remembers this madness from last year, when Ice was in the mix and fanyus made it win (in honour of Yuzu), but the Mineral Cup is back this year with new rules ( rather like the ISU) and a new crop of contenders. 


What does this have to do with Yuzu? Other than Ice being a former champion, absolutely nothing, but it is the most fun a person can have on Twitter with rocks, and slots nicely into the slow gap between summer comps and the start of the GP. 


So enjoy the laughs as people who are better geologists than me ('cuz physics ain't geology) make the case for their faves to win!



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  On 8/24/2022 at 10:32 PM, Perelandra said:

In this interview, Yuzu describes the jumps as friends, it is from 2017.

There is a more recent interview which I cannot find, where Yuzu says the jumps are like children or possibly friends, can't recall accurately, so yes they may still be friends rather than children.

Most importantly, Yuzu says that the Quad Axel is himself. Yuzu doesn't talk about 4A in the 2017 interview





Yuzu's jumps are like his friends and just like with all friends, they can be a bit moody sometimes. But his best and most loyal friend (except for Pooh, of course) is 3A. :tumblr_m9gcraReGL1qzckow:

I also remember him saying that his programs are his children. I often joke that Ice-chan is the love of his life and his programs are their children. Yuzu is happily married to Ice-chan and they have many beautiful children together. :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:


  On 8/25/2022 at 12:44 AM, Goatedforever said:




Creative director Hanyu Yuzuru! Yes! I so look forward to his own ice shows and performances. It's so exciting to think what he might produce once he unleashes his creativity fully and has total freedom. :dancingpooh:

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Nishiyama is a current ice dancer who has trained with Yuzu at TCC, and here sweetyuzu kindly translated what he says in this article.

For those who don’t know, he went to train at TCC to be a singles skater, but a hip injury made him switch disciplines (not sure if he talks about the whole “changing mindset” process in this article). 



I really liked this article, hopefully his efforts will be paid. 


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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