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Ghislain Briand Exclusive Interview (2)





● How exactly did you guide his practice?


Yuzu's practice is completely different from other athletes. For example, JIN Boyang (the Chinese skater) and I use zoom, which means that we can connect in real time. After I point out that “here you can do it this way”, he can practice that immediately. But for Yuzu, It was he who sent me the video and then I analyzed it, recorded what should be noticed and what should be corrected, and sent it to him with a short message. Then after he watched it, he would use these (notes) effectively in the next practice. He would send me another message if he didn’t understand.


I told him that the approximate airtime for other quads, even 4lz, is 0.57 seconds. But you can't land a 4A with that time. You need at least 0.80 seconds. There is a time difference of 0.23 seconds. But the 0.23 seconds of lingering time in the air is as long as a person's life. 4A needs more rotation than other jumps, and you have to rotate at the moment of take-off. But the difficulty is that in most cases this will sacrifice the height of the jump, which will result in the jump not being high enough.


Then as the number of rotations increases, the axis will also be affected. After the axle collapsed, the body fell on the ice like bumping into a school bus. Just like BANG!


However, it was really fun to practice with Yuzu. He knows his body very well. This is my eighth year of practice with him, and he understands immediately what I say. “Here you should move faster…here and there should be in a straight line…” — He can answer "Got it!" with just a little hint of me. It is such a process.


● What do you think of the 4A challenged in the FS of the Beijing Olympics?


The entry of 4A — this time it has changed, right? The version of the Olympic Games is different from that of JNats. Which is better? In fact, as long as you land the jump, either is fine. Jumping has its own basic laws, which will never change. How fast the take-off needs to be…what the initial speed of the rotation should be — these are all fixed. Whether it is a circular entry or an S-shaped entry, it can be either. It is like opening a door. Any method will do, as long as the door can be opened.


About one and a half month before JNats, he sent me several videos and a short message of "Check this out". Usually Yuzu is very cautious, and most of the time he says things like "What do you think of this video?" But this time it was different, he said "Check this out".


I watched the video. In the video, his stood after landing the 4A (my note: don’t know if it’s fully rotated or not). So far, he has never landed a 4A (standing). Even if he landed, he fell over and over again. That day, he sent five videos, and he didn’t fall in each of them. I was already very surprised, no kidding, when I saw that video, I was literally jumping around at home. "Oh my god! He didn’t fall?!”


● So you mean he landed on one foot?


(He landed with) both feet on the ice. It was not clean, but it he stood after landing. Even so, it was a huge improvement, because he has always fallen on the ice. And what does this mean? It means that he is close to the correct axis, and that his body finally made it to the correct axis, so he was able to land. I just said that if the axis for 4A is crooked, it will be like bumping into a car, which makes it absolutely impossible to land. So I immediately said to him "OMG, unexpected! Can't believe it! It’s amazing. Finally found the right direction.”


The 4A in the open practice at the beginning of JNats, which he attempted to land without falling, right? That jump was really good, and I think it was better than that in the competition. However, the one attempted in Beijing this time was even better. Although he fell, the height and distance of the jump were both there, and it is obvious that he landed with one foot on the ice. If I have to say, it would be the best jump with an absolute advantage compared to whoever has attempted 4A in competitions so far.


I also told him, ”This attempt is the best 4A so far — obviously landed on one foot. It’s just a pity that you fell." But it's really nice to be recognized as 4A (my note: recognized, not ratified). The rotation is also obviously much more than 3A. It is said (according to the protocol) that this 4A lacks 180° at the landing (<), but (I think) it should be closer to 90° (q). If you want to argue, you can argue however you want, because it is THE “Quadruple Axel". Therefore, the 4A he landed in Beijing is the 4A with the highest degree of completion so far.


Part (1) here


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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4 hours ago, Melodie said:

Wakanai ya :10636614:




This prankster Yuzu  : boudeuse: comes from the end of his 2018 "continue with wings" show and here you will see a compilation of the junior and senior programs, but without jumps and anyway, even without that his skating is smooth and harmonious  :heartpound: and he there is the final and his shirt matches anyway and we see a furtive passage to the right of a small feather : and what does " wakanai ya " mean 



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1 hour ago, TokyoDream said:

I would so love to know Japanese! Nobunari keeps uploading all these Youtube videos, sometimes mentioning Yuzu I'm pretty sure, but I have no idea what he's saying😭plus he seems like such a cool, laid back, funny guy.


This is also the latest  https://youtu.be/E6WMFFHKXh0



YES it's a shame not to understand Japanese, but what about the intonation of his voice and his humor, we guess he says "cool" things and here are Nobu and Yuzu having fun like children  :surprised_pikachu:   and I add this link of WHO is Yuzu in all its glory  :girlsigh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UHUaUhCp3U  with lots of FAITH view 




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@Sun_Rise bless your heart (I mean this genuinely). Not that it couldn't be done, but I truly commend your attempt to stay above the fray...


All I am going to say on this matter is, if you feel annoyed by *those* fans, it's alright to feel that way, don't feel bad for feeling so (sooner or later, you'd end up having them on your TL despite your best effort at curation, and even the slightest thing from them might set you off anyway, so again...don't feel too bad for feeling annoyed by them).


And one more thing, don't bother rationally explaining how things stand to them, even one time might be too much for them (they don't bother to care for how things should actually work anyway).

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I've noticed one thing. As he was practicing by himself, only with his family (Dad, Mom and sister), the video sent to Ghislain was taken by one of them.

It must be tough to watch their son/brother is training so hard, sometimes banging on the ice :cry:

Being  Mom or Dad of such a gifted child is beyond my imagination.  My respects.

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6 minutes ago, SuzyQ said:

I've noticed one thing. As he was practicing by himself, only with his family (Dad, Mom and sister), the video sent to Ghislain was taken by one of them.

It must be tough to watch their son/brother is training so hard, sometimes banging on the ice :cry:

Being  Mom or Dad of such a blessed child is beyond my imagination.  My respects.

Is this confirmed or just speculation? Although it is possible one of his family members could be filming him, he does practice at ungodly hours in the morning, so I think it's also likely that one of the people in his team could be helping with his practices. But agreed. Either way, I have a lot of respect for the Hanyu family. They could've chosen to be stage parents and bask in the limelight with Yuzu, but instead they chose to protect their privacy and support Yuzu in the best way possible. I also admire their strength seeing Yuzu suffer so much for little return but still allowing him to chase after his dreams. They've really raised and nurtured him very well. 

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29 分, citrusjunosさんが言いました:

Is this confirmed or just speculation? Although it is possible one of his family members could be filming him, he does practice at ungodly hours in the morning, so I think it's also likely that one of the people in his team could be helping with his practices. But agreed. Either way, I have a lot of respect for the Hanyu family. They could've chosen to be stage parents and bask in the limelight with Yuzu, but instead they chose to protect their privacy and support Yuzu in the best way possible. I also admire their strength seeing Yuzu suffer so much for little return but still allowing him to chase after his dreams. They've really raised and nurtured him very well. 


It was reported that Yuzuru had been practicing in the Ice Rink Sendai every night, driving there with his family members.  As it is around the midnight, although I've not confirmed, I thought It was unlikely there was any other member attending every night.  


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I have to say (and I don't post often) that it's about time Ghislain has been given his due.  Yuzu was isolated but was never training totally on his own, and Ghislain has been there to help him and support him the whole time. (And, ouch - Yuzu must be a mass of bruises.)

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